Bulletin – May 12, 2019
Hamilton Christian Reformed Church – May 12, 2019
Our Church Calendar:
Today: May 12 – Mother’s Day
9:15 am ~ Prayer Time (Pastor Jake’s office)
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader ~ Rev. Jake Porter
Installation of Deacons
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
Noisy Offering: Hand2Hand Ministry
Sunday School for 2 year-olds – 2nd grade
Fellowship Time follows the morning service
6 pm ~ Hymn Sing at Hamilton CRC
Leader: Nate & Friends
Offering: Audio Scripture Ministry
Tuesday, May 14
7 pm ~ Small Group Bible Study – lesson 6
Wednesday, May 15
7 am ~ Prayer Time – Sanctuary
6:30 pm ~ GRACE 360 Youth Group – youth room
Sunday, May 19
9:15 am ~ Prayer Time (Pastor Jake’s office)
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader ~ Rev. Jake Porter
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
Noisy Offering ~
Sunday School – 2 year-olds – 2nd grade
12 noon ~ Graduation Potluck – fellowship hall
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service – HCRC
Worship Leader: Pastor Ron Lugten
Requested & Expanded Announcements
May 12, 2019
Morning Service will be led by Pastor Jake. This morning we will have the installation of our newly selected deacons –
Wayne Breuker and Dave Schierbeek. The new Council offices for 2019 are: Elders – Doug Wabeke – President; Kurt Dykstra – Clerk; Dennis Burke – Sacraments. Deacons – Wayne Breuker – Chairperson; Dean Eding – Treasurer; Jon Barnum – Holland Deacons Conf. & Love INC Rep.; Dave Schierbeek – Recorder. We express our thanks to Kim Van Order, Ron Childs and Mark Nyboer for their service on Council. Continue to lift up our Council in your prayers.
Evening Service will be held at our church at 6 pm. Nate & Friends will lead us in a hymn sing. Join us in singing praises
to God with Hamilton Reformed. An offering will be received for Audio Scripture Ministry.
Small Group Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, May 14 at 7 pm. We will discuss lesson 6, Prayer for Spiritual Strengthening.
GRACE 360 Youth Group will meet on Wednesday, May 15 at 6:30 pm in the youth room. We will have a Mother’s Day lesson from Isaiah 66:13; I Corinthians 13:4-7.
Graduation Potluck will be held on Sunday, May 19 at noon in the church fellowship hall. Everyone is welcome to come and celebrate with our graduates – Laura Dykstra, Jenna Kloosterman and Cournty Schierbeek. Please bring a hot and cold dish to share and tableware; cake and beverage will be provided.
Ladies Guild Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, May 21 at 10 am in the fellowship hall. We will discuss lesson 4 – God’s Grace and Mercy from our study book on Psalms. Following our Bible study we will have a Spring Luncheon.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Pancake Breakfast Helpers ~ Our church will be hosting the Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast on Monday, May 27. We are in need of volunteers to help prepare, serve and clean-up for this community event. If you can help out please sign the sheet on the Welcome Table.
Community Vacation Bible School will be held Monday, July 22 – Wednesday, July 24 from 6 – 8:30 pm at Hamilton Reformed Church. If you are available these three nights to help please sign the volunteer sheet at the Welcome Table. There is also a form for volunteers to fill out either online or return to Zena Walters listing what opportunities are available for volunteering.
Love INC Heart-to-Heart Resale Store needs volunteers. Weekly, monthly, regular or on-call, we are looking for YOU! No expertise or experience necessary! If you or someone you know would like to be a part of this fun and meaningful ministry, please call store manager, Tammy Leutz at 269.751.8642 or email at tammyleutz@gmail.com.
Hungry for Christ Food Distribution will be held on Wednesday, May 15 from 11:30 – 1 pm at Haven Reformed Church Campus (4691 Oak Street Hamilton). If you would like to volunteer to help distribute food to people in need please email haven@havenchurch.com or call the church office at 269.751.7321. Food is distributed the third Wednesday of each month through September and volunteers are needed each time.
Community Announcements:
Community Run ~ Sign-up now for this year’s Rural Rush to be held at Overisel Reformed Church. The run is on Saturday, May 18 and will go toward supporting the ministries of Love INC. The walk / run begins at 8:30 am. You can sign-up until May 15 for the run / walk but will not be guaranteed a shirt if you sign-up after May 8. To signup go to runsignup.com and search for Rural Rush. If you have any questions contact Ken Kreuze at kenkreuze@gmail.com.
Graduation ~ The Hamilton area churches invite you the Hamilton High School Class of 2019 , along with your family and friends to the Baccalaureate Service in your honor and to God’s glory to be held at Overisel Reformed Church on Sunday, May 19 at 2:30 pm. The Graduation Ceremony of the Hamilton High School Class of 2019 will be held on Thursday, May 23 at 7 pm at the Hamilton High Football Stadium.
