Weekly Bulletin 4/09/16

Sunday, April 9, 2017

“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!  Hosanna!” (Matthew 21:9).  Welcome to worship as we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, even as this path leads to the cross.

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service

Worship Leader:  Rev. Jacob Porter

Gathering Praise ~ Hosanna

Welcome & Call to Worship

Praise Songs ~   Hosanna, Praise Is Rising

Shout To the Lord  ~ Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone

God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings

Confession and Assurance

Noisy Offering ~ Hand2Hand Ministry

Children’s Message ~ Pastor Jake

Morning Prayer

God’s Word ~  Luke 19 (pg. 1630)

Message ~ Responses to the King

Tithes & Offerings l HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

Offertory ~ Here Is Our King

Offering Prayer  ~ Dennis Burke

God’s Blessing

Sending Song ~ Here I Am

Sending Praise


Prayer Ministry ~ Dennis Burke and Esther Vander Laan


6 pm – Evening Worship Service

at Hamilton Christian Reformed Church

Worship Leader:   Rev. Ben Aguilera



Holy Week ~ As we begin Holy Week, we think of Jesus entry into Jerusalem.  On Good Friday (April 14) at 7 pm we will reflect on the cross on which Jesus suffered for each of us and partake of communion.  On Easter Sunday we proclaim that He is Risen (Luke 24:1-35).  Join us for this week of reflection.

Sunday School Classes for Pre-K – 5th grade will not meet on April 9, and 16 due to Spring Break.

Evening Service will be held at at 6 pm at our church with Hamilton Reformed.  Rev. Ben Aguilera will lead us in worship.  Rev. Aguilera serves at Christ Memorial Church as Pastor of Community and Global Engagement.  He is originally from California and attended Northwestern College in Iowa where he met his Dutch farm girl and then attended Western Theological Seminary.  Pastor Ben and his family reside in Holland.

Congregational meeting will be held this morning following the worship service to cast lots for officebearers.

Nominated for two new elder positions

Kurt Dykstra     Bruce Eding    Wes Lemmen   Doug Wabeke

Nominated for two deacon positions

Jon Barnum   Ron Childs    Dave Schierbeek    Matt Walters

Small Group Bible Study  will meet on Tuesday, April 11 at 7 pm at Max & Jan’s home.  We will be discussing lesson 1 in our new study of the Psalms.

Fellowship Night will be held this Wednesday, April 12.  Supper will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm with activities at 6:30  pm.

Flowers for Easter ~ If you would like to place a flower in church on Easter in memory or honor of a loved one, or from your family, please sign the sheet at the Welcome Table with your information by Thursday, April 13.  Plants should be brought to church by Saturday noon, April 15.

General Fund offering for April 2 was $2,470.00


Today:  April 9 ~ Palm Sunday

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service – Rev. Jacob Porter

                   Offerings  HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

                               Noisy Offering ~ Hand2Hand Ministry

10:45 am ~ Casting of Lots for Officebearers

6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service at HCRC

Worship Leader:  Rev. Ben Aguilera

Tuesday, April 11

7 pm – Small Group Bible Study

Wednesday,  April 12

7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary

5:30 pm ~ Fellowship Night Supper

6:30 pm ~ Cadets meet at the clubhouse

Friday, April 14

7 pm ~ Good Friday Communion Service

Offering:  Faith Promise Mission Support

Sunday,  April 16 – Easter

9:10 am ~ Prayer Time ~ Pastor’s Office

9:30 am ~  Morning Worship Service – Rev. Jacob Porter

                      Offerings:  HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

                     Noisy Offering ~ Hand2Hand Ministry

6 pm ~ Evening Hymn Sing  ~ Hamilton CRC

                         Music Leader:  Mr. Dean Michaels


Requested & Expanded Announcements

April 9, 2017

Good Friday Service will be held on April 14 at 7 pm.  Join us for this service as we reflect on Jesus’ suffering on the cross.  We will partake of Holy Communion and a thank offering will be received for Faith Promise Mission Support.

Ladies Guild Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, April 18 at 10 am in the church fellowship hall.  We will study lesson 3 – Betrayed and Defeated.  All ladies are welcome; no lesson preparation needed.

Flowers for Easter ~ If you would like to place a flower in the sanctuary for Easter Sunday in memory or honor of a loved one or from your family, please sign the sheet at the Welcome Table.  All plants should be at church by Saturday noon, April 15.

Golf League ~ Men or women interested in golfing are invited to join a Hamilton Area Golf League at Diamond Springs Golf Course.  The league is on Tuesday at 5:45 pm from May 9 – August 22 (16 weeks) and consists of 2 person teams.  The cost is $225 for walkers and $330 with a cart.  For more information or to sign-up call Sherwin Prins (616.820.9203) or Becky Kempkers (616.886.7478) or Diamond Springs (269.751.4545).

Love INC Fundraiser ~ Dine out on Tuesday, April 11 at Crazy Horse Restaurant.  On this day Crazy Horse is donating 20% of their profits to Love INC.  Also the Love INC staff will be on hand greeting folks and busing tables.  Your will not want to miss that!  Come, invite your friends and support the ministry of Love INC!

Hungry for Christ is hosting a Pancake Breakfast Open House and Fundraiser on Saturday, April 22 from 8 am – 10:30 am at their newly remodeled facility (4565 – 135th Avenue Hamilton).  A ribbon cutting ceremony will be held at 10:30 am.  Everyone is welcome!

Love INC recently earned certification from When Helping Hurts to offer their Faith and Finance class.  Faith & Finances is a 12-week financial education  class for people without a lot of extra money to spare and want to learn how to manage their money.  Contact Jean at loveincje@frontier.com or 269.751.2533 if you would like to join this class which begins April 10 or to learn how you can serve your community.

Digital Library ~Preventing Child Abuse:  Creating a Safe Place” is available free to all in the CRC through the Digital Library (crcna.org/Library).  This book will guide churches and nonprofit organizations through the process of designing and implementing the policies and procedures they need to keep their children safe.

Pray for Inspire 2017 ~ Inspire 2017 is a conference to connect people from across the 1,000+ churches in the Christian Reformed Church for three days of worship, workshops, speakers, and conversation.  As we plan and prepare for this event, happening August 3-5 in Detroit, Michigan, please join us in praying for the event and all who will attend.  This week, please pray for all aspects of transportation and accommodations.  Pray that God will guide and protect participants, organizers and speakers as they make plans to travel and as they are enroute to Detroit.  Pray that the details for accommodations will be smoothly worked out to provide space and rest for all involved.

Try Out the New Banner App ~ Available for iPhone and Android, this new app gives you quick access to all the latest Banner news and features.  You can also use the app to locate churches and browse the latest content on The Network, CRC News, Think Christian, Today daily devotionals and more.  Search “CRCNA Banner” in your phone’s app store.

Volunteer and help Ken build his new home.  Join volunteers who are helping to build a new home for Ken, a 60-year-old veteran with disabilities in West Virginia, who lost his home in a flood last June.  Churches in Holland and Zeeland, in partnership with World Renew are pooling resources of time, talent and treasure to build Ken’s new house between April 17 and May 19.  Skilled and general labor volunteers are needed who can serve a week or more during that time.  Accommodations are at a local church.  Building materials are provided, but donations are needed to cover travel and food expenses for those who serve.  Call Dale Compagner, (616.893.5750) for more information.

 Association for a More Just Society invites you to a Celebration of Justice Dinner on Thursday, April 27 at 6:30 pm at the Frederik Meijer Gardens at 6:30 pm.  For more information see the flyer at the Welcome Table.  Building Hope, Growing Justice.