Bulletin – March 17, 2019
Hamilton Christian Reformed Church – March 17, 2019
Our Church Calendar:
Today: March 17 ~ Lent
9:15 am ~ Prayer Time (Pastor Jake’s office)
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader ~ Rev. Jacob Porter
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
Noisy Offering ~ Hand2Hand Ministry
Sunday School Pre-K – 4th Grade
Story: Jesus Appears to Thomas
Fellowship Time follows the morning service
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service – HCRC
Worship Leader: Pastor Ron Lugten
Monday, March 18
6:30 pm ~ Council meeting
Wednesday, March 20
7 am ~ Prayer Time – Sanctuary
6:30 pm ~ GRACE 360 Youth Group – Youth Room
Sunday, March 24 – Lent
9:15 am ~ Prayer Time (Pastor Jake’s office)
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader ~ Rev. Jacob Porter
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
Noisy Offering ~ Hand2Hand Ministry
Sunday School ~ PreK – 4th grade
6 pm ~ Community Worship Service – Hamilton CRC
Worship Leader: Rev. Adam Van Der Stoep
Requested & Expanded Announcements
March 17, 2019
Evening Service will be at 6 pm at our church. Pastor Ron Lugten of Hamilton Reformed Church will lead the time of worship. Join with us as we worship with our brothers and sisters from Hamilton Reformed.
Noisy Offering ~ Our noisy offering for the months of March and April will be given to Hand2Hand Ministry. This ministry provides a weekend food bag for 5,500 children, ages 3-18 in West Michigan. Your “pocket change” helps put food in these bags.
Grace 360 Youth Group will meet on Wednesday, March 20 at 6 pm. We will be having a Guess Who? Dinner.
Cadets will meet on Wednesday, March 27 at 6:30 pm in the Cadet Building. We will have a Bible lesson and work on merit badges and crafts. This will be our last meeting for the season. The Cadet Auction will be held on April 10.
Church Bowling Night will be held on Monday, April 1 from 6 – 8 pm at BAM! Bowling Lanes in Holland. The cost is $10 which includes 2 games of bowling and shoe rental and can be paid the night of bowling. Sign-up at the Welcome Table to be part of this fun night. If you do not want to bowl you can still come and watch the bowling event and enjoy the fellowship and fun. Thank you to our youth group for arranging this event.
Ladies Guild Bible Study will begin a new study session on Tuesday, April 2 at 10 am in the fellowship hall. We will be studying Psalms – My Sentiments Exactly. All ladies are welcome to come and share in this discussion – we meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month.
Youth Group Fundraiser ~ Come out and support the GRACE 360 Youth Group ministry during the SHOP2GIVE. Every purchase you make at B2 Outlet Store (1111 South Washington – Holland – Family Fair plaza) will help the youth group toward their mission trip to Denver, Colorado. From April 8 to April 12 a portion your purchase will be given to the mission trip. Spread the word and help the youth group reach their goal. Visit B2outlet.com to find out what this store is all about.
Newsletter ~ Information for the April Observer can be placed in the newsletter box in the narthex and is due March 24.
Offering ~ A special offering will be received at the March 31 morning service. This offering will go towards the Community Vacation Bible School to be held this summer. Our church along with Hamilton Reformed and Cultivate Church will be hosting VBS this summer.
Fundraiser ~ Dine out on Monday, March 18 at Russ’ Eastown and support the ministry of Right to Life of Holland. From
5 pm – close, Russ’ Eastown will donate 25% of your total bill to Right to Life of Holland. You do need a coupon, which are available at the Welcome Table and by the church mailboxes.
Community ~ Haven Reformed Church invites you to a 2019 Unity Build Kick-off Meeting through Lakeshore Habitat for Humanity on Tuesday, March 26 at 6 pm at Haven Church fellowship room. At this meeting you will meet the Unity Build family, learn about the Unity Build process and see how you can get involved. Light refreshments will be provided.
Lent Family Faith Formation Tip ~ Lent is a time of self-examination. In your family time, ask some of these questions:
Did I love people today like Jesus would love them? Did I do things I wish I had not done, or were there things I should have done that I didn’t? Pray together about those things. (Faith Formation Ministries: crcna.org/FaithFormation)
Love INC Heart-to-Heart Store ~ Remember to vote every day for our store in the Holland Sentinel Best-of-the-Best 2018 contest until March 22. To vote go to: hollandsentinel.gatehousecontests,com/2018. The Heart-to-Heart Store and Love INC is in need of quality furniture donations and your used, working appliance. And the Heart-to-Heart Store is accepting donations of clothing, toys, household items, decorations, etc. Items may be brought to the Heart-to-Heart Store (4621 – 135th Avenue, Hamilton) Monday – Friday, 9:30 am – 5 pm or Saturday, 9:30 am – 2 pm. Your support of this ministry here in Hamilton is so much appreciated.
Fundraiser ~ Mark your calendars! You’re invited to a night to bring Sonshine and transform people’s lives! The Love INC fundraiser dinner will be held on Saturday, April 13 at 6 pm at the Trestle Stop Restaurant in Hamilton. It will feature entertainment, a silent auction and testimonies of Christ’s love and power. Stop by the Love INC office or the Heart-to-Heart Resale Store for tickets.
Keep The Banner Going ~ The annual appeal for The Banner, the monthly magazine of the Christian Reformed Church, is coming to your mailbox this month. Although The Banner is delivered free of charge to every household in the CRC in print and online, our annual donation appeal makes this possible. To keep the conversation going look for the annual appeal in your mailbox or give online at www.thebanner.org/donate.