Weekly Bulletin 10/09/16

Sunday, October 9, 2016

 “The Lord has invited us here.  All are welcome!  May you

 be blessed in your time here this day.”

 9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service

Worship Leader:  Rev. Jacob Porter

Gathering Praise ~ Revival Fire Fall

Welcome & Call to Worship

Praise Songs ~  Come, Now Is the Time to Worship

                              Mighty to Save

God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings

Confession and Assurance ~Connor Driesenga ~ Ephesians 2:4-5

Noisy Offering

(Pre-K – 5th grade are dismissed for Sunday School)

Baptism and Profession of Faith ~

Alyssa Streur, Sheryl-lyn Zahl, and Scott Zahl

Morning Prayer

God’s Word ~  Nehemiah 2 & 3 (pg. 751)

Message ~  Ground Work to Revival

                      Community Series – Revival

Offering Prayer  ~  Fred Mireles

Tithes & Offerings | HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

Offertory ~ Oceans Where Feet May Fail

God’s Blessing

Sending Song ~ The Benediction Song

Sending Praise

Prayer Ministry ~ Fred Mireles and Esther Vander Laan

6 pm –  Community Service

at Hamilton Christian Reformed Church

Worship Leader:  Rev. Jacob Porter

Message ~ Jonah a Story About God

Jonah’s Penitent Prayer



Membership The membership of Kirk & Sue Tyler was transferred to the Drummond Island Christian Church.  May God bless them in this new church home.

Thank You, Thank you!  Thanks be to our God!  Thanks to all who gave so generously and unselfishly to the Building Fund Project.  This is so exciting as we can go forward with revival and rebuilding the walls at Hamilton CRC  May God be praised.

Anonymous Donor

Pray for those who have experienced the effects of Hurricane Matthew this past week.  Through everything God is with us.


Morning Service ~ This morning Pastor Jake will lead us in worship.  We will continue in the Community Series on Revival. We will celebrate the baptism and profession of faith of Alyssa Streur, Sheryl-lyn Zahl, and Scott Zahl.  Next Sunday morning Rev. Chris Timmer of Dunningville Reformed Church will lead us in worship as part of the community pulpit exchange.

Sunday School will meet this morning.  Pre-K – 5th grade will be dismissed during the morning worship;  Middle School and High School classes will meet in the Youth Room following morning worship.

Evening Worship will be held tonight at 6 pm at our church.  Join with our brothers and sisters from Hamilton Reformed Church for this time of worship.

Fellowship Night will be held on Wednesday, October 12.  Come for a great meal that will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall.  The menu is beef ravioli, cheese ravioli with vegetable and dessert.  Cadets and Youth Group will meet at 6:30 pm.

Ladies Guild Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, October 18 at 10 am in the fellowship hall.  We will discuss lesson 3, “Preaching and Healing.


Today:  October 9

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service

            Offering:  HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service ~ Hamilton CRC

Worship Leader:  Rev. Jacob Porter

Wednesday,  October 12

7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary

5:30 – 6:30 pm ~ Fellowship Night Supper

6:30 – 7:30 pm ~ Cadets – Cadet Building

6:30 pm ~ Youth Group – Youth Room

7 pm ~ Praise Team

Saturday, October 15

5 – 7 pm  ~ Benefit Pig Roast for Schipper’s – fellowship hall

Sunday,  October 16

9 am ~ Prayer Time ~ Pastor’s Office

9:30 am ~  Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Chris Timmer

               Offering:  HCRC Ministries and Building  Fund

6 pm  ~ Evening Worship Service ~ Hamilton CRC


Requested & Expanded Announcements

October 9, 2016

Building Project has begun in the fellowship hall with painting.  A project calendar is in your church mailbox as to what will take place each week.  Volunteers will be needed throughout this project for taking out carpet and cleaning–up.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month.  Remember Pastor Jake throughout this month with your prayers  and encouragement as he serves HCRC.

