Weekly Bulletin 11/06/16

Sunday, November 6, 2016

 The psalmist  urges us:  “Praise the Lord!  Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the faithful”  (Psalm 149:1, NRSV).  And so shall we!  Welcome.

 9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service

Guest Pastor:  Rev. Greg Kett

Gathering Praise ~ Here I Am

Welcome & Call to Worship ~ Harley Elshuis

Praise Songs ~  In Christ Alone

                           Holy, Holy, Holy;    Agnus Dei

Confession ~ Apostles Creed

God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings

Noisy Offering ~ Love INC Sponsor-a-Family

(Pre-K – 5th grade are dismissed for Sunday School)

Morning Prayer ~ Tom Tucker

God’s Word ~  Luke 5:27-32 (pg. 1599)

Message ~  Accepted

Tithes & Offerings | HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

Offertory ~ Be Unto Your Name

Offering Prayer  ~  Harley Elshuis

Tithe-of-Tithe ~ $1,268

God’s Blessing

Sending Song ~ Doxology

Sending Praise

 Prayer Ministry ~ Harley Elshuis, Esther Vander Laan


6 pm –  Evening Worship Service

at Hamilton Reformed Church

Worship Leader:  Rev. Tom Dekker



We extend sympathy to Pastor Jake & Kris and family in the passing of Kris’ brother Benny Boes who passed away on Tuesday afternoon.  May God give comfort to the Boes family in this time of life.  The visitation is today from 12 noon – 3 pm at the Cook’s Funeral Home (4235 Prairie, SW, Grandville).  The funeral will be held Monday at 11 am at Mayflower Congregational Church (2345 Robinson SE, Grand Rapids).


Morning Service ~ This morning we welcome Rev. Greg Kett to lead us in worship.  Pastor Greg has been an ordained minister in the CRC since 1999.  He is married to his beautiful wife Amie.  They have 2.5 kids named, Annabelle, Mia and #3 coming soon.  Pastor Greg enjoys reading, preaching, connecting with folk, kayaking and volunteering in the Holland community.  Let’s give Pastor Greg a warm Hamilton welcome this morning.

Sunday School for Pre-K – 5th grade will be dismissed during the worship service; Middle and High School Youth will meet after the worship service in the Youth Room.

Evening Services for November will be held at the Hamilton Reformed Church at 6 pm.  Tonight Rev. Tom Dekker will lead the worship service. Noisy Offering ~ For the month of November and December our noisy offering that is received by our Sunday School children during the morning service will go towards our Love INC Sponsor-a-Family.  Your “pocket change” will help provide Christmas gifts and a meal for a family of five.

 Next Sunday morning, Rev. Barry Lucas, Love INC director, will lead us in worship.  Pastor Jake & Kris are taking a time away.

Sunday morning refreshments will not be served during the month of November due to the building project.


 Today:  November 6

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service – Rev. Greg Kett

            Offering:  HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

                               Noisy Offering

Sunday School for Pre-K – 5th grade

                       Story:  Samson

10:45 am ~ Middle & High School Sunday School

6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service – Hamilton Reformed


Monday, November 7

6:30 pm ~ Executive Team meeting

 Tuesday, November 8 – Election Day

 7 pm ~ Small Group Bible Study Royal Park Atrium

Wednesday,  November 9

7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary

6:30 pm ~ Cadets – Clubhouse

7 pm ~ Praise Team

Friday, November 11 – Veteran’s Day

8:30 am – 3 pm ~ Hamilton Elementary Release Time – HCRC

Sunday,  November 13

9 am ~ Prayer Time ~ Pastor’s Office

9:30 am ~  Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Barry Lucas

              Offering:  HCRC Ministries and Building  Fund

                                Noisy Offering

                        Sunday School for Pre-K – 5th grade

10:45 am ~ Middle & High School Sunday School

6 pm  ~ Evening Worship Service ~ Hamilton Reformed

Requested & Expanded Announcements

November 6, 2016


Today Gavyn Walter will be at the Hungry for Christ table in the narthex.  Gavyn has decided that no child should go hungry whether living in Africa or here in Hamilton.  Gavyn will be handing out cards that you can take to Meijer (16th Street location) to help Hungry for Christ raise funds for supplies.   When you check out have the cashier scan the card for a $10 donation to Hungry for Christ.   If you take your card to Meijer between November 11-12, Meijer’s will double match.  Your donation of $10 will turn into $30 to help with hunger.

Small Group Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, November 8 at 7 pm at the Royal Park Atrium.  Our lesson will be Episode 2 on pages 85-92.

Cadets will be meeting on Wednesday, November 9 at 6:30 pm at the clubhouse.

Ladies Guild Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, November 15 at 10 am.  We will discuss lesson 5, “God of  the Impossible”.

Fellowship Night will NOT be held this month due to the carpet project in the fellowship hall.

Love INC Pantries ~ Through Thanksgiving Day, November 24, we will be collecting items for the various  pantries of Love INC.  You are invited to bring your donations to the tables in the fellowship hall.   The November Observer has a list of items that are needed for the Food Pantry, Personal Needs Pantry, Baby & Bedding Pantry and Hats & Gloves.

Thanksgiving Day Service will be held on Thursday, November 24 at 9:30 am.  Thanksgiving offering envelopes are available at the Welcome Table and in the pew racks.  A list of ministries to consider for your offering is available on the Welcome Table and in the November newsletter.

Hamilton Elementary Release Time will begin this Friday, November 11.  This ministry teaches the Bible devotionally to public school students during school time but off school premises and always with parental permission.  This year Release Time will be held at our church once a month on Friday’s.  Children in grades 1st  – 4th come in hour segments during the day to hear a Bible story.  Pray for Holly Kroeze the director and the many volunteers needed.  If you would like to volunteer contact Holly at ham.el.rt@gmail.com.

You are invited to the Christian Reformed Conference Grounds on Saturday, December 3 for a Dinner and Christmas Concert featuring pianist Timothy Noble.  This young man from Ohio has played and sang at the Conference Grounds this summer and he is incredibly gifted.  Timothy and his family are striving to bring honor and glory to God as they travel and perform in many different states, using the gifts God has blessed him with to bless others.  Punch-bowl will begin at 6 pm and dinner at 6:30pm in the Worship Center.  During the dessert, Timothy will present a Christmas concert.  Tickets for this event are $15 / person.  All tickets must be purchased in advance.  Seating is limited.  You can reserve your seats by call 616.842.4478.