Bulletin – September 30, 2018
Hamilton Christian Reformed Church
September 30, 2018
Our Church Calendar:
Today: September 30 – Mission Sunday
9:10 am ~ Prayer Time (Pastor Jake’s office)
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service – Matthew 28:18-20
Worship Leader: Rev. Jacob Porter
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
Noisy Offering – CRWRC Farm Animals
Sunday School Pre-K – 4th Grade
Story: Elijah: Mt. Carmel
Fellowship Time follows the morning service
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Adam Van Der Stoep
Monday, October 1
6:30 pm ~ Executive meeting
7:15 pm ~ Elders meeting
Tuesday, October 2
10 am ~ Ladies Guild Bible Study – lesson 5
7 pm ~ Small Group Bible Study – lesson 13
Wednesday, October 3
7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary
6:30 pm ~ Youth Group – Youth Room
Sunday, October 7 – Worldwide Communion / Mission Sunday
9:10 am ~ Prayer Time (Pastor Jake’s office)
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Steven Koster
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries and Building Fund,
Faith Promise Mission Support
Noisy Offering- CRWRC Farm Animals
Faith Promise Pledge Cards collected
6 pm ~ Evening Service – Hamilton Reformed
Worship Leader: Rev. Jake Porter
Requested & Expanded Announcements
September 30, 2018
Mission Week ~ Today and next Sunday we focus on missions. Pastor Jake will lead us in worship this morning. As we
focus on missions we are reminded of the missionaries that as a church we support: Jon & Melissa Barlow (Philippines); Rev. Jonathan & Minet Fischer (Maine); Rev. Mike & Gina Johnson (Texas); Rev. Ruth Lemmen (China); Sandi & Mark Nyboer (Hamilton Middle School); Rev.’s Gil & Joyce Suh (Cambodia); Rev. Ray & Esther Vander Laan (That The World May Know Ministry); Hamilton CRC (Hamilton). Let us remember to lift these missionaries and ministries up in prayer daily.
Faith Promise Pledge Cards are available in your church mailbox. Our missionaries depend on financial support from
churches and individuals. Prayerfully consider this week what your commitment will be for the next 12 months to the support of our missionaries. Pledge cards will be collected next Sunday.
Evening Worship Service will be held tonight at 6 pm at our church. Rev. Adam Van Der Stoep will lead us in worship.
Everyone is welcome as we join with our brothers and sisters from Hamilton Reformed Church. For the month of October we will worship at Hamilton Reformed Church.
Ladies Guild Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, October 2 at 10 am in the fellowship hall. We will discuss lesson 5, A Great Eucatastrophe, from our study books. All ladies are welcome to come to this time of study.
Small Group Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, October 2 at 7 pm at Phyl Nyboer’s home. We will discuss lesson 13, Going To The Lamb’s Wedding.
Youth Group ~ We will be meeting this Wednesday, October 3 at 6:30 pm in the youth room. We will be having our lesson on bullying from John 4:34-35 in the youth room.
Classis Holland will meet on Thursday, October 4 at Fourteenth Street CRC at 6 pm. Our delegates to this meeting are Pastor Jake and Elder Dennis Burke.
Worldwide Communion will be celebrated next Sunday, October 7 at the morning worship service. Rev. Steven Koster of the Back to God Ministry will lead us in worship. Faith Promise Pledge Cards will be collected. A thank offering for Faith Promise Mission will also be received. Prepare your heart this week in anticipation of this sacrament.
Fellowship Night ~ Our next Fellowship Night will be Wednesday, October 10. A meal of Sloppy Tom’s, Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, Veggies, Chips & Dip and Dessert will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. Adults, Cadets, GEMS and Youth Group will meet at 6:30 pm.
Youth Auction ~ G.R.A.C.E. 360 are collecting items to auction off at the auction on Wednesday, October 24. We have
lots of hand-made crafty items, Adirondack chair from Gil-Roy’s, Black & Decker Drill from Family Farm & Home, gift certificates, bird houses etc. The Youth will be serving a Taco Bar and ice cream from 5:30 – 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall with the auction beginning at 6:30 pm. If you have any item(s) to donate contact Zena Walters. Invite a friend to this fun event.
Trunk-or-Treat will take place on Wednesday, October 31 at the church parking lot. If anyone would like to participate
in this fun event contact Zena Walters. You can decorate your car, help pass out candy. The theme for the night is “Light Up for Jesus”. You can use jack-o-lanterns or anything to brighten up this event. If you are unable to participate but would like to help in some way, we can always use candy donations. There will also be indoor activities for the children.
Fellowship ~ Donations of cookies are always needed for Sunday morning fellowship time. Cookies can be home-made
or store-brought, but please avoid peanut butter and any type of nut. Donations may be left in the kitchen before the Sunday morning services.
Dunningville Reformed Church invites you to their 2018 Harvest Festival on Friday, October 5. Dinner will be served from 5 – 7 pm with an auction starting at 7pm. The supper includes BBQ sandwiches, hot dogs, chips, pies and other desserts, coffee and lemonade. Items for the auction are handiwork, woodwork, crafts, produce, baked goods and much, much more. Everyone is invited to join for this fun evening.
Life Chain 2018 is a peaceful, quiet and prayerful public witness of pro-life individuals standing and praying for our
nation to end abortion. It is a visual statement of solidarity by the Christian community that abortion kills children and that the church supports the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception until natural death! Right to Life of Holland Life Chain will be held on Sunday, October 7, 2 – 3 pm in Holland at 16th Street.