Weekly Bulletin 3/26/2017

Sunday, March 26, 2017

“O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!”  (Psalm 95:1, NRSV).  Welcome to worship!

 9:30 am ~ Morning Communion Worship Service

Worship Leader:  Rev. Jacob Porter

Gathering Praise ~ This I Believe

Welcome & Call to Worship

Praise Songs ~

Christ Is Enough

Before The Throne of God Above

God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings

Confession and Assurance

Noisy Offering ~ Hand2Hand Ministry

(PreK – 5th grade are dismissed for Sunday School)

Morning Prayer

God’s Word ~  Luke 16:1-15 (pg. 1625)

Message ~ What’s The Use of Worldly Wealth?

Service of Communion 

O Come To The Altar

Tithes & Offerings l HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

Faith Promise Mission Support

Offertory ~ Wonderful Merciful Savior

Offering Prayer  ~ Larry Meiste

God’s Blessing

Sending Song ~ Build Your Kingdom Here

Sending Praise

       Prayer Ministry ~ Larry Meiste and Esther Vander Laan


6 pm – Prayer Service

For Crops & Industry

at Hamilton Reformed Church



Thank You to our Fellowship Team for the fun-filled night with the Chili Cook-Off and Bread Bake-Off.



Morning Service ~ This morning Pastor Jake will lead us in worship and the celebration of Holy Communion.  All who confess their sins and believe that Jesus died for them are invited to participate in this sacrament.

Sunday School Classes ~ Pre-K – 5th grade will be dismissed during the worship service.  Sunday School will not meet on April 2, 9 and 16 for Spring Break.

Evening Service will be held at Hamilton Reformed Church at 6 pm.  This will be a time of prayer for Crops and Industry.  For the month of April, evening services will be held at our church.

Small Group Bible Study will meet Tuesday, March 28 at 7 pm at the home of Joyce Schaap.

 Ladies Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, April 4 at 10 am  in the fellowship hall.  We will discuss lesson 2 – Welcome to Jerusalem.

Church Bowling Night will be held this week  Friday, March 31 at 7:30 pm at Zeeland Bowling Lanes.  If you would like a ticket to bowl two games you must sign-up today.  If you have already signed up – see you at the bowling alley.

Congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, April 9 following the morning service.  We will be casting of lots for office of elder and deacon.

April newsletter articles are due today and may be placed in the newsletter box in the narthex.

General Fund Offering for March 12  was $4,271.00



Today:  March 26 ~ Fourth Sunday of Lent

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service – Rev. Jacob Porter

                 Offerings  HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

                                   Faith Promise Mission Support

                 Noisy Offering ~ Hand2Hand Ministry

               Sunday School, Pre-K – 5th Grade

                                    Story:  Lent Puzzle – Pharisee and Publican

 6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service at Hamilton Reformed

A Time of Prayer for Crops and Industry

Tuesday, March 28

7 pm ~ Small Group Bible Study

Wednesday,  March 29

7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary

8:30 am ~ Sr. Breakfast ~ Hawk’s Nest Restaurant


Friday, March 31

7:30 pm ~ Church Bowling Night ~ Zeeland Bowling Lanes


Sunday,  April 2

9:10 am ~ Prayer Time ~ Pastor’s Office

9:30 am ~  Morning Worship Service – Rev. Jacob Porter

            Offerings:  HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

                                Israel Trip for Pastor Jake & Kris

              Noisy Offering ~ Hand2Hand Ministry

6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service  ~ Hamilton CRC

                         Worship Leader:  Rev. Jacob Porter


Requested & Expanded Announcements

March 26, 2017

Prayer Service ~ The Hamilton Reformed Church will be hosting a Prayer Service for Crops and Industry on tonight at 6 pm.  Everyone is invited to join for this service in which we call upon God’s blessing for a new season of planting and harvest and for an ongoing blessing upon our local and global economy.

Special Offering ~ Next Sunday morning, April 2, you will have an opportunity to give to help fund the Israel trip for Pastor Jake and Kris that they will be taking with Rev. Ray Vander Laan through That The World May Know Ministry in May.

Congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, April 9 following the morning service to cast lots for the  office of elder and deacon.

Nominated for two new elder positions

Kurt Dykstra                                       Bruce Eding                                        Wes Lemmen                                     Doug Wabeke

Nominated for two new deacon positions

Jon Barnum                                        Ron Childs                                           Dave Schierbeek                               Matt Walters

If you are unable to attend the meeting, absentee ballots for affirmation are available from any elder.   Pray for the Lord’s leading in this process and especially for his blessing on those men selected.

Digital Library ~I Believe:  Getting Ready to Profess My Faith” is available free to all in the CRC through the Digital Library (crcna.org/Library).  This study guide is for teens who are preparing to make public profession of faith.  Through discussion, action and relationship-building with a mentor, they will learn to express what they believe and grow in their walk with God.

Profession of Faith Resources ~ Profession of faith flows from our deep identity as people who have been adopted into God’s family through baptism.  Check out “What Does Baptism Mean? Talking Points for Parents” in the “Building a Culture Commitment” section of the new online Professing Our Faith toolkit.  Visit crcna.org/FaithFormation/toolkits to access these free resources that Faith Formation Ministries has gathered from CRC churches and other excellent sources.

Sea to Sea Bike Tour ~ There is still time!  Sea to Sea rides across North America from June 26 to August 31,Sign-up by March 31 for the whole nine-week ride, a two-week segment, or a one-week leg at seatosea.org or call 1.888.272.BIKE to talk to Tour Director Terry Barnes. If you want to be involved but can’t ride, consider a donation, or join a volunteer squad.  Visit seatosea.org to find out more!

Register Today for Inspire 2017 ~  Time is running out to get early bird registration rates for this summer’s Inspire 2017 event.  Join Ann Voskamp, Richard Mouw and partners in ministry from 1,000+ CRC congregations for an unforgettable three days in Detroit, Michigan, August 3-5.  You will be fed with great worship, challenged by amazing presenters, equipped and intrigued at interesting sessions, and connected to others – like you – who are inspired to serve God.  Register at crcna.org/Inspire2017 to learn more and to register.

Love INC Fundraiser will be held on Monday, March 27 and Tuesday, April 11 at Crazy Horse Restaurant in Holland.  The restaurant is donating 20% of their lunch and dinner profits to Love INC.  Also Johnson Controls INC of Holland is going to match every dollar raised!

Keep the Conversation Going ~ The once-a-year appeal for The Banner, the monthly magazine of the Christian Reformed Church in North America is coming to your mailboxes this month.  The Banner is delivered free of charge to every household in the Christian Reformed Church in print and online.  To keep the conversation going look for the annual appeal in your mailbox to give online now at www.thebanner.org/donate.

Prayers Needed ~ Continue to pray for Rev. Chris & Jen Timmer (pastor at Dunnningville Reformed Church) and the health issues they are facing.  Jen was recently diagnosis with breast cancer and their two boys, Sam and Kai, struggle with health issues.