Community Series ~ We continue with the community series in the book of Nehemiah with the theme of Revival.  As we join together with our brothers and sisters from Hamilton, Haven and Dunningville RCA; Gibson CRC and Diamond Springs Wesleyan and learn from the book of Nehemiah and how God encouraged his people and how he

Fellowship Night will be Wednesday, October 12 from 5:30 – 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall.  Cadets and youth group will meet at 6:30 pm.  The fellowship crew will be serving Beef Ravioli, Cheese Ravioli, Vegetable and Dessert.  Come and enjoy this time of fellowship.

Benefit Pig Roast for Kate Schipper will be held on Saturday, October 15 from 5 – 7 pm in the church fellowship hall.  Kate has had Chronic Lyme Disease for 4-1/2 years and struggles with severe pain and many medical problems.  This benefit will help her with some of her medical expenses.  Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy a delicious pig roast meal.

Youth Dinner & Auction will be held on Wednesday, October 26 in the church fellowship hall.  The dinner will be available from 5:30 – 6:30 pm.  The auction will begin at 6:30.  If you have any items to donate for the auction please contact Zena Walters.  Items of gift cards, services, craft items, baked goods, canned goods, etc. are needed for the auction.  The High School Youth Group is working towards their mission trip to New York in 2017.

Live-In Home Supervisor ~ The Holland Deacon’s Conference is seeking a full-time Home Supervisor to live with and provide support for 6 adult women with intellectual and developmental differences / disabilities (IDD) in Holland.  Interested individuals may request an application packet by phone at 616.494.6050, email at admin@hdccrc.org or at hdccrc.org/jobs.  Application deadline is October 31.

A History of Home Missions ~ You are invited to view a recounting of the history of Home Missions since 1879.  The exhibit is available for viewing at the Christian Reformed Church offices located at 1700 – 28th Street in Grand Rapids from 9 am – 4 pm, October 3-13.  Come celebrate how lives have been impacted for the gospel and your church’s role in that over the years.   No appointment is needed.  All are welcome; groups of 5 or more please schedule a visit.  For questions or information call 800.266.2175.

Community Garage Sale & Bake Good Sale to help support Amy Vander Kamp in her role with Youth for Christ.  The sale will be held on Saturday, October 15 from 9 am – 3 pm at Vander Kamp Leasing (4107 Filmore Road, just off M-40).  New items will be added each week.  All money raised will go to help the Youth for Christ Program.  Come and see what treasures you can find.

Focus on Life Benefit Dinner will be held on Tuesday, October 25 at the Pinnacle Center in Hudsonville. Punch is at 6:30 pm with dinner and program at 7 pm.  The guest speaker is Rebecca Kiessling.  For tickets contact the Holland Right to Life office at 616.396.1037.

Holland Classis is hosting a night for everyone to come and hear Rev. Scott Vander Ploeg on Tuesday, October 11 at 6:30 m at Providence CRC (821 Ottawa Avenue – Holland) in the Loft.  Rev. Vander Ploeg will speak on “The Gospel, Discipleship and Missional Ministry”.  Come and learn how a consistent and explicitly Gospel-centered approach to ministry can move a congregation towards improved outreach and nurture.

World Renew ~ World Renew is responding to heavy destruction from Hurricane Matthew in Haiti on October 4 after heavy rain, flooding and mudslides destroyed homes and killed seven people.  Please give generously  to help Haitians affected by Hurricane Matthew at worldrenew.net/donate or call 800.552.7972 to give by credit card.  Or designate your check made out to World Renew with “Hurricane Matthew Haiti” in the memo line and mail to:  World Renew, 1700 – 28th Street, SE, Grand Rapids, MI   49508.

World Renew needs volunteers to rebuild homes.  You help is urgently needed to help repair homes for disaster survivors in Florida, California and Texas now through early December but also in 2017.  Those with home reconstruction experience as well as those who would like to learn a new skill are welcome and needed.  Learn more at worldrenew.net/reconstruction-sites or call 800.848.5818.