Weekly Bulletin 1/15/17
Sunday, January 15, 2017
This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24, ESV). Welcome to this time of worship.
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Jacob Porter
Gathering Praise ~ Christ Is Enough
Welcome & Call to Worship
Praise Songs ~
Amazing Grace ~ How Deep the Father’s Love For Us
Beautiful Things
God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings
Confession and Assurance
Noisy Offering ~ King’s Children’s Home
(Pre-K – 5th grade are dismissed for Sunday School)
Morning Prayer
God’s Word ~ Luke 5:27-39 (pg. 1601)
Message ~ Jesus Calls Levi
Tithes & Offerings l HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Offertory ~ I Lift My Hands
Offering Prayer ~ Dennis Burke
God’s Blessing
Sending Song ~ To God Be the Glory
Sending Praise
Prayer Ministry ~ Dennis Burke and Esther Vander Laan
6 pm –Evening Worship Service
at Hamilton Reformed Church
Worship Leader: Mr. Ron Lugten
Thank You for all the words of encouragement and prayers for Marge and me for our recent medical situation. Your support and prayers were greatly appreciated and felt as we went through this together. Thank you ~ Tom Tucker
Thank You from the board of Hungry for Christ for your financial gift to our ministry! Your generosity truly blesses us as we seek to serve God by feeding His hungry children! It is our hope and prayer that God continues to bless you in 2017 and that our partnership continues to grow as Hungry for Christ moves into the future God has in store for us! ~The Board of Hungry for Christ
Morning Service ~ This morning our service will be led by Pastor Jake.
Sunday School Classes will meet today for Pre-K – 12th grade. The Pre-K – 5th grade will be dismissed during the worship service; the Middle School and High School will meet following morning worship in the Youth Room.
Evening Service will be held at Hamilton Reformed Church at 6 pm. Mr. Ron Lugten will lead the worship service.
Noisy Offering ~ For the months of January and February the Noisy Offering will be for The King’s Children’s Home in Belmopan, Belize. This is a home for orphaned and abused children and also rescues girls out of sex-trafficking rings and many of these young girls are pregnant. This home has “house mothers” that come and stay with the babies at night and help during the day so that the girls can go to school. The “Noisy Offering” will help purchase diapers which is a constant need and luxury, which they can hardly afford. Sandi Nyboer has been able to visit this orphanage and held these babies. This is truly a huge need and even though we are 2,908 miles away we can help with this need.
Today: January 15
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service – Rev. Jacob Porter
Offering: HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Noisy Offering ~ King’s Children’s Home
Sunday School for Pre-K – 5th grade
Story: Jesus is Baptized
10:50 am ~ Middle & High Sunday School – Youth Room
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service – Mr. Ron Lugten
at Hamilton Reformed Church
Monday, January 16
6:30 pm ~ Council meeting
Wednesday, January 18
7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary
Sunday, January 22
9:10 am ~ Prayer Time ~ Pastor’s Office
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service – Rev. Jacob Porter
Celebration of Holy Communion
Offering: HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Faith Promise Mission Support
Noisy Offering ~ King’s Children’s Home
6 pm ~ Evening Worship – Hamilton Ref. Church
Worship Leader: Rev. Tom Dekker
Requested & Expanded Announcements
January 15, 2017
Hamilton Area Youth and leaders are spending this weekend at Grace Adventures Youth Camp. Pray that the youth may grow in their faith through this weekend.
Communion ~ Next Sunday morning we will have the celebration of Holy Communion. The thank offering will be for Faith Promise Mission Support.
Mitten Bee ~ Anyone interested in participating in a “mitten bee”? The plan is to gather at the Visser’s house a couple of nights and together make felted sweater mittens for Love INC to give to their clients. The dates will be Wednesday, January 25 and Wednesday, February 1 from 6:30 – 8 pm. Please let Ruth Visser know if you plan on joining. No special skills required. If you can work a scissors, there is a job for you. We make these mittens from old wool sweaters, so even if you are not interested in helping to make the mittens, would you dig around your closets to see if you have any wool sweaters you could donate? The sweaters can be brought to church before January 23. Talk with Ruth Visser if you have any questions or want more information.
Cadets will be meeting on January 25 in the clubhouse from 6:30 – 7:45 pm.
Yearbook 2017 ~ If you would like to order a Christian Reformed Yearbook for 2017 sign the order sheet at the Welcome Table. This directory is of churches, classes, pastors, commissioned pastors and CRC ministers for the Christian Reformed Church in North America. Books are $10 and will arrive in February.
Sanctity of Life March and Service will be held on Monday, January 16, from 7 – 8 pm starting at Central Avenue CRC in Holland. The guest speaker will be Barb Listing President of Right to Life of Michigan. Let us take a stand for the unborn and support the work of Right to Life of Holland as they educate people to choose life. Remember this ministry with your prayers and gifts.
Summer Camp ~ Kids, registration information for Camp Geneva 2017 is available on the Welcome Table. Check out the various camp weeks they have for all youth ages. “Embrace the Adventure” this summer at Camp Geneva.
Pray for Inspire 2017 ~ Inspire 2017 is a conference to connect people from across the 1,000 churches in the Christian Reformed Church for three days of worship, workshops, speakers and conversation. As we plan and prepare for this event, happening August 3-5 in Detroit, Michigan please join us in praying for the event and all who will attend. This week, pray for those involved in the planning – that they will be encouraged in their ongoing work and that many will be blessed through the event.
Digital Library ~ “Every Bit of Who I Am” is available free to all in the CRC through the Digital Library (crcna.org/Library). These powerful devotions by James C. Schaap help teens dig deeper into faith as they see that every bit of who they are hinges on their relationship with God.
Thank You ~ Your support enables church planters, campus ministers and other ministry leaders to reach out to those around us who are hungry to hear the words of the gospel. In our changed and changing culture, people are still searching – searching for something only the love of God can fill. Thank you for your gifts and support of God’s mission. Periods of change – sometimes easy and sometimes difficult – demonstrate God’s faithfulness in all seasons of life. We read in Genesis 8:22, that, “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” This promise of endurance is a symbol of the hope that so many people search for and find in communities of faith. We can find deep strength and hope in the fact that our gracious and faithful God is always by our side. Home Missions is seeking to bring that same hope to all those who are lost and hurting in North America – thank you for supporting this vital mission work, especially in this season of great change. Thank you and God bless Hamilton CRC in 2017 ~Christian Reformed World Missions