Weekly Bulletin 11/12/2017

Sunday, November 12, 2017
The Lord has called us together in worship not for his sake only but also for ours – that we may be renewed with forgiveness, encouraged by God’s Word and strengthened through Christian fellowship

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Barry Lucas

Welcome & Call to Worship
Praise Songs ~ How Great Is Our God; Be Unto Your Name
What Wondrous Love Is This
God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings
Noisy Offering ~ Love INC Sponsor-a-Family
Sunday School ~ (Pre-K – 5th grade dismissed)
Morning Prayer
Offering Prayer ~ Kurt Dykstra
Tithes & Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Offertory ~
God’s Word ~ Acts 26 (pg. 1739)
Message ~ Speak For Yourself!
Song of Response ~ Came To My Rescue
God’s Blessing
Sending Song ~ Give Thanks
Sending Praise

Prayer Ministry ~ Kurt Dykstra, Michele Dykstra

6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service
at Hamilton Reformed Church
Worship Leader: Rev. Adam Van Der Stoep

Remember our home-bound church family in your prayers:
Hazel Geurink (American House – Lighthouse Building)
Julia Menken (Providence Care Ctr. – Zeeland)
Wilma Schierbeek (home – Hamilton)
Charles Volkers (Rest Haven – 40th Street Holland)

Morning Service ~ This morning Rev. Barry Lucas will lead us in worship. Rev. Lucas serves as the Executive Director of Love INC at the Hamilton location.

Evening Worship Service will be held at Hamilton Reformed Church at 6 pm. The service will be led by Rev. Adam Van Der Stoep, who recently joined the Hamilton Reformed Church staff as their pastor.

Prayer Partner Potluck will be held this noon in the fellowship hall. If you are a Prayer Partner for a child / youth of our church come and connect and have a meal together.

Youth Group will be meeting on Wednesday, November 15 at 6:30 pm for our Thanksgiving Party.

Thanksgiving Day Service will be held on Thursday, November 23 at 9:30 am. Envelopes for the thank offering are available in the pew racks and at the Welcome Table. A list of ministries to consider with your thank offering is included in the November newsletter. The Deacons also ask that you consider the General Fund with your thanksgiving offering.

Noisy Offering ~ For the months of November and December the Sunday School will be collecting your “pocket change” for the Love INC Sponsor-a-Family Christmas project.

Offerings for November 5:
General Fund ~ $2,085.00
Building Fund ~ $175.00
Faith Promise Mission Support – $72.00
Noisy Offering – $58.50

Today: November 12
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service – Rev. Barry Lucas
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Noisy Offering – Love INC Sponsor-a-Family
Sunday School ~ Pre-K – 5th Grade
Story: Josiah
Fellowship Time follows worship service
12 noon ~ Prayer Partner Potluck – fellowship hall
6 pm ~ Evening Worship – Hamilton Reformed Church
Worship Leader: Rev. Adam Van Der Stoep

Wednesday, November 15
7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary
6:30 pm ~ Youth Group meeting

Sunday, November 19
9:10 am ~ Pre-Service Prayer Time – Pastor’s office
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Jacob Porter
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Noisy Offering – Love INC Sponsor-a-Family
Sunday School for Pre-K – 5th grade
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service – Hamilton Reformed
Worship Leader: Rev. Jacob Porter

Requested & Expanded Announcements
November 12, 2017

Thank You from the Sunday School ~ Church family thank you for your “pocket change”. For the months of September and October we were able to purchase two wheelchairs for Nigeria and a whole herd of farm animals. Thanks for helping us with your “pocket change” and helping us to enrich someone’s life. For the months of November and December we will be sponsoring two families through Love INC that we will purchase Christmas gifts and provide food for their Christmas dinner. Because of your faithfulness in giving of your “pocket change” we feel we are able to help out two families this year.

Pantry Donations can be placed on the table in the narthex. Donations are needed for the Food Pantry that is located in our church and the Personal Needs Pantry located at Hamilton Reformed Church. A list of items needed is available on the donation table. Items can be placed on the table through November 23.

Ladies Guild Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, November 21 at 10 am in the fellowship hall. We will be discussing lesson 4 – Shining Like Stars.
Small Group Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, November 21 at 7 pm at Joyce’s house. Our lesson is #2 from our study book, End Times.

Cadets will be meeting on Wednesday, November 29 for a special night. We will be doing a special project and having a fun night. Meet at the clubhouse at 6:30 pm. Any boys in grades 1st – 5th are welcome to be part of this group.

Fellowship Night ~ Our next Fellowship Night will be Wednesday, December 13. We will be having our Christmas dinner and fellowship following the meal. Thank you for your support of these evenings.

CPR Class ~ Are you interested in taking a one-night class on CPR through American Red Cross at our church? Sign-up at the Welcome table and indicate what evening works best for your schedule. A volunteer from the American Red Cross will be leading the class. The class is free, but if you want to become certified there is a $20 charge.

Community Advent Carol Sing will be held on Sunday evening, December 3 at 6 pm at Hamilton Reformed Church. Jack Ten Cate will be leading the audience in a community chorus of carols.

The GATE Youth Center invites you to take a look at their new building (4671 E. Washington Street) on Sunday, November 19 from 11 am – 12:30 pm. Come and see how you can be a part of the community that invests in our youth! Find us on facebook – The Gate Youth Center. The Gate Youth Center is taking applications for a director. All interested applicants can email their resume to thegateministry117@gmail.com. Deadline for applying is November 20.

Love INC has a wagon that is used up to twice a year for advertising in the parades in Hamilton and Allegan… and our wagon needs a winter home. During this past year we have expanded our ministries in such a way that we are using more space in our warehouse connected to the Hamilton Office. At present our wagon is “outdoors”. We are looking to have the wagon be in someone’s barn or warehouse at least during the winter months. If needed the wagon can always come back and be on our property during the spring – fall time. Do you have space to donate? If you are that person – or know of someone who may have space for this – would you please contact either Barry Lucas at 269.650.5922 or Char at 269.751.2533.

The Love INC Heart-to-Heart Resale Store in Hamilton is willing to accept donations of clothing, toys, games, household items and miscellaneous. Donations can be brought to the store Monday – Friday, 9 am – 5 pm; and Saturday, 9 am – 2 pm. Donations should be in good condition to sell in the store.

Right to Life of Holland Holiday Auction will be held on Thursday, December 7 from noon – 8 pm with a dinner at 5:30 pm. If you would like to attend the auction and dinner please RSVP to the Right to Life Office by November 22 at 616.396.1037.

Choose The One, True God ~ Every day we encounter challenges from culture and other religions that force us to define and explain God. Join Groundwork in the study of I Kings 18 to see how God answers these challenges and challenges us to stop compromising and choose the one, true God. Listen at GroundworkOnline.com and subscribe to Groundwork’s weekly emails for future episodes.