Weekly Bulletin 2/19/17

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Welcome to worship!  In the words of the psalmist, let us “exalt the Lord our God and worship at his footstool.” (Psalm 99:5, NIV).

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service

Worship Leader:  Rev. Jacob Porter

Gathering Praise ~ Lord’s Prayer

Welcome & Call to Worship

Praise Songs ~

I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying

Seek Ye First

God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings

Confession and Assurance

Noisy Offering ~ King’s Children’s Home

(Pre-K – 5th grade are dismissed for Sunday School)

Morning Prayer

God’s Word ~  Luke 11:1-13 (pg. 1613)

Message ~  Teach Us To Pray

Tithes & Offerings l HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

Offertory ~ Thy Will

Offering Prayer  ~ Paul Kloosterman

God’s Blessing

Sending Song ~ To God Be the Glory

Sending Praise

 Prayer Ministry ~ Paul Kloosterman and Michele Dykstra


6 pm –Evening Worship Service

at Hamilton CRC

Worship Leader:  Rev. Jacob Porter

Music Ministry:  Hamilton High School Women’s Chorale

Director:  Mrs. Holly Israel



Remember our church family with Christian sympathy and prayers…

Fred Mireles in the death of his sister.  Fred was able to travel to Texas to be with his extended family during this time.

Kurt & Tami Klinkers family and Kim & Peggy Van Order in the passing of Tami’s step-father and Peggy’s brother-in-law, Chet Prins, who passed away on February 12.


Morning Service ~ This morning Pastor Jake will lead us in worship as we reflect on the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray, Our Father who art in heaven…

Sunday School Classes will meet today.  Pre-K – 5th grade will be dismissed during the worship service; Middle & High School students will meet following worship in the Youth Room.  Sunday School classes will not meet next Sunday, February 26.

Evening Service ~ Tonight at 6 pm the Hamilton High School Women’s Chorale will be part of our service.  Join us for this special time of worship.

Next Sunday morning, February 26, will have the celebration of Holy Communion.  A thank offering will be received for Faith Promise Mission Support.

Fellowship Night ~ This Wednesday, February 22 we will be having a Fellowship Night.  The meal of pizza, salad and dessert will be served from 5:30 – 6:30  pm.   At 6:30 pm the Cadet Pinewood Derby Race will take place.  Join us for this exciting evening being held in the fellowship room.

Newsletter ~ Information for the March church newsletter is due today and may be placed in the newsletter box.


Today:  February  19

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service – Rev. Jacob Porter

        Offerings  HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

                           Noisy Offering ~ King’s Children’s Home

         Sunday School for Pre-K – 5th Grade

                  Story:  Great Banquet

10:50 am ~ Sunday School classes for Middle & High School

6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service –   

        Hamilton High School Women’s Chorale

Monday, February 20

6:30 pm ~ Council meeting

Wednesday,  February 22

7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary

8:30 am ~ Sr. Breakfast – Hawk’s Nest Restaurant

5:30 – 6:30 pm ~ Fellowship Meal – fellowship hall

                                     Pizza, Salad and Dessert

6:30 pm ~ Cadet Pinewood Derby Race – fellowship hall

Sunday,  February 26

9:10 am ~ Prayer Time ~ Pastor’s Office

9:30 am ~  Morning Worship Service – Rev. Jacob Porter

                    Celebration of Holy Communion           

Offerings:  HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

                    Faith Promise Mission Fund

                     Noisy Offering ~ King’s Children’s Home

6 pm ~ Evening Worship – Hamilton CRC     


Requested & Expanded Announcements

February 19, 2017


Thank You ~ Gavyn Walters says, “thank you” for helping him with the Meijer Simply Give Campaign in

December.  Because you purchased ‘simply give cards’, $22,140 has been donated to Hungry For Christ to help families in need.  A huge thank you to Gavyn for being willing to let God’s love for others shine through you.

