Weekly Bulletin 2/22/15

Sunday, February 22, 2015

“God is our refuge and fortress.  We take shelter in him so we can be strengthened to serve in the world.”

 9:30 am ~ Community Worship Celebration at Hamilton High School

Guest Speaker ~ Mr. Jeff Klein      Q-Place Ministry

Offering:  Love INC


6 pm –   Community Hymn Sing at

Hamilton Christian Reformed Church

Song  Leader:  Mr. Jack TenCate,

Sheryl Piper, Cal Dozeman

Offering:  Teen Life on Campus



 Thank you for the prayers offered up for us during my illness and recovery.  Thank you also for all the cards, visits, phone calls and the meals brought over.  We so appreciate all the love shown us by our loving and kind family here at Hamilton CRC.

~Ray & Jerene Schrotenboer

Congratulations to Matt & Allison (Hrabec) Meiste on their marriage on Saturday, February 21 in Davison, Michigan.  May God bless their marriage life.



This morning we will join in worship with the Community of Hamilton at the Hamilton High School for our Community Service.

Tonight our church will host a Community Hymn Sing at 6 pm.  Mr. Jack Ten Cate will be the song leader with Sheryl Piper and Cal Dozeman as musicians.  An offering wil be received for Teen Life on Campus in support of Sandi Nyboer’s work at Hamilton Middle School.

Race Time ~ The Cadets will host their annual Pinewood Derby Race this Wednesday.  A pre-race supper will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm with the race starting at 6:30 pm.  Everyone is invited to join in on the fun in the fellowship hall.

Lent ~ Next Sunday Pastor Jake will lead us in our Lenten Journey through the gospel of Mathew we will find what life in the kingdom of God is about.


 Today:  February 22

9:30 am ~ Community Worship Service at

Hamilton High School

                                      Guest Speaker ~ Mr. Jeff Klein

                                        Offering:  Love INC

6 pm ~  Community Hymn Sing at HCRC

                                     Offering:  Teen Life on Campus


Tuesday, February 24

        3 pm ~ GATE After School Ministry

6:30 – 8 pm ~ Pinewood Derby Weigh-in ~ fellowship hall


Wednesday, February 25

7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary

8:30 am – Sr. Breakfast at Hawk’s Nest Restaurant

5:30 – 6:30 pm ~ Fellowship Race Dinner

6:30 ~ Pinewood Derby Race ~ fellowship hall

7 pm ~ Praise Team

Thursday, February 26

3 pm ~ GATE After School Ministry

Sunday,  March 1

         9:30 am ~ Morning Worhsip Service ~ Mr. Jake Porter

              Offering:  HCRC Ministries and Building Fund

         6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service ~ Mr. Jake Porter


Advance Notices

Monday, March 2 – 6:30 pm – Executive Team

Monday, March 2 – 7:15 pm – Elders meeting


Requested & Expanded Announcements

February 22, 2015

 Newsletter ~ The March newsletter deadline is today.  Information for this newsletter may be placed in the  newsletter box in the narthex.

Pinewood Derby Race Challenge~  The Cadets invite you to come and be part of the race action on  Wednesday, February 25.  A race supper ( pork barbeque, hot dogs, chips, veggies and pudding) will be served from 5:30  – 6:30 pm with the race starting at  6:30 pm in the church fellowship hall.  All race fans are invited to cheer on the racers!

Ladies Guild Bible Study will continue Bible study on Tuesday, March 17.  Look for more details soon.

March Conference ~ Join with others on a Journey Through the World of Jesus.  This conference will be led  by Rev. Ray Vander Laan on Friday, March 20 (7-8:30 pm), Saturday, March 21 (9 am – 4 pm) and  Sunday, March 22 (9:30 am worship service) at Hamilton CRC.  Registration and information forms are  available at the Welcome Table.   Registration must be made by March 8.

Holland Christian Schools 2015-16 kindergarten registration is taking place.  Rose Park and South Side offer 3-day and 5-day classes.  For more information contact Cournty Lampen at 616.820.2804 or clampen@hollandchristiasn.org.

Thank You ~ With your gift through the Bible League, you’re reaching more people in South America for  Jesus Christ.  Dina is using the Word of God you help provide to bring moms who work in the local    marketplace to faith in Jesus – and then helping them grow in their faith.  A group that began with just 2   or 3 people has grown to more than 20.  Dina is committed to helping them to read and understand  God’s Word and apply it to their lives.  Her group’s growth has even led Dina’s home congregation to start a daughter church.  Thank you for helping to build God’s Church in South America with your gift.