Dear Church Leaders,
Our brothers and sisters need our help. In the past three weeks, two major earthquakes have struck Nepal, killing over 8,000 people and damaging or destroying hundreds of thousands of homes and other buildings. We in North America have seen images of the devastation and have been overwhelmed by the destruction of property and life. It’s hard to imagine how those who are living through this calamity must feel.
The World Renew Disaster Response Team in Nepal — comprised of staff and volunteers from World Renew, Christian Reformed World Missions, and local church partners — is already working on your behalf in the name of Christ. Together we have distributed vital food assistance to 1,942 families and tarps to 140 families within the first two weeks. In the next phase, we plan to provide additional supplies including tents, tarps, blankets, hygiene kits, water filters and continued food assistance to an additional 1,300 households.
We know that this was made possible through the prayers and financial support of many people in the Christian Reformed Church. We also know that many more want to continue helping. World Renew has prepared a PowerPoint presentation to describe the work that is being carried out. If you would like to show this PowerPoint in your church to illustrate to individual church members how they are responding to this disaster through World Renew, it can be accessed at under the “Resources” section at the bottom of the page.
Thank you for partnering with us in response to the devastation in Nepal. If you have any further questions, please contact me.
God bless you.

Wendy Hammond
World Renew | Church Relations US | or 1-800-552-7972 ext. 2892