Fellowship Night ~ Our February Fellowship Night will be held on Wednesday, February 22.  A pre-race

Meal of pizza, salad and dessert will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm.  At 6:30 the Cadets will be racing their Pinewood Derby cars in the fellowship hall.  Come and cheer on all our racers and enjoy a great meal and a time of fellowship.

Pinewood Derby Racers ~ You can still participate in the Cadet Pinewood Derby Race.  Race car kits are

available on the Welcome Table.  The race will be held on Wednesday, February 22 at 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall.

March Fellowship Night ~ The Youth Group will be hosting a St. Patrick’s Dinner on Wednesday, March 8.

The meal (ham, turkey, bread & dinner rolls, veggies and dessert) will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm.  Following the meal there will be entertainment and a raffle.  All proceeds will go to the High School Youth Group Mission trip to New York this summer.  Mark this date on your calendar and help support our youth.

Family Bowling ~ Join your church family on Friday, March 31 for a “bowling night”.  The night begins at

7:30 pm at Zeeland Bowling Lanes.  The $10 ticket includes two games of bowling and shoe rental.  Sign-up in the fellowship hall.  This is great night provided by the youth group.

That The World May Know Weekend Series, led by Rev. Ray Vander Laan will be held on Friday, March 17

(7 – 9 pm), Saturday, March 18 (9 am – 4 pm), and Sunday morning service, March 19 at 9:30 am at our church.  The series will explore the week of Jesus life from Palm Sunday to Easter in the context of the city of Jerusalem.  There is no cost to attend, but you do need to obtain tickets at eventbrite.com.

Women’s Kayaking ~ Outdoor Discovery Center naturalists will lead us in the basics of kayaking.  This event

is scheduled for Thursday, May 18, 6 pm – 7:30 pm.  Cost is $10 per person.  If you are interested in attending sign-up in the Fellowship Hall or contact Zena Walters.

Love INC Fundraiser ~ Crazy Horse in Holland will be donating 20% of the lunch and dinner profits on

Monday,     to Love INC.   Added to that Johnson Controls INC of Holland is going to match every dollar raised!  Sound “crazy” – no it is not.  Ya’all come out and invite your friends – give the cook in your house a night off and support Love INC.    This fundraiser will take place again on Tuesday, April 11, the first day that Crazy Horse Restaurant will reopen after a big remodel.

Spring Community Cantata ~ You are invited to join Hamilton Reformed in singing a cantata on Sunday,

April 23.  Practice will begin on Sunday, February 26 at 1:30 pm at Hamilton Reformed Church.  Spread the word to all who enjoy singing.  For more information contact Randy Poll at rtpoll77@yahoo.com.

Love INC Training ~ Has God placed a burden on your heart to serve people in your community?  Love INC

is offering their Basic Training on February 28 and March 7 at the Hamilton office.  This training covers:  What is Love In the Name of Christ, culture of poverty training, understanding and working with a diverse population, problem solving skills and more.  These trainings will equip you to volunteer in Allegan, Hamilton and Pullman office or mentor at one of our Life Skills.  Love INC’s mission is to mobilize the church to transform lives and our community in the Name of Christ.  Participants wishing to attend the training and use these new skills within their church or community are welcomed to join us.  Please contact Jean at loveincje@frontier.com or 269.751.2533, ext. 107.

Love INC Volunteers ~ Families of L.I.F.E. (Learning in Faith and Everyday) Skills Program sponsored by Love

INC needs mentors to walk alongside them and volunteers willing to invest in their children so parents can focus on learning new skills.  All locations, Pullman on Tuesday morning, Allegan on Tuesday evening, and Hamilton on Thursday evening need volunteers in the Children’s Ministry.  You set the frequency of volunteering per your schedule (once a month, weekly for four weeks, once every six weeks, etc.)  Please contact Eloise at loveinceg@frontier.com or 269.751.2533, ext 112 if you can help as either a Children’s Ministry volunteer or as a mentor.



