Weekly Bulletin 12/27/15

Sunday, December 27, 2015

“Welcome to worship on this last Sunday of 2015.

God is Lord of all time and eternity, so we walk with him –

and one another – into all that the new year brings.”

 9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service

Worship Leader: Rev Jacob Porter

Gathering Praise

Welcome & Call to Worship

Praise Songs ~ Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Go Tell It On the Mountain

Away In a Manger

God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings

Children’s Message ~ Kurt Dykstra

Morning Prayer

God’s Word ~ II Samuel 11-12:25 (pg. 486)

I Kings 1:15-39 (pg. 518)

Message l The Women of Matthew 1: Bathsheba

Offering Prayer ~ Paul Kloosterman

Tithes & Offerings | HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

Offertory ~ Love Comes Down

God’s Blessing

Sending Song ~ Joy to the World

Sending Praise

Prayer Ministry ~ Paul Kloosterman

 6 pm – Community Tesetimonty Service

Worship Service


Offering: World Renew



Dale Eding is a patient at Cleveland Clinic. Continue to pray for him and Carol that they will be able to return home to Hamilton.

Zena Walters completed her fourth round of chemo this past week. Pray that these treatments may be shrinking the tumors.


Morning Service will be led by Pastor Jake.   We will continue with the series of The Women of Matthew 1.

Tonight ~ Community Testimony Service will be held at 6 pm at our church. We will join as a community to reflect on this past year of God’s faithfulness and look forward to a new year with God’s promises. The offering will be for World Renew.

Open House at Pastor Jake & Kris’ home will be Wednesday, December 30 from 4 – 7 pm. Come when you can and enjoy some holiday refreshments and fellowship.

Meals for the Walters Family ~ Thank you to those who signed up to bring meals to the Walters Family. These meals are so much appreacited by this family during Zena’s chemo treatments months.

Newsletter information for the January Observer is due today and may be placed in the newsletter box in the narthex.




Today: December 27 ~

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service

Offering: HCRC Ministries and Building Fund

6 pm ~ Community Testimony Service

Offering: World Renew

Wednesday, December 30

7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary

8:30 am ~ Sr. Breakfast at Hawk’s Nest Restaurant

4 – 7 pm ~ Open House at Jake & Kris’ home

Sunday, January 3

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service

Offering: HCRC Ministries and Building Fund

6 pm ~   Evening Worship Service


Advance Notices

Monday, January 4 – 6:30 pm ~ Executive meeting

Monday, January 4 – 7:15 pm ~ Elders meeting


Requested & Expanded Announcements

December 27, 2015

Sunday School classes will not meet today, class will resume on January 3.

Recycle ~ After you have enjoyed your Christmas greeting cards why not recycle them. The Teen Life On Campus and GATE After School Ministries can use them for various crafts. The cards can be of any occasion and you may place only the front or the entire card in the container in the fellowship hall.

Yearbook 2016 ~ If you would like to order a Christian Reformed Yearbook for 2016 sign the order sheet in the fellowship hall. This book lists all the churches of the CR along with ministers and missionaries. Books will arrive mid-January and cost $15.

Looking Ahead ~ Our next Wednesday Fellowship Night will be January 13. We will having a winter picnic  of hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, baked beans and everyone should bring a dessert. The annual Chili Cook-off and Bread Bake-off is being planned for Wednesday, January 27. Start looking for those great recipes and mark these dates on your calendar.

Missionary Housing for World Missions ~ Missionaries Steve & Jan Michmerhuizen of Romania will be on home service and in need of housing for six months – March 1 through August 30, 2016. They would like to reside in the Holland area. If you know of a possibility for this need, please contact Steve Michmerhuizen at smichmerhuizen@crcna.org.

Christmas Bags ~ After you opened your Christmas gifts, if you have any of those beautiful Christmas shopping bags that you will just end up throwing away – please consider donating them to Love INC. Gift wrapping / bags is a big expense with Sponsor-A-Family program. Your still very good… gently used shopping bags would save us money. Any and all sizes of bags are needed. Please feel free to drop them off at the Hamilton Love INC office. Thanks for thinking of us.

2016 January Series ~ Coming this January for the 29th year, Calvin College presents the 2016 January Series – the award winning free liberal arts education delivered in 15 weekday, lunchtime lectures. This year the series begins on Wednesday, January 6 and continues through January 26 from 12:30 – 130 pm EST with topics ranging from global health, interfaith leadership, the future of Russian, a story of autism, justice in Honduras, cyber security in a shrinking world and much more. Thousands in west Michigan will join on Calvin’s campus for the daily noontime lectures; others will join the conversation by watching the live feed at 48 remote webcast sites across the continent (including 16 sites in Michigan), while others will listen online. For more information about the speakers, topics, remote sites and listening options visit the website at www.calvin.edu/january.

Dear Friends of Hamilton CRC,

It has been a wonderful time in the US the last six months. We are getting ready to return to our home and work in Cambodia, scheduled to fly out on January 9, 2016. We would love to be sent off by friends and supporters here in West Michigan. So we are organizing an informal gathering on Saturday, January 2, 2 – 4 pm. It will be a casual open-house style event, so you can stop by anytime between 2 – 4 pm at the Great Room – main floor of Shawnee Park CRC (located at the rear parking lot of Grand Rapids Christian High School). However, there will be a time of prayer together from 3 – 3:30 pm. If you can come for that, it will be even more special for us. If possible kindly rsvp if you will be attending at gsuh@crcna.org.   Thank you so much for your friendship and support over the years. We would like to see you at the open house.   God bless. Sincerely – Gil & Joyce ~ David, Isaac, and Mary Suh

Shawnee Park CRC ~ 2255 Tecumseh Drive, SE ~ Grand Rapids