Weekly Bulletin 10/29/2017

Sunday, October 29, 2017
Welcome to worship! In a world – and a church – that’s always changing and reforming, we trust in the constant and sure love of God.

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Jacob Porter

Welcome & Call to Worship
Praise Songs ~ In Christ Alone; Before the Throne of God Above
Glorious Day
God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings
Noisy Offering ~ World Renew Gifts
Sunday School ~ (Pre-K – 5th grade dismissed)
Morning Prayer
Offering Prayer ~ Paul Kloosterman
Tithes & Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Offertory ~ Holy Spirit
God’s Word ~ Acts 24 (pg. 1736)
Message ~ Because the Resurrection of the Dead
That I Am on Trial
Song of Response ~ I Will Rise
God’s Blessing
Sending Song ~ The Benediction Song
Sending Praise

Prayer Ministry ~ Paul Kloosterman, Michele Dykstra

5 pm ~ Community Reformation Service
at Christ Memorial Church


Pastor Jake & Kris will be on vacation until November 13. If you have a need during this time, please contact your district elder / deacon or the church office.


Morning Service ~ This morning, Pastor Jake will lead us in worship continuing with the book of Acts. Following the service join us for a time of fellowship. Sunday School for Pre-K – 5th grade will be dismissed during the morning service. Next Sunday Rev. Rick Christy will lead us in worship.

Reformation 500 Worship Service will be held tonight at 5 pm at Christ Memorial Church in Holland. Join us for a community-wide worship service. Rev. Dr. John Witvliet will lead the worship service. There will be no evening service at our church.

Thanksgiving Fellowship Night will be held on Wednesday, November 8. A thanksgiving meal will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall. Cadets and Youth Group will meet from 6:30 – 7:30 pm. There will also be Thanksgiving Bingo following the meal. If you plan to attend, please sign the sheet at the Welcome Table by November 5.

Prayer Partner Potluck will be held on Sunday noon, November 12 in the fellowship hall. If you have been assigned a child / youth to pray for this school season you are invited to come share a meal and connect with the child / youth whom you are praying for. Families of the Prayer Partners and the children are also welcome to this meal. Please bring a hot and cold dish to share.

Offerings for October 22:
General Fund ~ $3,944.00
Building Fund ~ $165.00
Faith Promise Mission Support – $100.00
Noisy Offering – $38.00


Today: October 29 – Reformation Day
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service – Rev. Jacob Porter
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Noisy Offering
Sunday School ~ Pre-K – 5th Grade
Story: Joash
Fellowship Time follows worship service
5 pm ~ Reformation Community Worship Service
at Christ Memorial Church

Tuesday, October 31
5 – 7 pm ~ Trunk-or-Treat Night – fellowship hall

Wednesday, November 1
7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary
6:30 pm ~ Youth Group meeting

Saturday, November 4
11 am – Youth Group Cardboard Sleep-over

Sunday, November 5 – Daylight Savings Time Ends
9:10 am ~ Pre-Service Prayer Time – Pastor’s office
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Rick Christy
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Noisy Offering
Sunday School for Pre-K – 5th grade
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service – Hamilton Reformed
Worship Leader: Rev. Tom Dekker

Requested & Expanded Announcements
October 29, 2017

Trunk-or-Treat will be this Tuesday, October 31. All kids are invited to come and enjoy games and snacks in the church fellowship hall. We are still in need of volunteers to help with this night and donations of snacks and candy. If you have any questions, contact Zena Walters.

Youth Group will be having a Cardboard Sleepover on Saturday, November 4 through Sunday, November 5. For 24 hours they will experience the life of someone being homeless. Their home will be made from cardboard and be outside through whatever the weather. Remember this group and leaders in prayer.

Ladies Guild Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, November 7 at 10 am in the fellowship hall. We will be discussing lesson 3 – Christ’s Attitude…and Ours.

Fellowship Night will be Wednesday, November 8. A Thanksgiving meal will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm; Cadets and Youth Group will meet starting at 6:30 pm. If you plan to attend please sign the sheet at the Welcome Table by November 5.

The November Observer is in your church mailbox. A list of ministries is included in the newsletter for your Thanksgiving offering.

Morning Worship Services ~ During Pastor Jake’s vacation our morning services will be led by Rev. Rick Christy (November 5) and Rev. Barry Lucas (November 12). If you have any need during Pastor Jake’s absence please contact your district elder or the church office.

Release Time for Hamilton and Sandyview Elementary School will begin November 8. This year Hamilton Reformed Church will be the host church. The theme for this year is showing love and kindness like Jesus to others. The music for the year will be helping the children learn the books of the Bible. If you would like to volunteer once a month from November through March contact Holly Kroeze at ham.el.rt@gmail.com.

Cake Mixes ~ The table in the fellowship is just about full with cakes mixes for Love INC in Pullman for their Thanksgiving Baskets. Cake mixes may be left on the table until October 30.

Pig-in-the-Blankets ~ Graafschap Church will be making pig-in-the-blankets on Tuesday, November 7. You can place an order by calling Graafschap CRC at 616.396.5008, from 9 am – noon, Monday – Friday. The cost is $12 per dozen; orders can be picked up at the church on Tuesday, November 7 from 9 am – 6 pm.

Glory to God Alone ~ It feels good to be praised and acknowledged for what we do. Yet scripture tells us to give God all the glory. Join Groundwork as we discuss Colossians 3:5-10, Psalm 115:1 and Deuteronomy 8:10-18 to determine what it means to give God all the glory and how we can practically commit ourselves to this important Reformation theme. List at GroundworkOnline.com and subscribe to Groundwork’s weekly emails for future episodes.

Reformation Sunday ~ It’s been 500 years since Martin Luther published his 95 theses and started something new in the church. Through all those centuries, we share something important in common with our brothers and sisters from the year 1517: our identity in Christ. And Christ gave each of us a calling so that his church may be built up. Together with this church, Resonate Global Mission is answering that call by sharing the good news of salvation around the world.

Thank You ~ One day, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord – but what about today? Our work is not finished! That’s why your gift is so important – thank you. We want to see the good news of Jesus resonate across the globe. People all over the world are hungry to hear about the saving grace of Jesus Christ! Resonate Mission thanks you for your partnership in the gospel. Thank you for your support to Rev.’s Gil & Joyce Suh and Rev. Ruth Lemmen. We are thankful for your church’s partnership with Resonate Global Mission (formerly World and Home Mission). We look forward to the new opportunities the future holds for the Christian Reformed Church – around the corner and around the world!