Weekly Bulletin

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Welcome to worship in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who guards and guides us, love and enliven us, find us when we’re lost and fixes our broken hearts. Amen.

 9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service

Worship Leader: Rev Jacob Porter

Gathering Praise

Welcome & Call to Worship

Praise Songs ~ Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Ancient Words           Father, I Adore You

Confession & Assurance ~ Ephesians 1:7 ~ Connor Driesenga

Children’s Blessing ~

Children, Pre-K – 4th grade are dismissed for Sunday School

Morning Prayer

God’s Word ~ John 4:1-42 (pg. 1651)

Message l The Way of Discovery

Offering Prayer ~ Paul Nyboer

Tithes & Offerings | HCRC Ministries & Building Fund


God’s Blessing

Sending Song ~ Now Blessed Be Jehovah God

Sending Praise

Prayer Ministry ~ Paul Nyboer and Kim Greving


6 pm – Evening Worship Service

Worship Leader: Rev.Jacob Porter

Scripture: Titus 3:1-8

Message ~ Our World Belongs to God ~ Stanza 28-30

Offering ~ Faith Promise Mission Support

 ‘Coffee with the Pastor’ follows the evening service at Pastor Jake and Kris’ home.



Shirley Oetman was called to her heavenly home on Tuesday evening, October 6. The funeral service was held yesterday. Remember in prayer her sister Joyce Schaap and family.

Zena Walters is scheduled for a biopsy on Tuesday. Please keep her and the family in your prayers.

 Continue to pray for those of our church family who are dealing with health and relationship issues.



 Morning Service ~ This morning we continue with the series, The Ways of the Alongsider. Next Sunday we will worship with the area churches at 9:30 am at Hamilton High School.

Sunday School for Pre-K – 4th grade will be dismissed during the worship service; Middle and High School youth will meet following the service in the youth room. Sunday School will not meet next Sunday, October 18.

Evening Worship ~ Pastor Jake will continue with Our World Belongs to God series. Following the service everyone is invited to ‘Coffee With the Pastor’.

Cookies ~ If you have signed up to donate cookies for the Community Service, please have your donations to the church kitchen by Saturday noon, October 17. Please avoid cookies with peanut and nut products.



 Today: October 11 ~

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Jacob Porter

 Sunday School ~ Pre-K- 4th grade

 Story: Let Me See!

  Offering: HCRC Ministries and Building Fund

 Prayer Ministry & Fellowship Time follows service

10:45 am ~ Sunday School for Middle & High School Youth

6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service ~ Rev. Jacob Porter

Offering: Faith Promise Mission Support

 7 pm ~ Coffee With the Pastor


Tuesday, October 13

3 – 5:30 pm ~ GATE After School Center

Wednesday, October 14

7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary

5:30 – 6:30 pm ~ Fellowship Night Supper:  Wild Game Potluck

6:30 – 7:30 pm ~ Fellowship Night Activities

7 pm ~ Praise Team

Thursday, October 15

3 – 5:30 pm ~ GATE After School Center

Sunday, October 18

9:30 am ~ Community Worship Service at Hamilton High School

Offering: QPlace Ministry & Love INC

6 pm ~ Big Band of Praise Concert & Hymn Sing

Offering: Big Band of Praise Ministry

Advance Notices

Monday, October 19 ~ 7 pm – Council

Tuesday, October 20 ~ 10 am – Ladies Guild Bible Study

Requested & Expanded Announcements

October 11, 2015

 Community Worship Series ~ The Ways of the Alongsider, a time to look at what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Next Sunday we will have a Community Service at 9:30 am at Hamilton High School.

September 20 ~ 9:30 am – Community Series & Mission Sunday ~ Rev. Gil Suh   The Way of the Passionate Amateur – Alongsiders reach out to others out of love

September 27 ~ 9:30 am – Community Series & Mission Sunday ~ Rev. Jake Porter    The Way of Intentionality – Alongsiders think big but start small

October 4 ~ 9:30 am – The Way of Depth (Worldwide Communion at HCRC)     Alongsiders go deep in relationship

October 11 ~ The Way of Discovery / ConversationAlongsiders ask questions, tell stories and  encourage application and Alongsiders initiate purposeful conversations.

