Weekly Bulletin 2/15/15
Sunday, February 15, 2015
“Welcome to worship in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Worship Leader: Mr. Jacob Porter
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Gathering Praise ~ Here I Am
Welcome & Announcements
Praise Songs ~ Forever
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings
Confession and Assurance
Words of Assurance ~ Matthew 10:40-42 ~
Children’s Blessing ~
“May the Lord bless you as we worship and grow together.”
Children, Pre-K – 4th grade are dismissed for Sunday School
Community Ministry ~ Q-Place DVD
Morning Prayer
God’s Word ~ Matthew 25:31-46 (p. 1542)
Message l The Art of Welcoming
Community 2015 Series
Offering Prayer ~ Dave Visser
Tithes & Offerings | HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Offertory ~ Build Your Kingdom
God’s Blessing
Sending Song ~ Benediction Song
Sending Praise
Prayer Ministry ~Dave Visser and Michele Dykstra
6 pm – Evening Worship Service
Worship Leader: Mr. Jake Porter
Scripture: Isaiah 21:1-5
Message ~ Our World Belongs to God: Stanza 6
Offering: GATE After School Ministry
We extend our sympathy to Ray & Esther Vander Laan in the passing of Esther’s mother, Harriet Feyen, this past Monday. The funeral service will be held on Thursday at Cuterville East CRC with visitation on Wednesday at Stroo Funeral Home.
Thank You church family for your thoughts, prayers, cards and visits. I am continuing to gain strength each day.
~Jerene Schrotenboer
Charlie thanks everyone who brought her gifts. We appreciate it very much!
This morning Pastor Jake will lead us in worship focusing on the Art of Welcoming as part of the Community Series.
Community Service will be held on Sunday, February 22 at 9:30 am at the Hamilton High School. The guest speaker will be Mr. Jeff Klein of Q-Place Ministry. We will celebrate Holy Communion as the Body of Christ. Child-care will be provided for 2-year-olds – 3rd grade. The offering will be for Love INC (please note – to avoid confusion with your general fund tithe to HCRC, you are asked to give to the general budget on February 15 or March 1)
Community Hymn Sing will be held on February 22 at 6 pm at Hamilton CRC. Jake Ten Cate, Sheryl Piper and Cal Dozeman will lead the singing. The offering will be for Teen Life on Campus in support of Sandi Nyboer’s work at Hamilton Middle School.
Pinewood Derby Race ~ The Cadets will be having their annual car race on Wednesday, February 25. A pre-race supper will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm; Race times begins at 6:30 pm. All the action will take place in the fellowship hall.
Conference ~ Journey Through the World With Jesus Conference led by Rev. Ray Vander Laan, will be held March 20, 21 and 22. Information on this conference is available on the Welcome Table.
Today: February 15
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service ~ Mr. Jake Porter
Sunday School: Pre-K – 4th grade
Story: Family Feud
Offering: HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
Prayer Ministry & Fellowship Time follows the service
10:45 am~– Sunday School: 5th – 12th grade
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service ~ Mr. Jake Porter
Offering: GATE After School Ministry
Monday, February 16
7 pm ~ Council meeting
Tuesday, February 17
3 pm ~ GATE After School Ministry
6:30 – 8 pm ~ Pinewood Derby Weigh-in ~ fellowship hall
Wednesday, February 18 ~ Ash Wednesday
7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary
Thursday, February 19
3 pm ~ GATE After School Ministry
Saturday, February 21
8 – 9 am ~ Community Breakfast ~ Fellowship Hall
Sunday, February 22
9:30 am ~ Community Worship Service ~Hamilton High School
Guest Speaker: Mr. Jeff Klein
Offering: Love INC
6 pm ~ Community Hymn Sing ~
Song Leader: Mr. Jack Ten Cate
Offering: Teen Life On Campus
Advance Notices
Tuesday, February 24 – 6:30 pm – Pinewood Derby Weigh-in
Wednesday, February 25 – 8:30 am – Sr. Breakfast
Wednesday, February 25 – 7 pm – Praise Team
Wednesday, February 25 – 5:30 pm – Cadet Pinewood Derby Supper and Race
Requested & Expanded Announcements
February 15, 2015
Community Service will be held on Sunday, February 22 at 9:30 am at the Hamilton High School. Mr. Jeff Klein of Q-Place Ministry will be the guest speaker. We will also celebrate Holy Communion with our brothers and sisters in Christ. A nursery will be provided for 2 year-olds – 3rd grade. The offering will be for Love INC for help with expenses for the service and their ministry. Checks should be made out to Love INC. For your church budget giving, please consider giving the tithes either today or March 1. If you have any questions on this please ask a deacon, Pastor Jake, or Lori.