Train Show ~ The Railroad Club Benefit Train Show will take place on Friday, March 3 from 5 – 9 pm and

Saturday, March 4 from 9 am – 2 pm at the Overisel Reformed Church.  Cost is $4 per person or $12 per family.  The show will feature a large operating HO Train Layout, Train Swap and Shop and Refreshments.  This fundraiser is hosted by the Overisel Reformed Student Ministry.

Sportman’s Club ~ Beast Feast – The Year of the Turkey will be held at Overisel Reformed Church on

Saturday, March 11.  The evening begins at 5:30 pm with a Wild Game Potluck.  Complete details of the evening are available on the Welcome Table.

Digital Library ~Where Do I Come In?” is available free to all in the CRC through the Digital Library

(crcna.org/Library).  Every part of your daily life is “mission work” – whether you’re driving children to soccer practice, preparing for a meeting, or getting to know your next-door neighbor.  Find out how to develop a missional mindset in your life with this small group study.

Pray for Inspire 2017 ~ Inspire 2017 is a conference to connect people from across the 1,000+ churches in

the Christian Reformed Church for three days of worship, workshops, speakers, and conversation.  As we plan and prepare for this event, happening  August 3-5 in Detroit, Michigan, please join us in praying for the event and all who will attend.  This week, please pray for smooth food preparation and serving throughout the event and for all those who will prepare, serve and enjoy the food.

Mission Project ~ Be part of a home-building project in West Virginia!  The Holland and Zeeland Classis are

working in partnership with World Renew to build a new house “foundation to finish” for a family in West Virginia who lost their home in the devastating floods of June 2016.  The project begins April 17 and will finish May 19.  We need skilled and general labor volunteers who can serve a week or more during that period.  Accommodations will be in a local church.  Building materials are provided, but donations are needed to cover travel and food expenses for those who serve.  Call Dale Compagner (616.893.5750) for more information.

Requested & Expanded Announcements

February 19, 2017


Thank You ~ Gavyn Walters says, “thank you” for helping him with the Meijer Simply Give Campaign in

December.  Because you purchased ‘simply give cards’, $22,140 has been donated to Hungry For Christ to help families in need.  A huge thank you to Gavyn for being willing to let God’s love for others shine through you.

Fellowship Night ~ Our February Fellowship Night will be held on Wednesday, February 22.  A pre-race

Meal of pizza, salad and dessert will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm.  At 6:30 the Cadets will be racing their Pinewood Derby cars in the fellowship hall.  Come and cheer on all our racers and enjoy a great meal and a time of fellowship.

Pinewood Derby Racers ~ You can still participate in the Cadet Pinewood Derby Race.  Race car kits are

available on the Welcome Table.  The race will be held on Wednesday, February 22 at 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall.

March Fellowship Night ~ The Youth Group will be hosting a St. Patrick’s Dinner on Wednesday, March 8.

The meal (ham, turkey, bread & dinner rolls, veggies and dessert) will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm.  Following the meal there will be entertainment and a raffle.  All proceeds will go to the High School Youth Group Mission trip to New York this summer.  Mark this date on your calendar and help support our youth.

Family Bowling ~ Join your church family on Friday, March 31 for a “bowling night”.  The night begins at

7:30 pm at Zeeland Bowling Lanes.  The $10 ticket includes two games of bowling and shoe rental.  Sign-up in the fellowship hall.  This is great night provided by the youth group.

That The World May Know Weekend Series, led by Rev. Ray Vander Laan will be held on Friday, March 17

(7 – 9 pm), Saturday, March 18 (9 am – 4 pm), and Sunday morning service, March 19 at 9:30 am at our church.  The series will explore the week of Jesus life from Palm Sunday to Easter in the context of the city of Jerusalem.  There is no cost to attend, but you do need to obtain tickets at eventbrite.com.

Women’s Kayaking ~ Outdoor Discovery Center naturalists will lead us in the basics of kayaking.  This event

is scheduled for Thursday, May 18, 6 pm – 7:30 pm.  Cost is $10 per person.  If you are interested in attending sign-up in the Fellowship Hall or contact Zena Walters.