Hamilton Lion’s Club Community Chicken BBQ will be held on Wednesday, May 22 from 4:30 – 6:30 pm at the Hamilton Middle School Cafeteria. Tickets can be purchased in advance from any Lions’ Club member or at the door the time of the event. You can eat in the cafeteria or take out is also available. Help support this community event. Used eyeglasses will also be collected.
The Harvesters is a community group for people 50 years and older. We will be having a gathering on Saturday, May 18
at 6 pm at the GATE Youth Center (4671 Washington St., Hamilton). The night will be “Pizza and Bingo”. Please bring 2 white elephant gifts each (these can be used or new, funny or nice). Pizza, beverage and table service will be provided. If you would like you may bring dessert to share. Bring a friend or neighbor and join for a night of fun and fellowship. Please rsvp to Harvesters2017@yahoo.com by May 16.
Dunningville Reformed Church invites you to Conflict De-escalation Training for church staff and volunteers on Monday,
May 20 from 6 pm – 9:30 pm. The cost is $75 per person and will be held at Dunningville Reformed Church (2559 M-40). This training will be presented by a staff of retired and current police officers with a total of 100+ years of on-job experiences to share. Do you know how to de-escalate these situations – *A person coming to church demanding financial assistance – *A noncustodial parent attempting to gain access to their child – *A domestic violence situation or person violating a court ordered – *An angry / stressed congregant. These are just some of the examples of real life scenarios that will be taught. Search YouTube for “Gentle Response Training” to view past training. To register go to: dunningvillemay20cdt.eventbrite.com.
Marriage Night ~ Marriage Night Simulcast Event presented by RightNow Media will be held on Friday, May 31 from 6 – 10 pm at Overisel Reformed Church. This night for is married couples and engaged couples to laugh and learn as they hear from marriage experts and discover how to honor God through their relationship. The speakers include Francis & Lisa Chan, Les & Leslie Parrott and comedian Michael Jr. Mark your calendar and plan to attend – it’ll be worth your time. Tickets are available for $30 per couple and include a wonderful meal. You must register ahead at the Overisel Reformed web page or call the church at 269.751.877
Memorial Day Announcements:
Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast will be held on Monday, May 27 at Hamilton Christian Reformed Church fellowship hall. A breakfast of pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, coffee and juice will be served from 7 am – 9 am in the church fellowship hall. Proceeds from the breakfast will be for World Renew Disaster Relief and Teen Life on Campus Ministry (S. Nyboer). The breakfast is held rain or shine. Hamilton’s 92nd Memorial Day Parade will follow at 9 am. Come out and support this community event and ministries.
Memorial Day Parade ~ Hamilton 92nd Memorial Day Parade will be held on Monday, May 27 starting at 9 am. The parade begins at the Hamilton Middle School and follows 136th Avenue for a Memorial Service at Riverside Cemetery. We invite the entire community to come out and take part of this special celebration. All Veterans, combat and non-combat, come out and march in the parade. Rides are available. Enter your business and community floats, antique cars and tractors, horses, bikes and military vehicles and more. Also friendly dogs can take part of the parade. Come out and be part of this special celebration. Line up for the parade begins at 8 am. Enter the Hamilton High School entrance and follow the service drive around to line up at the middle school. Kids – are invited to come out and catch the candy. For questions contact Michele Timmer at 269.751.8513 for more information. (Note from Allegan County Sheriff’s Department – No ATV’s, dirt bikes, golf carts (other than those used by veterans driven by adults) or other off-road vehicles are allowed in the parade.)
All Area Veterans ~ Come and be part of the Hamilton Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 27. An accessible trailer with stairs and seating will be available for all Veterans to ride in the parade. The trailer will be located at the Hamilton High School for the parade line-up at 8 am. There will also be a return ride back to the school when the parade is complete. We want to honor all our Veterans for the sacrifice that was made for our freedom. For more information call Doug Wabeke at 269.650.5117.
Miscellaneous Announcements:
Faith Family Formation ~ It’s important for your kids to know that adults need God’s help too. In age-appropriate ways,
share your concerns with your kids. Are you nervous about that presentation at work? Ask your kids to pray for you. Then tell them later how God answered those prayers. (Faith Formation Ministries: crcna.org/FaithFormation)
Kid’s Corner ~ While Grandpa and Chamy talk about creation, Liz and Morrie stumble across the unexpected in the woods. So why is God sometimes called the God of Wonders? Listen now a kidscorner.net and subscribe to the weekly stories and download the activities.
Groundwork ~ From where in scripture does the belief that Jesus is God come? Or the belief that God is three person yet one God? Join in the study of John 1:1-5 and 14:15-26 with Han-luen Kantzer Komline to discover the source, history and implication of these beliefs. Listen at GroundworkOnline.com.
Free-A- Family Sunday ~ Today is World Renew Free a Family Sunday. The Egongus in Uganda are rebuilding their lives
because of opportunities provided by World Renew and Free-A-Family. For less than $1 a day, you can help families like the Egongus leave poverty and hunger behind. Information to help families overcome poverty and be part of the solution is available at the Welcome Table.