October 18 ~ 9:30 am ~ The Way of Mission and Celebration of Communion – Community Service at Hamilton High    School.   Guest Speaker: Mr. Jeff Klein of QPlace Ministry which helps equip Christians to  engage others in practical ways for spiritual growth.

Offering: QPlace Ministry and Love INC (checks should be made out to Love INC).   (Please note your HCRC General Fund offering should be given the week BEFORE on October 11 or the week AFTER on October 25.)

Lakeshore Little People’s will be providing child care for those 2 years – 3rd grade.

For seniors and those less mobile, there will be assistance in the parking lot and assistance getting to the gym. Once in the gym there will be floor level seating available for those needing it.

Those choosing not to worship at the high school are invited to attend Dunningville RCA or Diamond Springs Wesleyan, as these two congregations will not be participating in the community service but will be covering the topic for that week.

Weather Cancellation: If a severe thunderstorm warning or tornado watch / warning is in effect one hour prior to the service, the service will be cancelled.   The cancellation will be listed on area  TV stations “Hamilton Community Worship Event at Hamilton High School is cancelled”.

Sunday School classes will not meet next Sunday, October 18, but will meet on October 25.

Fellowship Night will be held on Wednesday, October 14 from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. We will be having a Wild Game Potluck. There are four categories to enter: 1 – Sea; 2 – Air; 3 – Untraditional; 4 – Four Legs. Everyone is invited to join for a great night of food and fellowship.

Ladies Guild Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, October 20 at 10 am in the Council Room. We will discuss Lesson 3 – How To Be a Rock. All ladies are welcome to join this Bible discussion to help you grow deeper in your faith.

GATE After School Center started their season this past week for middle school students. They meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays following school for activities, snack and a life lesson. The center is in need of volunteers to help. They also need donations of snacks (string cheese, yogurts, individual bagged items, fruit snacks, small water bottles or juice, paper plates, cups, napkins). Craft Supplies (glue sticks, hot glue sticks, scrapbooking supplies, jewelry making supplies, artificial flowers, small wood projects, craft paint, fingernail polish and remover). Recreation Equipment (hoola hoops, foam or soft balls, basketballs, nerf footballs, sidewalk chalk). If you have any questions on volunteering or donations contact the director, Betty Wabeke. Your prayers for this ministry are also so much appreciated.

Cookies are needed for the Community Service at Hamilton High School on Sunday, October 18. Our church is responsible for providing cookies and refreshments for this service. If you would be willing to donate cookies, please sign the sheet in the fellowship hall. Please avoid cookies with peanut and nut products. Cookie donations should be in the church kitchen by Saturday noon, October 17.

Community Hymn Sing will be held on Sunday, October 18 at 6 pm at our church. Big Band of Praise will be leading us in song. This Christian group of musicians is dedicated to connecting listeners by presenting the Love of God through song and testimony. Invite a friend.

Mission Trip ~ Our church is planning a mission trip to Logan, West Virginia from June 16- 22, 2016. All ages are invited to be part of this trip. This is a trip where we will work on projects and enjoy time together. If you are interested in being part of this mission trip group please sign the sheet in the fellowship hall. If you have any questions contact Sandi Nyboer or Ron Childs.

Right to Life of Holland Area Annual Focus on Life Dinner will be held on Tuesday, October 27 at the Pinnacle Center in Hudsonville, Michigan with guest speaker Star Parker. To reserve a seat or a table call Jim Johnson at 616.396.1038 or email jwjohnson.rtl@gmail.com.

Youth for Christ Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, October 17 and 24 from 10 am – 3 pm at Vander Kamp Leasing – 4107 Filmore Road.

Hamilton Community Blood Drive will be held on Thursday, October 22 from 12 noon – 5:45 pm at Hamilton Reformed Church. Carve out a new tradition and give blood!

Concert ~ Eric Genius, a composer pianist originally from Poland, will perform a benefit concert for Lakeshore Pregnancy Center on Friday, October 25 at Christ Memorial Church in Holland. Eric will be joined by cello, violin and vocal accompaniment. His music has been described as edgy, brilliant, unexpected and deeply stirring. His talent is powerful and his testimony is one of Joyful Hope. The local praise team, Lake Effect, will open for Eric and a special offering for Lakeshore Pregnancy Center will be taken at the concert. Please join us at 7 pm for this evening of Praise.