Bulletin – June 9, 2019
Hamilton Christian Reformed Church – June 9, 2019
Our Church Calendar:
Today: June 9 – Communion Sunday
9:15 am ~ Prayer Time (Pastor Jake’s office)
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader ~ Rev. Jake Porter
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
Faith Promise Mission Support
Noisy Offering ~ World Renew Disaster Relief
Fellowship Time following morning service
6 pm ~ Hymn Sing at Bentheim Reformed
Monday, June 10
6:30 pm ~ Council meeting
Tuesday, June 11
7 pm ~ Small Group Bible Study – lesson 8
Wednesday, June 12
7 am ~ Prayer Time – Sanctuary
Sunday, June 16 – Baptism & Profession of Faith
9:15 am ~ Prayer Time (Pastor Jake’s office)
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader ~ Rev. Sophat Duch / Pastor Jake
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
Noisy Offering ~ World Renew Disaster Relief
Sunday School for 2 –year-olds – 2nd grade
Fellowship Time following morning service
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service at Bentheim Reformed Church
Worship Leader: Pastor Ron Lugten
Requested & Expanded Announcements
June 9, 2019
Morning Service will be led by Pastor Jake. We will have the privilege to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. In this celebration
may we remember Jesus’ finished work on the cross which accomplished for us the forgiveness of sins. All those who believe that Jesus died for their sins are invited to participate of this sacrament. A thank offering will be received for Faith Promise Missions.
Evening Hymn Sing will be held at Bentheim Reformed Church at 6 pm. Next Sunday Pastor Ron Lugten will lead the worship time.
Small Group Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, June 11 at 7 pm. We will discuss lesson 8, A Changed Life.
Next Sunday, June 16 we will have the privilege to witness the baptism and profession of faith of Matt Fitts. Rev. Sophat Duch will give the message of God and Pastor Jake will lead the sacrament. This week Pastor Jake will be attending Synod 2019 at Calvin College in Grand Rapids.
Youth Group Prayer Send-Off ~ On Saturday, June 22 our youth group will be leaving for Denver, Colorado for a youth
mission trip. On this morning the church family is asked to meet at the church parking lot at 7:30 am to send them off with prayer. Your support and prayers for this group is very much important. Let’s take time to cover them with prayer and our support.
Directory ~ A new address directory will be printed soon. Take a moment to make sure your address, email, phone number is correct by checking the proof sheets in the fellowship hall.
Donations of non-perishable groceries are being collected for My Sister’s House in Holland. Your donations may be placed in the fellowship room through June 16. This home is sponsored by the Holland Deacon’s Conference.
Community Blood Drive will be held on Thursday, June 13 at Hamilton Reformed Church from 12 noon – 5:45 pm. To schedule an appointment go to redcrossblood.org (sponsor code: hamiltonreformed) or call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1.800.733.2767). Be part of a lifesaving journey. Donate blood.
Hamilton Veterans Memorial ~ Funds are being raised to build a Veteran’s Memorial in Hamilton. You can donate to this memorial or honor / remember a veteran with a paver. Information on this project is available at the Welcome Table.
Hungry for Christ Food Ministry ~ Do you know someone who needs food or would you like to help distribute food? Hungry for Christ next food distribution is Wednesday, June 19 from 12 noon – 1 pm at Haven Reformed Church (4691 Oak Street – Hamilton). If you would like to help contact haven@havenchurch.com or call 269.751.7321. Volunteers need to be at the church 11:30 am to set-up. Other food distribution dates are July 17, August 21 and September 18.
The Harvesters, is a community group for those 50 years and older. The June gathering will be held on Saturday, June 22 at 6 pm. We will be hosting a Potluck / Fishing Tournament followed by a camp fire, at the home of Dave & Pam Ashely. Burgers and brats, table service and beverage and s’more fixings will be provided. Bring a dish / dessert to pass if you would like and your own lawn chairs and fishing poles, bait will be provided. Awards will be given to the longest and shortest Bass, Bluegill and Catfish caught! If you do not fish, come for fellowship and to cheer them on. Remember to invite a friend or neighbor. Please rsvp to Harvesters2017@yahoo.com by June 20.
Summer Sing-Along with the Silvertones will be held on Wednesday, June 26 at 2 pm at Hamilton Reformed Church. The Silvertones, a group of men who like to sing and play musical instruments, will lead the singing. Everyone is welcome to attend this time of fun and fellowship. Invite your friends, family and neighbors.
Synod 2019 will meet on the campus of Calvin College in Grand Rapids from Friday, June 14 through Thursday, June 20. All CRC members are invited to join delegates in worship at the synodical Service of Prayer and Praise on Sunday, June 16 at 5 pm in the College Chapel (1835 Knollcrest Circle, SE). Rev. Roger B. Groenboom, pastor at Faith Community CRC, will deliver the message. You are asked to remember Synod in your prayers. For more information and to sign on to pray, go to crcna.org/synod/prayer.
Pentecost Sunday Faith Formation ~ Explain to kids that the Holy Spirit wasn’t “born” on Pentecost – the Old Testament, starting with Genesis, is full of references to the Spirit of God. But Pentecost was the birthday of the worldwide Christian church. Talk to your kids about where you see the Holy Spirit at work in your family, your congregation, and your community and the world. (Faith Formation Ministries: crna.org/FaithFormation)