Bulletin 3/04/2018
Our Church Calendar:
Today: March 4 – Third Sunday of Lent
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Maxwell Nkansah
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
Noisy Offering – Hand2Hand Ministry
Sunday School Pre-K – 5th grade
Story: Lent 3 – Mary & Martha
Fellowship Time follows the morning service
6 pm ~ Evening Worship at Hamilton Reformed Church
Worship Leader: Rev. Adam Van Der Stoep
Wednesday, March 7
7:00 am- ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary
6:30 pm ~ Town Hall and Congregational meeting
6:30 pm ~ Youth Group
Saturday, March 10
11 am ~ Pinewood Derby Finals – Vriesland Ref. Church
Sunday, March 11 – Fourth Sunday of Lent
9:10 ~ Prayer Time (Pastor Jake’s office)
9:30 ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Jacob Porter
Sunday School Pre-K – 5th grade
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries and Building Fund,
Noisy Offering – Hand2Hand Ministry
6 pm ~ Prayers for Crops & Industry Service at
Hamilton Reformed Church
Worship Leader: Pastor Ron Lugten
Requested & Expanded Announcements
March 4, 2018
Thank You Cadets for hosting a great night of racing. Thank you also to Dave Schierbeek and Kurt Dykstra for your work with the Cadets.
Noisy Offering for March and April will be designated to Hand2Hand Ministry. Through this ministry volunteers
assemble backpacks filled with nutritious food that’s covered with prayer for early childhood children through high school to take home so that they have food for the weekend. This ministry helps children in the Hamilton school system and many other schools in a confidential way. Hunger hurts for children of all ages. Thank you for giving of your “pocket change” so children do not have to go hungry. Delivering hope, weekend food, love and prayers through the Hand2Hand Ministry.
Thank You for giving of your “pocket change” for the months of January of February. Through your giving we were able to collect $353.00 for Love INC. Thank you for supporting this ministry right here in Hamilton.
Town Hall and Congregational meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 7 at 6:30 pm. An update of our church will
be given and we will be having a hand vote on if we should continue to lock the doors during the worship service. All professing members are encouraged to attend.
Youth Group will be meeting on Wednesday, March 7 at 6:30 – 8 pm in the youth room. We will be studying from
Genesis 37, Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors.
Cadet-a-Rama ~ The Heritage Council is hosting their annual Cadet-a-Rama featuring the Pinewood Derby finals on
Saturday, March 10 from 11 am – 1 pm at Vriesland Reformed Church. Come and see how our racers compete again the rest of the Cadet groups. Lunch will be available.
A Time of Prayer for Crops & Industry will be held next Sunday, March 11, at 6 pm at Hamilton Reformed Church. Pastor Ron Lugten will lead this time of prayer and service.
March Fellowship Night will be held on March 14 and 28. The meal for March 14 will be prepared and served by our
Council. The meal on March 28 will be a Cook-Out with hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, salad and dessert. The meals are served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall. Cadets, Youth Group and GEMS meet from 6:30 – 7:30 pm.
Ladies Guild Bible Study will begin their Spring session on Tuesday, March 20. They meet at 10 am in the fellowship
hall. If any ladies would like to join this Bible study, please contact the church office to obtain a study book. They will be studying Esther, Courage in a Complicated World.
Church Bowling Night will be held on Saturday, April 7 at 6 pm at Zeeland Bowling Lanes. If you would like to attend this
church event, sign-up at the Welcome Table. The cost is $10 for two games of bowling and shoe rental which can be paid to Zena Walters the night of bowling. If you do not want to bowl you can still come and watch the bowling event and enjoy the fellowship and fun.
Russ’ Restaurant Fundraiser will be for Right to Life of Holland on Monday, March 19, from 5 pm – close at Russ’ Eastown only. Download a coupon at www.rtlofholland.org or pick up a coupon from the Welcome Table.
Parable of the Tenants ~ Jesus tells a not-so-subtle story about a vineyard, and his audience knows immediately his
admonition and warning is for them. But what about us? Join Groundwork in getting to the heart of Jesus’ message in his Parable of the Tenants found in Matthew 21 and take seriously its challenge for us yet today. Listen at GroundworkOnline.com and subscribe to Groundwork’s weekly emails for future episodes.
Trust and Obey ~ Look out! Liz disobeys his dad and then he and Spike are all tangled up with robbers. Subscribe for
free at getkidscorner.com. As you and your family prepare for Easter, download The Family Lent devotional available at www.kidscorner.net.
Christian Reformed Conference Grounds would like to invite you to “Journey On” fundraising dinner and concert on
Saturday, April 28. The evening of fellowship, food and worship will begin at 6 pm with punch bowl, then a dinner of braised BBQ beef and chicken will begin at 6:30 with the concert to follow. The concert will feature dueling pianos by local favorites Kristin Bedeweg and Kurt Vander Schuur, along with the vocal talent of MacKenzie Segard and Casey Huls. This fundraiser is an effort to get the CRC Grounds director, Mike Perton, who has committed to walk the Appalachian Trail in an effort to raise funds for debt reduction, out on the trail! The dinner is sponsored by two anonymous donors which means every dollar that is pledged and donated will go 100% toward debt reduction. If you would like to host a table contact the office at 616.842.4478. Or you may call to reserve a seat at a table. Seating is limited. To learn more about the concert or Mike’s hike please visit the website at www.crcg.org.