Weekly Bulletin 12/25/16

Sunday, December 25, 2016

 Welcome to worship as we pray:  “O holy Child of Bethlehem… be born in us today.”

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service

Worship Leader:  Rev. Jacob Porter

Gathering Praise ~ Little Drummer Boy

Welcome & Call to Worship

Lighting of the Christmas Candle

O Little Town of Bethlehem

Scripture:  Luke 2:1-7 ~

Hark! the Herald Angels Sing

Scripture:  Luke 2:8-21 ~

The First Noel

Scripture:  Luke 2:22-35 ~

Silent Night

Scripture:  Luke 2:36-40 ~

It Came Upon a Midnight Clear

Morning Prayer

God’s Word ~  Luke 1:1-40 (pg. 1588)

Message ~  The King Has Come!

Service of Communion

O Holy Night

Tithes & Offerings l HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

Faith Promise Mission Support

Offertory ~ What Child Is This

Offering Prayer  ~ Wes Lemmen

God’s Blessing

Sending Song ~ Good Christian Men Rejoice

Sending Praise

Prayer Ministry ~ Wes Lemmen and Michele Dykstra


 There is no evening worship service.



Tom Tucker is recovering from aneurysm surgery.  Continue to pray for him for healing and strength.

Missionaries ~ Pray for Jon & Melissa Barlow and boys as they will be returning to the Philippines on January 1.  Also for Rev. Ruth Lemmen for her plans to return to China the beginning of January.

Thank you to those who sent cards to our missionaries and home-bound church family.  The cards were mailed and delivered this past week.  Each card was appreciated.

As we gather with family friends to celebrate Christmas, remember those of our military who serve our country and cannot be home, remember those who struggle with loneliness, health issues and so many other needs.


Morning Service ~ We celebrate today what we have been waiting for – Christ is Born!   This morning we will also celebrate Holy Communion.

Evening Service will not be held tonight or January 1.  Our evening services for January will be held at Hamilton Reformed Church.

Sunday School classes will not meet today or January 1, but will resume classes on January 8.

Newsletter ~ Information for the January newsletter is due today and may be placed in the newsletter box in the narthex.



Today:  December 25 ~ Christmas Day

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service – Rev. Jacob Porter

       Offering:  HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

                           Faith Promise Mission Support

Wednesday,  December 28

7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary

8:30 am ~ Sr. Breakfast at Hawk’s Nest Restaurant

7 pm ~ Praise Team

Sunday,  January 1 ~ New Year’s Day

9:10 am ~ Prayer Time ~ Pastor’s Office

9:30 am ~  Morning Worship Service – Rev. Jacob Porter

                                Offering:  HCRC Ministries & Building  Fund


Requested & Expanded Announcements

December 25, 2016

 Newsletter information for the January Observer is due Sunday, December 25 and may be placed in  the newsletter box in the narthex.

Sunday School will not meet the remainder of this year for Christmas break.  We will resume Sunday School on January 8.

Found some articles of clothing that have been left at church for the past few months.  These items are hanging on the coat rack in the narthex near the restrooms.  Please check if these items may belong to you.  Unclaimed items will be donated to Love INC.

Do It For Daniel is a documentary about Daniel Olson’s life.  He suffered his whole life with depression and anxiety.  This movie was made to educate people about depression and will be shown at Hamilton High School Auditorium on Saturday, January 7 at 7 pm.  Tickets are $5 and available at Hamilton Vet Clinic, Vicki’s Dinner in Douglas and Ken & Verna Berens.  See the back of this page for additional information on this event.

CRC Digital Library ~Mary:  Surprised by God” is available free to all in the CRC through the Digital Library (crcna.org/Library).  This Bible study for youth explores the life of Mary, and how her story shows us the many ways we can be used to fulfill God’s purposes throughout our lives.

Calvin College January Series simulcast will begin on January 4 and continue through January 24 at The Gathering Place at Christ Memorial Church in Holland.  Each lecture will be shown via  “live feed” from Calvin College from 12:30 – 1:30 pm.  For information on the speakers and topics, visit the January Series website at www.calvin.edu/january.

Calvin Symposium on Worship will be held January 26-28, 2017 at Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary.  The three-day conference brings together a wide audience of artists, musicians, pastors, scholars, students, worship leaders and planners and other interested worshippers.  The plenary speakers for the conference are N.T. Wright and Sandra Van Opstal.  For complete information go to worship.calvin.edu/symposium.

Thank You to each person and church who sponsored families for this year’s Sponsor-A-Family Program. Your generosity and kindness is greatly appreciated by us and more importantly by our Love INC families.  The shopping day at Dunningville Reformed Church is a fun family day and makes the season a little brighter for those who are going through a tough time.  Our clients gave hugs, shed tears and left with smiles.  Thanks to Dunningville Church for hosting the shopping day and thanks so much to Roxie Nevenzel and Diane Vander Kooi for volunteering many hours of their time to pull this all together.  Thanks be to God for your love and care for those in your community.    Have a Blessed Christmas!

Char Van Beek – Love In the Name of Christ