Weekly Bulletin 2/04/2018
Hamilton Christian Reformed Church
Our Church Calendar:
Today: February 4
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Jake Porter
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
Noisy Offering – Love INC
Sunday School: Leaven or Great Pearl
Fellowship Time follows the morning service
6 pm ~ Evening Worship at Hamilton CRC
Worship Leader: Rev. Adam Van Der Stoep
Monday, February 5
6:30 pm ~ Executive meeting
7:15 pm ~ Elders meeting
Wednesday, February 7
7:00 am- ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary
6:30 – 8 pm ~ Cadet Snow Derby practice – clubhouse
6:30 pm ~ Youth Group meet in Youth Room
Lesson – Genesis 18-19
Thursday, February 8
6:30 – 8 pm ~ Meet-n-Greet Missionary Rev. Ruth Lemmen
Saturday, February 10
12:30 pm ~ Cadet Snow Derby
Sunday, February 11
9:10 ~ Prayer Time (Pastor Jake’s office)
9:30 ~ Morning Worship Service – Communion Service
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries and Building Fund,
Noisy Offering, Faith Promise Mission Support
6 pm ~ Evening Worship at Hamilton CRC –
Worship Leader: Mr. Ron Lugten
Requested & Expanded Announcements
February 4, 2018
Youth Group will be meeting on Wednesday, February 7 at 6:30 – 8 pm in the youth room. We will be studying from Genesis 18-19, Sodom and Gomorrah. Next Wednesday, February 14, we will be hosting the Valentine Dinner for our church family and friends.
Cadets we will be meeting on Wednesday, February 7 from 6:30 – 8 pm at the clubhouse. We will be practicing for the Snow Derby that will be held on Saturday, February 10.
Missionary Open House ~ Rev. Ruth Lemmen will be with us on Thursday, February 8 from 6:30 – 8 pm in the church
fellowship hall. At 6:30 and again at 8 she will share a video presentation of her work in China. Stop by on this night to show your support of her work.
Cadet Snow Derby will be held on Saturday, February 10 at the Heritage Campgrounds (16455 Ransom Street – Holland). The fun and competition begins at 12:30 pm. Everyone is invited to come out and watch the competition and cheer your HCRC Cadets on to victory. Remember to bring a can of soup for the stock pot.
Holy Communion Service will be celebrated next Sunday, February 11, at the morning worship. Prepare your heart this week for this celebration. A thank offering will be received for Faith Promise Mission Support.
Valentine Dinner & Fellowship Night will be held on Wednesday, February 14. The Youth Group will be serving a meal
(Baked Meaty Mac & Cheese Casserole, Salad & Ice Cream) from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. After 6:30 pm there will be a raffle, entertainment and music. Come out and enjoy this wonderful evening and support our youth. The proceeds from this evening will go towards their mission trip to Ludington in June.
Race Fans take note the Cadets will be having their Pinewood Derby Race on Wednesday, February 28 at 6:30 pm in the
fellowship hall. Anyone is welcome to enter the race. If you have a former Pinewood Derby car or you would like to build a new one, the Cadets would love to challenge you to a great race. There is a sign-up sheet along with car kits on the table in the narthex. If you do not want to race come out and cheer on the racers. See Kurt Dykstra with any questions. A pre-race supper will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm.
Ash Wednesday Service will be held at Hamilton Reformed Church on Wednesday, February 14 at 7 pm. For several years at Hamilton Reformed they have entered the season of Lent with a special Ash Wednesday Service in which those who choose can received the imposition of ashes. Not everyone who attends the service does … and that’s OK. This year they wanted to invite the neighbors to have the privilege of participating in this special service. Ash Wednesday affords us a powerful and faithful way – Catholic or Protestant – to begin the Lenten season from a proper theological perspective. If we are to deeply experience the promise and joy of what it means to be set free from our sin and death (Good Friday) and raised to new life (Easter), then we first must honestly, openly and humbly come to grips with our brokenness, darkness and depravity.
American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held on Thursday, February 15 from 12 noon – 5:45 pm at Hamilton Reformed
Church. To schedule an appointment, log onto redcrossblood.org (sponsor code: hamiltonreformed) or call A-800-RED-CROSS – 1.800.733.2767), appointments are not necessary. Please give blood and circulate the love.
Lost and Found Part 2 ~ Liz’s sister Linda lives out the three parables of Luke 15 when she helps Granny find a lost ring,
Grandpa finds his lost chick and watches Granny forgive Liz for his selfish behavior. Subscribe for free at getkidscorner.com. Free Stuff: Kid’s Corner invites you to print off our set of valentine cards, each featuring a favorite Bible passage. Check out the website at www.kidscorner.net.
Engaging Culture With the Gospel ~ God’s mission to spread the light of salvation to all nations makes it imperative for
us to engage culture. How do we do this well? Join in the studying of Apostle Paul’s ministry in Acts 17 to uncover a valuable method and model to help us prepare for and begin these important conversations. Listen at GroundworkOnline.com and subscribe to Groundwork’s weekly emails for future episodes.
Justice Bible Study ~ Calvin College is offering a Bible study on the theme of justice for seven weeks. Seven different
writers from Calvin and wider church community have addressed such topics as race, pro-life, creation care and poverty from a biblical perspective. All studies are available for download at www.calvin.edu/faith. This study looks at what “act justly” really means.
Mission Opportunities ~ Are you looking for ways to help end poverty, restore creation and reconcile relationships?
World Renew’s Global Volunteer Program has overseas placements for individuals in language learning, health, agriculture, engineering and more. If you are identifying God’s call in your life or looking for an opportunity to use your gifts and skills let’s further God’s kingdom together. To find out more, contact Andrew at globalvolunteer@worldrenew.net.