Cookies ~ If you have signed-up to donate cookies for the Community Service, your donation should be in the church kitchen by noon on Saturday, February 21. Thank you for helping our church to provide cookies for this event.
Community Breakfast will be held on Saturday, February 21 from 8 – 9 am in the church fellowship hall. Everyone is invited to come for a great breakfast!
Newsletter ~ The March newsletter deadline is February 22. Information for this newsletter may be placed in the newsletter box in the narthex.
Pinewood Derby Race Challenge~ The Cadets invite you to be part of a race challenge being held on Wednesday, February 25 in the church fellowship hall. Race car kits are available in the fellowship hall along with specifications. On Tuesday, February 24 from 6:30 -8 pm anyone who signed up for the race should come to the fellowship hall for weigh-in’s and to have a trial race run.
Ladies Guild Bible Study will continue Bible study on Tuesday, March 17. Look for more details soon.
March Conference ~ Join with others on a Journey Through the World of Jesus. This conference will be led by Rev. Ray Vander Laan on Friday, March 20 (7-8:30 pm), Saturday, March 21 (9 am – 4 pm) and Sunday, March 22 (9:30 am worship service) at Hamilton CRC. Registration and information forms are available at the Welcome Table. Registration must be made by March 8.
Church Camp-Out will be held July 17, 18 and 19 at Tri-Ponds Campground in Allegan. A few sites are still available to be part of a fun weekend with your church family. If you would like to reserve a camping site call Tri-Ponds at 269.673.4740 by Friday, February 20. Also if you have already reserved a site, your down payment is needed by February 20.
Community Red Cross Blood Drive will be held on Thursday, February 19 at Hamilton Reformed Church on from noon until 5:45 pm. For more information or to schedule an appointment, go to recrosssblood.org (sponsor code: Hamiltonreformed) or call 1.800REDCROSS.
Today Devotional Series ~ “So, what are you giving up for Lent?” Has anybody ever asked you that question? Lent does involve self-denial, but it’s much more. It’s a season to focus on the hope of Jesus Christ. The Today Devotional is offering a special devotion series to help you refresh, refocus and renew your faith during the season of Lent. The Today devotional is available in your church mailbox.
Holland Christian Schools 2015-16 kindergarten registration is taking place. Rose Park and South Side offer 3-day and 5-day classes. For more information contact Cournty Lampen at 616.820.2804 or clampen@hollandchristiasn.org.
Thank you for partnering with World Renew in the ministry of empowering the children of God to overcome poverty and other injustice. Your support is making a lasting difference to people struggling to make ends meet. Take for example, the farmers along the Pacific coast of Nicaragua who are turning crisis into an opportunity with help from World Renew. An entire cropping season had gone by in which most farmers could not plant at all because of drought. When the rain finally came, many farmers did not have seed for planting because they had used it for food. In response to this need, World Renew’s partner, San Lucas Foundation, distributed seeds to more than 400 families. These seeds not only brought hope to the drought victims, but they also enabled farmers to produce a new crop that could better withstand difficult weather. Now these farmers and their whole communities are working together to organize seed banks and utilize the conservation agricultural techniques promoted by World Renew partners in response to the changes in climate. Praise be to God for restoring hope to communities like this one! May you, too, rejoice in his faithfulness as you continue to serve him in 2015.