Love INC Fundraiser ~ Crazy Horse in Holland will be donating 20% of the lunch and dinner profits on

Monday,     to Love INC.   Added to that Johnson Controls INC of Holland is going to match every dollar raised!  Sound “crazy” – no it is not.  Ya’all come out and invite your friends – give the cook in your house a night off and support Love INC.    This fundraiser will take place again on Tuesday, April 11, the first day that Crazy Horse Restaurant will reopen after a big remodel.

Spring Community Cantata ~ You are invited to join Hamilton Reformed in singing a cantata on Sunday,

April 23.  Practice will begin on Sunday, February 26 at 1:30 pm at Hamilton Reformed Church.  Spread the word to all who enjoy singing.  For more information contact Randy Poll at rtpoll77@yahoo.com.

Love INC Training ~ Has God placed a burden on your heart to serve people in your community?  Love INC

is offering their Basic Training on February 28 and March 7 at the Hamilton office.  This training covers:  What is Love In the Name of Christ, culture of poverty training, understanding and working with a diverse population, problem solving skills and more.  These trainings will equip you to volunteer in Allegan, Hamilton and Pullman office or mentor at one of our Life Skills.  Love INC’s mission is to mobilize the church to transform lives and our community in the Name of Christ.  Participants wishing to attend the training and use these new skills within their church or community are welcomed to join us.  Please contact Jean at loveincje@frontier.com or 269.751.2533, ext. 107.

Love INC Volunteers ~ Families of L.I.F.E. (Learning in Faith and Everyday) Skills Program sponsored by Love

INC needs mentors to walk alongside them and volunteers willing to invest in their children so parents can focus on learning new skills.  All locations, Pullman on Tuesday morning, Allegan on Tuesday evening, and Hamilton on Thursday evening need volunteers in the Children’s Ministry.  You set the frequency of volunteering per your schedule (once a month, weekly for four weeks, once every six weeks, etc.)  Please contact Eloise at loveinceg@frontier.com or 269.751.2533, ext 112 if you can help as either a Children’s Ministry volunteer or as a mentor.



Train Show ~ The Railroad Club Benefit Train Show will take place on Friday, March 3 from 5 – 9 pm and

Saturday, March 4 from 9 am – 2 pm at the Overisel Reformed Church.  Cost is $4 per person or $12 per family.  The show will feature a large operating HO Train Layout, Train Swap and Shop and Refreshments.  This fundraiser is hosted by the Overisel Reformed Student Ministry.

Sportman’s Club ~ Beast Feast – The Year of the Turkey will be held at Overisel Reformed Church on

Saturday, March 11.  The evening begins at 5:30 pm with a Wild Game Potluck.  Complete details of the evening are available on the Welcome Table.

Digital Library ~Where Do I Come In?” is available free to all in the CRC through the Digital Library

(crcna.org/Library).  Every part of your daily life is “mission work” – whether you’re driving children to soccer practice, preparing for a meeting, or getting to know your next-door neighbor.  Find out how to develop a missional mindset in your life with this small group study.

Pray for Inspire 2017 ~ Inspire 2017 is a conference to connect people from across the 1,000+ churches in

the Christian Reformed Church for three days of worship, workshops, speakers, and conversation.  As we plan and prepare for this event, happening  August 3-5 in Detroit, Michigan, please join us in praying for the event and all who will attend.  This week, please pray for smooth food preparation and serving throughout the event and for all those who will prepare, serve and enjoy the food.

Mission Project ~ Be part of a home-building project in West Virginia!  The Holland and Zeeland Classis are

working in partnership with World Renew to build a new house “foundation to finish” for a family in West Virginia who lost their home in the devastating floods of June 2016.  The project begins April 17 and will finish May 19.  We need skilled and general labor volunteers who can serve a week or more during that period.  Accommodations will be in a local church.  Building materials are provided, but donations are needed to cover travel and food expenses for those who serve.  Call Dale Compagner (616.893.5750) for more information.

