Weekly Bulletin – 1/17/16
Sunday, January 17, 2016
“Welcome one and all! Faith, hope and love are gifts of God. May you find them here.
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Jacob Porter
Gathering Praise ~ God of Wonders
Welcome & Call to Worship
Praise Songs ~ Blessed Assurance
Your Name
Be Unto Your Name
God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings
Confession & Assurance ~ Isaiah 1:18 ~ Jaclyn Driesenga
(children PreK – 4th grade are dismissed for Sunday School)
Morning Prayer
God’s Word ~ John 1:19-34 (pg. 1646)
Message l Look and See Jesus ~ The Lamb of God
Offering Prayer ~ Paul Nyboer
Tithes & Offerings | HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Offertory ~ O Praise The Name
God’s Blessing
Sending Song ~ Doxology
Sending Praise
Prayer Ministry ~ Paul Nyboer and Esther Vander Laan
6 pm – Evening Worship Service
Hymn Sing led by Mark Driesenga
Offering: Right to Life of Holland
Zena Walters’ CT scan results has shown that the tumor on her liver has been shrinking. She will be having chemo on Monday and needs to complete 7 rounds (every other week) before surgery can be done. Continue to pray for strength for Zena during these chemo treatments. The Walters family thanks everyone for your prayers, encouragement and the food that you provide to them. God hears and answers our prayers.
Mission Trip ~ If you would like to be part of the church mission trip, June 16 – 22, to Logan, West Virginia there will be meeting following the morning service.
Sunday School Classes will meet today. Pre-K – 4th grade will be dismissed during the morning service; 5th – 12th grade will meet following the worship service.
Evening Worship will be a Hymn Sing led by Mark Driesenga. An offering will be received for Right to Life of Holland.
Support Life ~ Attend the combined “March for Life / Memorial Service” on Monday Night, January 18. The March begins at 7 pm at Centennial Park and concludes at Central Avenue and 10th Street in Holland. The Memorial Service follows at Central Avenue CRC with speaker Christen Pollo, Execuive Director of Students for Life of Michigan.
Council will meet on Monday night and will be making nominations for elders and deacons. If you have someone you would like Council to consider for this office of the church, please give your suggestion to Pastor Jake, any elder or leave in the church office.
Chili Cook-Off and Bread Bake-Off will be held on Wednesday, January 27. Everyone of all ages are encouraged to enter their chili and/or breads for this great church event. Sign-up by January 24 if you would like to enter the contest to see if you have the “best of the best” chili or bread.
Today: January 17
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Jacob Porter
Offering: HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
Sunday School Pre-K – 4th grade
Story: Parable – The Lost Sheep
10:50 am ~ Sunday School – 5th – 12th grade
10:50 am ~ Mission Trip meeting
6 pm ~ Evening Hymn Sing led by Mark Driesenga
Offering: Right to Life of Holland
Monday, January 18
6:30 pm ~ Council meeting
Wednesday, January 20
7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary
Sunday, January 24
9:15 am ~ Prayer Time in the Council Room
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Jacob Porter
Offering: HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
Sunday School for Pre-K – 12th grade
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service ~ Rev. David Penning
Offering: World Renew
Advance Notices
Wednesday, January 27 – 5:30 pm ~ Chili Cook-off and
Bread Bake-Off
Wednesday, January 27 – 8:30 am ~ Sr. Breakfast
Requested & Expanded Announcements
January 17, 2016
Church Parking Assistance ~ If anyone needs assistance with having their vehicle parked or an extra hand in walking on the sidewalks into church please contact Matt Nyboer or Chad Schierbeek. They are serving as our church parking assistance team.
Chili Cook-Off and Bread Bake-Off will be held on Wednesday, January 27. If you have a favorite chili (categories – traditional, hot-n-spicy, alternative) and / or bread (categories – yeast, quick) sign-up to enter the contest. You will need to have your chili and/or bread to the church kitchen by 4:30 pm on January 27 for the taste judging to begin at 5:30 pm. Everyone is invited to come and be a judge of all the entries. Sign-up today, we need many entries of chili and bread to make this a fun night.
Nominations ~ Council will be meeting Monday night to make nominations for the office of Elder and Deacon. If there is any person(s) that you would like to see nominated, please communicate the name and the perspective office (Elder or Deacon) to Pastor Jake, Lori or Berend Bergman. If you prefer to remain anonymous, please place the name and office on a slip of paper and place it in Pastor Jake’s office, Berend’s mailbox or the church office.
Membership Class ~ If you would like to consider taking the next step in your spiritual journey, Pastor Jake will be having a profession of faith / membership class soon. Please let him know of your interest in this class.
