Weekly Bulletin 2/05/17
Sunday, February 5, 2017
The arms of our loving God are open wide to receive you, for this time of worship and forever. Welcome!
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Jacob Porter
Gathering Praise ~ All Things Bright and Beautiful
Welcome & Call to Worship
Praise Songs ~ Mighty to Save
O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus ~ How Great Thou Art
God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings
Confession and Assurance
Noisy Offering ~ King’s Children’s Home
(Pre-K – 5th grade are dismissed for Sunday School)
Morning Prayer
God’s Word ~ Luke 8:1-21 (pg. 1605)
Message ~ Parable of The Sower
Tithes & Offerings l HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Offertory ~ I Love To Tell the Story
Offering Prayer ~ Berend Bergman
Tithe-of-Tithe ~ $1,392
God’s Blessing
Sending Song ~ To God Be the Glory
Sending Praise
Prayer Ministry ~ Berend Bergman, Michele Dykstra
6 pm –Evening Worship Service
at Hamilton CRC
Worship Leader: Rev. Barry Lucas, Director of Love INC
Ken Laninga was called to his eternal home on Tuesday, January 31. We give thanks to God for the 86 years of Ken’s earthly life, but now we rejoice that he is home in heaven. The funeral service was held on Saturday. May God give comfort to the Laninga family.
Charles Volkers will celebrate his 89th birthday on Tuesday, February 7. Take time to send a birthday greeting or a visit. His address is: Rest Haven Care Center – 280 W. 40th Street – Holland, Michigan 49423
Morning Service ~ This morning Pastor Jake will lead us in worship as we continue in the book of Luke.
Sunday School Classes will meet today. Pre-K – 5th grade will be dismissed during the worship service; Middle & High School students will meet following worship in the Youth Room.
Evening Service ~ For the month of February our church will be hosting the evening services at 6 pm. Tonight Rev. Barry Lucas, Director of Love INC in Hamilton, will lead us in worship.
Baby Basket ~ The Baby Basket is available in the fellowship hall for your cards and gifts to welcome Ellie Hope Oetman to the Hamilton CRC Family. Ellie was born on January 17 to Garret and Nicole Oetman, sister to Braden. The Baby Basket will be in the fellowship hall until February 12.
Pinewood Derby ~ It’s that time of year again. The Cadets will be hosting a Pinewood Derby Race on Wednesday, February 22 at 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall. There is a sign-up sheet and car kits available for those who would like to race in the narthex. If you have an old Pinewood Derby race car laying around the house and would like to dust that off and race it that would be great! Please see Kurt Dykstra with any questions. Hope to see you at the races!
Today: February 5
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service – Rev. Jacob Porter
Offering: HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Noisy Offering ~ King’s Children’s Home
Sunday School for Pre-K – 5th Grade
Story: Walks on Water
10:50 am ~ Sunday School classes for Middle & High School
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service – Rev. Barry Lucas
at Hamilton CRC
Wednesday, February 8
7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary
6:30 pm ~ Cadets – clubhouse
Friday, February 10
9 am ~ Hamilton Elementary Release Time –church basement
Saturday, February 11
11 am ~ Cadet Snow Derby – meet at clubhouse
Sunday, February 12
9:10 am ~ Prayer Time ~ Pastor’s Office
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service – Rev. Jacob Porter
Offering: HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Noisy Offering ~ King’s Children’s Home
Sunday School for Pre-K – 5th Grade
10:50 am ~ Sunday School classes for Middle & High School
6 pm ~ Evening Worship – Hamilton CRC
Requested & Expanded Announcements
February 5, 2017
Cadets will be meeting on Wednesday, February 8 in the clubhouse from 6:30 – 7:45 pm. Our Heritage Council Snow Derby will be Saturday, February 11, meet at the clubhouse at 11 am. The Pinewood Derby Race will be on Wednesday, February 22 in the church fellowship hall at 6:30 pm. A pre-race supper will be served starting at 5:30 pm.
Fellowship Night ~ Our February Fellowship Night will be held on Wednesday, February 22. A pre-race meal will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. At 6:30 the Cadets will be racing their Pinewood Derby cars in the fellowship hall. Come and cheer on all our racers and enjoy a great meal!
Racers ~ If you would like to be part of the Cadets Pinewood Derby Race on February 22, you can pick up a car kit and information sheets in the narthex. If you have an old Pinewood Derby race car, you can dust it off and enter it in the race. Any questions can be directed to Kurt Dykstra.
Drivers Needed~ The middle school youth are in need of someone to take them to the area youth group event (MOB) on Wednesday, March 1. If you can help out please contact Sandi Nyboer.
Noisy Offering ~ For the month of January and February the Sunday School “Noisy Offering” will go towards The King’s Children Home in Belmopan, Belize. The offering has been designated to help supply diapers for the babies in the orphanage. Thank you for giving of your “pocket change”.
Calendar ~ The Youth Group will be hosting a St. Patrick’s Dinner on Wednesday, March 8. The meal (ham, turkey, bread & dinner rolls, veggies and dessert) will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. Following the meal there will be entertainment and a raffle. All proceeds will go to the High School Youth Group Mission trip to New York this summer. Mark this date on your calendar and help support our youth.
Family Bowling ~ The Youth Group will be hosting a Family Bowling Night on Friday, March 31 at Zeeland Bowling Lanes. Sign-up in the fellowship hall or contact Zena Walters. The cost of $10 includes two games of bowling and shoe rental. Come out and enjoy a great night of bowling with your church family!
That The World May Know Weekend Seminar will be held on Friday, March 17 (7 – 9pm), Saturday, March 18 (9 am – 4 pm), and Sunday morning service, March 19 at 9:30 am at our church. To register for this seminar led by Rev. Ray Vander Laan go to eventbrite.com.
Release Time ~ Hamilton Elementary Release Time will be meeting on Friday, February 10 from 8:30 am – 2:30 pm in our church basement. Keep this ministry and the volunteers in your prayers as they work to plant the seeds of Jesus in young hearts.
Women’s Kayaking ~ Outdoor Discovery Center naturalists will lead us in the basics of kayaking. This event is scheduled for Thursday, May 18, 6 pm – 7:30 pm. Cost is $10 per person. If you are interested in attending sign-up in the Fellowship Hall or contact Zena Walters.
Resident Support Staff ~ The Holland Deacons’ Conference is seeking Resident Support Staff (aka Relief Staff) to serve at My Brother’s House and Sister’s House in Holland. The need is for individuals who are interested and available to work on weekends, weekdays, weekday evenings and as substitutes on an as needed basis. Interested individuals may request an application packet by phone at 616.494.6050, email at admin@hdccrc.org or hdccrc.org/jobs.
Digital Library ~ “We: The Epic Story” is available free to all in the CRC through the Digital Library (crcna.org/Library). This resource includes ten intergenerational events centered on creation, the fall, Abraham, the exodus, David, Jesus’ ministry, Jesus’ death and resurrection, the spread of the gospel and the new heaven and new earth.