Bulletin – July 22, 2018
Hamilton Christian Reformed Church – July 22, 2018
Our Church Calendar:
Today: July 22
9:10 am ~ Prayer Time (Pastor Jake’s office)
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Jacob Porter
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
Fellowship Time follows the morning service
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service at Bentheim Reformed Church
Worship Leader: Rev. Adam Van Der Stoep
7 pm ~ Youth Group Volleyball & Bonfire Night
Wednesday, July 25
7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary
8:30 am ~ Sr. Breakfast at Hawk’s Nest Restaurant
Sunday, July 29
9:10 am ~ Prayer Time (Pastor Jake’s office)
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Jacob Porter
Scripture Reading: Joshua 8
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service at Bentheim Reformed Church
Ask-the-Pastor Service
Requested & Expanded Announcements
July 22, 2018
Morning Worship Service ~ This morning Pastor Jake will lead us in worship. We will continue with the series of Joshua. Be sure to check the scripture reading schedule in the Observer for each Sunday worship service.
Evening Worship Service ~ The evening worship service will be held at Bentheim Reformed Church at 6 pm. Rev. Adam Van Der Stoep of Hamilton Reformed Church will lead the worship service.
Sr. Breakfast will be held Wednesday, July 25 at 8:30 am at Hawk’s Nest Restaurant. Join your church family for a breakfast ordered from the menu and enjoy the fellowship.
Ask the Pastor ~ The community evening worship service on July 29 at 6 pm will feature ‘Ask The Pastor’. This is an opportunity for you to ask the participating pastors – Pastor Jake and Rev. Adam Van Der Stoep of Hamilton Reformed – questions you have regarding theology or Scripture, church practices and procedures, faith and culture, etc. You can email your question(s) to Pastor Jake at pastor@hamiltoncrc.com. You can also write your question and place it in Pastor Jake’s mailbox. On that evening our pastors will do their best to answer your question(s).
Small Group Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, July 31 at 7:30 pm at Joyce’s home. We will discuss lesson 10, Speeding the End. (note time change)
Community Vacation Bible School ~ Kids there are many Vacation Bible School events going on here in Hamilton. A schedule is available on the Welcome Table listing the time, place and location. This is a great way to meet friends and learn about Jesus.
Kid’s Korner ~ At the 50th anniversary of the Terrene Town Square, Liz and Lucille unravel a 50-year-old mystery of a jewel robbery. Subscribe for free at getkidscorner.com. You can also print the “Know Your Bible Activity Book, Part 2 at www.kidscorner.net and see if you can figure out all the Kid’s Corner Bible puzzles.
Why, God, Why? Why do we suffer? Does God cause bad things to happen? If not, why does he even allow them? How can we maintain faith in God when everything is going wrong? Study Job 1-3 with Groundwork to see how the story of Job helps us wrestle with one of life’s most difficult questions: the problem of suffering. Listen at GroundworkOnline.com and subscribe to Groundwork’s weekly emails for future episodes.
Christian Reformed Conference Grounds (12253 Lakeshore Dr., Grand Haven) is excited to welcome The Taylors in concert on Saturday, July 28. Everyone is welcome to join for this special evening of worship and praise with this award winning brother-sister trio! The doors to the Worship Center open at 6 pm, the concert will begin at 7 pm. No tickets are needed however a free-will offering will be taken to help offset the music ministry. Be sure and come early and enjoy a home-made Meatloaf dinner served in the Sunshine Room from 5 – 6:30 pm.
Donations ~ It’s not too late to help refugees before July 31. Imagine living in tents during the weeks of rain, without
access to a kitchen (with a latrine a hike away). This is the daily reality of thousands of Rohingya refugees living outside of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. You can help. Donate $10 or more via partner, One Day’s Wage by the deadline of July 31, to have your donation matched 1:1 for this critical emergency response. Go to onedayswages.com/worldrenew to give today.
Communication ~ Help is only a call, click or chat away. CRC Communication is making it easier for you and the church
to access CRC resources. If you are involved in a church ministry and wonder if your denomination can help with something, just CALL (800.272.5125), CLICK (www.crcna.org/Resources), or CHAT (from any page on www.crcna.org). We are here to serve you and would love to connect you with people and resources to support our ministry.
Back-to-School ~ It is time to start thinking back-to-school. Love INC is in need of donations of backpacks and school
supplies for children in need of Allegan County. Your donations may be placed in the “school box” until August 12. Items needed are:
Pencils, Big Erasers or cap erasers, Box of Markers, Colored Pencils, Pencil Box, Glue Sticks, Scissors, Box of Crayons,
Two-pocket Folders, Wide-ruled Paper, Pencil Sharpener, Loose-leaf Paper, Spiral Notebooks, 3-ring Binders,Blue, Black & Red Ink Pens,
Highlighters, Ruler, Protractor, Graph Paper
Backpacks – (no backpacks with wheels or character backpacks)