Newsletter ~ Articles for the February church newsletter are due next Sunday, January 24.
Valentine Dinner hosted by the High School Youth Group will be held on Wednesday, February 10. A Valentine supper will be served from 5:30- 6:30 pm. Mark your calendar for this special night. The proceeds from this evening will be for the Youth Mission Trip 2017 to New York.
Right to Life Fundraiser will be held on Tuesday, January 19, 5 – 9 pm at Russ’ Eastown. Russ’ will donate 25% of your total bill to Right to Life of Holland. You must have a coupon which is available at the Welcome Table or go to www.rtlofholland.org.
Summer Camp ~ Kid’s are your considering going to summer camp? Camp Geneva, located on the shores of Lake Michigan, has brochures and registration information available at the church mailboxes.
Love INC ~ Would you or a group of friends like a service project? The Hamilton Life Skills Program through Love INC, is looking for groups to supply meals for either the adults or children on Thursday evenings. The commitment could be once a month, once a quarter or yearly you name what works for your schedule. Many of our families come to the program directly from work and some do not have the resources to eat every day so these meals are a great blessing to everyone. The Children’s ministry could use a few more leaders and helpers. There are plenty of babies to hold or elementary children to bond with. Please call 269.751.2533 and talk to Eloise of Jean or email loveinceg@frontier.com.
Sensible Shoes ~ Sharon Garlough Brown, author of Sensible Shoes, will be speaking at Harderwyk Ministries on Tuesday, January 19, from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Rev. Brown will be sharing how participating in and then leading a “Sensible Shoes” intergenerational small group has impacted her life and the lives of many other women. More importantly, she will discuss and then walk through the various disciplines of spiritual practice, mutual support and personal revelation that are shared in her book, Sensible Shoes, along with her latest book, Two Steps Forward, will be available for 50% off this night.
School ~ Parents interested in learning more about 2016-17 preschool and kindergarten at Holland Christian Schools are invited to join us at one of the Discovery Nights on January 19 at South Side Elementary and January 21 at Rose Park Elementary from 6 – 7:30 pm. Parents interested in learning more about Holland Christian High School are invited to the High School Showcase on January 25 at 7 pm. For more information, contact Courtney Lampen at 616.820.2804 or clampen@hollandchristian.org.
Free Webinar ~ Join in on January 19 for “10 Steps Toward Intergenerational Youth Ministry”, a free one-hour webinar presented by Syd Hielema and Lesli vaMiligen. They will share ten specific practices that will serve both youth ministry and the intergenerational church in strengthening their faith formation work. For details and registration go to crcna.org/webinars.
Calvin Symposium on Worship ~ Registration is now open for the annual Calvin Symposium on Worship, January 28-30 at Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary. This year’s theme is based on the book of Isaiah. The preachers include Mary Hulst, Richard J. Mouw, Reggie Smith, Frank A. Thomas and Anne Zaki. For complete information go to worship.calvin.edu/symposium.
Prayer Conference ~ Have you ever longed for deep healing in your own life, or being able to pray for lasting healing in someone else’e life? Consider coming to a free conference on “The Healing Ministry of Jesus Christ”, January 21-23. Participants will learn how Jesus invites us to participate with Him as He ministers to those in need of spiritual, relational and/or physical healing. There will be opportunity to learn how to pray for others, as well as to receive prayer ministry. The conference will be held at Calvin College Chapel on Thursday & Friday, January 21-22, 9 am – 9 pm and Saturday, January 23, 9 am – 1 pm. Cost is free unless you purchase the Calvin catered meals for $47. Registration is a www.prmi.org or call 828.669.7373. For additional information contact Nancy at vnor@calvin.ed.
Thank you for your gifts to World Missions. God calls us and our joyful response is to go and make disciples for Him. Through His Spirit your gifts have changed lives in: Japan – Young adults have been inviting non-Christian friends to come to church and ask questions about the Christian faith. Many have accepted the invitation and came to church for the first time in their lives. Praise God for the growing interest in the Christian faith in a country with very few professing Christians.
West Africa – A church in a community where a CRWM missionary serves recently had its first wedding that was run entirely by local leaders. Thank God for this milestone in the growth of the church in this West African country.
Mexico – A man named Sergio was reluctant to profess the Christian faith, but attended a Sunday School class led by a CRWM missionary. Through this class, he had a better understanding of the Christian faith. Recently, Sergio was baptized and made his profession of faith along with his two sons!
Your financial support and prayers are greatly appreciated Thank you from CR World Missions