Bulletin – June 2, 2019
Hamilton Christian Reformed Church – June 2, 2019
Our Church Calendar:
Today: June 2
9:15 am ~ Prayer Time (Pastor Jake’s office)
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader ~ Rev. Jake Porter
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
Noisy Offering ~ World Renew Disaster Relief
Sunday School – 2 year-olds – 2nd grade
Fellowship Time following morning service
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service at Bentheim Reformed
Worship Leader: Rev. Jon Delger
Monday, June 3
6:30 pm ~ Executive meeting
7:15 pm ~ Elders meeting
Wednesday, June 5
7 am ~ Prayer Time – Sanctuary
6:30 pm ~ GRACE 360 Youth Group – summer party
Sunday, June 9 – Communion Service
9:15 am ~ Prayer Time (Pastor Jake’s office)
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader ~ Rev. Jacob Porter
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
Faith Promise Mission Support
Noisy Offering ~ World Renew Disaster Relief
Fellowship Time following morning service
6 pm ~ Hymn Sing at Bentheim Reformed Church
Requested & Expanded Announcements
June 2, 2019
Morning Service will be led by Pastor Jake. We will continue our series in the book of John.
Evening Services will be held at Bentheim Reformed Church for the month of June. Rev. Jon Delger will lead the time of worship. The service next Sunday will be a Hymn Sing.
GRACE 360 Youth Group will meet on Wednesday, June 5 at 6:30 pm for a summer kick-off party.
Communion Service ~ Next Sunday, June 9, we will have the opportunity to participate in Holy Communion. Prepare your heart this week in preparation of this holy time. A thank offering will be received for Faith Promise Mission Support.
Small Group Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, June 11 at 7 pm at Joyce’s house. We will discuss lesson 8, A Changed Life.
Newsletter ~ The June Observer is available in your church mailbox. Be sure to read about our graduates and the updates from our missionaries.
Sound Techs ~ We are in need of volunteers to help run the sound and computer on Sunday mornings. If you would like
to be part of the sound or computer team contact Larry Meiste or a sound person. No experience necessary; training is provided. You will be scheduled to help out in the sound booth once every 4 weeks.
Donations of non-perishable groceries are being collected for My Sister’s House in Holland. Your donations may be placed in the fellowship room through June 16. This home is sponsored by the Holland Deacon’s Conference.
Community Blood Drive will be held on Thursday, June 13 at Hamilton Reformed Church from 12 noon – 5:45 pm. To schedule an appointment go to redcrossblood.org (sponsor code: hamiltonreformed) or call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1.800.733.2767). Be part of a lifesaving journey. Donate blood.
Synod 2019 will meet on the campus of Calvin College in Grand Rapids from Friday, June 14 through Thursday, June 20. All CRC members are invited to join delegates in worship at the synodical Service of Prayer and Praise on Sunday, June 16 at 5 pm in the College Chapel (1835 Knollcrest Circle, SE). Rev. Roger B. Groenboom, pastor at Faith Community CRC, will deliver the message. You are asked to remember Synod in your prayers.
Laughter is Sacred Space is a gritty and dramatic play about Ted Swartz’s relationship with friend and business partner, Lee Eshleman, who took his own life in 2007. In this one-man play, Ted explores the paradox of working with a comedic partner struggling with bipolar disorder, as well as the challenge of writing and performing stories about God while experiencing the absence of God after Lee’s death. Experience Laughter is Sacred Space free at Christ Memorial Church, 595 Graafschap in Holland on Saturday, June 8 at 7 pm.
Family Faith Formation ~ Summer vacation is almost here, and this is a great time to develop some new family faith habits! How about a daily “Quiet Time with God’ in the afternoon or whenever your patience runs thin? Download music from Rain for Roots (rainforroots.bandcamp.com), pile up some great Bible storybooks for your kids and grab your Bible. End your time with a prayer for the rest of your day. (Faith Formation Ministries: crcna.org/FaithFormation).
Kid’s Corner ~ Liz the dog sitter? Can Liz be dependable when something fun comes up or will he end up in the doghouse? Listen at kidscorner.net and subscribe to KC’s weekly emails for future episodes. You can also receive the Kids’ Corner puzzle and game giveaway, The Bible Challenge Activity Book 6.
About Christ’s Return ~ Do you need more clarity about Christ’s return? Join the conversation on 2 Thessalonians 2 where the Apostle Paul affirms that the End is coming but it hasn’t happen yet. This study is Paul’s teaching to gain a better understanding of what to expect in the End Times when Jesus Christ returns. Listen at GroundworkOnline.com.