Bulletin – September 23
Hamilton Christian Reformed Church – September 23, 2018
Our Church Calendar:
Today: September 23
9:10 am ~ Prayer Time (Pastor Jake’s office)
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service – Joshua 24
Worship Leader: Rev. Jacob Porter
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
Noisy Offering – CRWRC Farm Animals
Sunday School Pre-K – 4th Grade Story: Elijah: Widow
Fellowship Time follows the morning service
6 pm ~ Community Hymn Sing – Hamilton CRC
Wednesday, September 26
7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary
5:30 ~ 6:30 pm ~ Fellowship Supper
6:30 pm ~ Town Hall meeting
6:30 pm ~ Cadets, GEMS and Youth Group
Saturday, September 29
11 am ~ Youth Group 24 hour Card Board Sleep-over
Sunday, September 30 – Mission Sunday
9:10 am ~ Prayer Time (Pastor Jake’s office)
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Jacob Porter
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
Noisy Offering- CRWRC Farm Animals
Sunday School Pre-K – 4th grade
6 pm ~ Evening Service – Hamilton CRC
Worship Leader: Rev. Adam Van Der Stoep
Requested & Expanded Announcements
September 23, 2018
Noisy Offering ~ For the months of September and October the Sunday School children will be collecting your “pocket change” and purchasing farm animals. Depending on the total amount at the end of October will determine which farm animals and how many will be purchased. Your “pocket change” adds up.
Evening Worship Services ~ A hymn sing will be led by Nate & Friends tonight at 6 pm at our church. Come and join in
singing songs of praise as we gather with Hamilton Reformed Church. Next Sunday evening Rev. Adam Van Der Stoep will lead the worship service
Fellowship Night / Townhall Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 26. A meal of chicken casserole, salad and dessert will be available in the fellowship hall from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. At 6:30 pm there will be a town hall meeting in which you will be updated on the status of Hamilton CRC. Cadets, GEMS and Youth Group will also meet.
Youth Group ~ We will be meeting this Wednesday, September 26 at 6:30 pm in the youth room. We will be having our lesson on bullying from Genesis 37:26-28 in the youth room.
Card Board Sleep-Over ~ The Youth Group will be having a homeless 24-hour sleep-over outside on the church property on Saturday, September 29 starting at 11 am. This is part of a homeless awareness activity for the youth to feel what is it is like to be homeless. The church family is invited to stop by during this time to give them words of encouragement and maybe share a story.
Ladies Guild Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, October 2 at 10 am in the fellowship hall. We will discuss lesson 5, A Great Eucatastrophe from our study book. All ladies are welcome to come and join us in this study of Esther. No preparation for the study needed.
Small Group Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, October 2 at 7 pm at Phyl Nyboer’s home. We will discuss lesson 13, Going To The Lamb’s Wedding.
Newsletter ~ Information for the October newsletter is due today and may be placed in the newsletter box on the shelf in the narthex.
Youth Auction ~ The Youth Group is planning an auction on October 24 in the church fellowship hall to raise funds for their mission trip to Colorado in 2019. If you have items, a service, gift cards, or bake goods to donate to this auction contact Zena Walters.
Missions ~ Next Sunday our morning service will reflect on Missions – Until the Whole World Hears. Pastor Jake will lead us in the morning service. On October 7 Rev. Steven Koster of the Back to God Ministry will lead our worship service. We will also celebrate Worldwide Communion on October 7.
Gift Catalog from World Renew is available on the Welcome Table. In this catalog you can purchase an item(s) for various countries.
Flu Clinic will be held on Tuesday, September 25 from 9 am – 12 noon at the Bentheim Fire Station (38th Street) and on Wednesday, September 26 from 5 – 8 pm at the Overisel Fire Station (142nd Avenue). Flu shots can be administered to children and adults ages 9 and up. Most insurances are accepted, including Medicare for $0 copay. Pharmacist Jacalyn Nagel and OTFD medical personnel Lisa Brink are hosting this event.
Hungry for Christ is in need of a Volunteer Coordinator. If you would be interested in this volunteer position or would like more information contact Tracy Brower at hungryforchrist.org@gmail.com.
You are invited to the Send Dinner at Bentheim Reformed Church on Saturday, September 29. This special event is to support a team of 19 laborers Bentheim is sending into the Lord’s harvest field of Guatemala in January 2019. Reception at 6 pm, dinner at 6:30 pm followed by entertainment and a silent auction. Cost is $25 per person or $200 to reserve a table of 8. For reservations, email Renee Breuker at renee@bentheim.org or call 269.751.5882.
Hurricane Florence ~ World Renew Disaster Response Services (DRS) is responding to Hurricane Florence after it hit the U.S. East Coast last week. DRS regional managers are working with local officials and organizations to start initial planning to send early assessment and clean-up volunteers. Nearly 50 inches of rain fell in some locations. Please give to Hurricane Florence response at worldrenew.net/Florence or calling 800.552.7972 or mailing your check made out to World Renew, with “DRS Hurricane Florence” in the memo line to: World Renew, 1700 – 28th Street, SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508.