Requested & Expanded Announcements

February 19, 2017

Thank You ~ Gavyn Walters says, “thank you” for helping him with the Meijer Simply Give Campaign in December.  Because you purchased ‘simply give cards’, $22,140 has been donated to Hungry For Christ to help families in need.  A huge thank you to Gavyn for being willing to let God’s love for others shine through you.

Fellowship Night ~ Our February Fellowship Night will be held on Wednesday, February 22.  A pre-race meal of pizza, salad and dessert will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm.  At 6:30 the Cadets will be racing their Pinewood Derby cars in the fellowship hall.  Come and cheer on all our racers and enjoy a great meal and a time of fellowship.

Pinewood Derby Racers ~ You can still participate in the Cadet Pinewood Derby Race.  Race car kits are available on the Welcome Table.  The race will be held on Wednesday, February 22 at 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall.

March Fellowship Night ~ The Youth Group will be hosting a St. Patrick’s Dinner on Wednesday, March 8.  The meal (ham, turkey, bread & dinner rolls, veggies and dessert) will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm.  Following the meal there will be entertainment and a raffle.  All proceeds will go to the High School Youth Group Mission trip to New York this summer.  Mark this date on your calendar and help support our youth.

Family Bowling ~ Join your church family on Friday, March 31 for a “bowling night”.  The night begins at 7:30 pm at Zeeland Bowling Lanes.  The $10 ticket includes two games of bowling and shoe rental.  Sign-up in the fellowship hall.  This is great night provided by the youth group.

That The World May Know Weekend Series, led by Rev. Ray Vander Laan will be held on Friday, March 17 (7 – 9 pm), Saturday, March 18 (9 am – 4 pm), and Sunday morning service, March 19 at 9:30 am at our church.  The series will explore the week of Jesus life from Palm Sunday to Easter in the context of the city of Jerusalem.  There is no cost to attend, but you do need to obtain tickets at eventbrite.com.

Women’s Kayaking ~ Outdoor Discovery Center naturalists will lead us in the basics of kayaking.  This event is scheduled for Thursday, May 18, 6 pm – 7:30 pm.  Cost is $10 per person.  If you are interested in attending sign-up in the Fellowship Hall or contact Zena Walters.

Love INC Fundraiser ~ Crazy Horse in Holland will be donating 20% of the lunch and dinner profits on Monday,     to Love INC.   Added to that Johnson Controls INC of Holland is going to match every dollar raised!  Sound “crazy” – no it is not.  Ya’all come out and invite your friends – give the cook in your house a night off and support Love INC.    This fundraiser will take place again on Tuesday, April 11, the first day that Crazy Horse Restaurant will reopen after a big remodel.

Spring Community Cantata ~ You are invited to join Hamilton Reformed in singing a cantata on Sunday,  April 23.  Practice will begin on Sunday, February 26 at 1:30 pm at Hamilton Reformed Church.  Spread the word to all who enjoy singing.  For more information contact Randy Poll at rtpoll77@yahoo.com.

Love INC Training ~ Has God placed a burden on your heart to serve people in your community?  Love INC is offering their Basic Training on February 28 and March 7 at the Hamilton office.  This training covers:  What is Love In the Name of Christ, culture of poverty training, understanding and working with a diverse population, problem solving skills and more.  These trainings will equip you to volunteer in Allegan, Hamilton and Pullman office or mentor at one of our Life Skills.  Love INC’s mission is to mobilize the church to transform lives and our community in the Name of Christ.  Participants wishing to attend the training and use these new skills within their church or community are welcomed to join us.  Please contact Jean at loveincje@frontier.com or 269.751.2533, ext. 107.

Love INC Volunteers ~ Families of L.I.F.E. (Learning in Faith and Everyday) Skills Program sponsored by Love INC needs mentors to walk alongside them and volunteers willing to invest in their children so parents can focus on learning new skills.  All locations, Pullman on Tuesday morning, Allegan on Tuesday evening, and Hamilton on Thursday evening need volunteers in the Children’s Ministry.  You set the frequency of volunteering per your schedule (once a month, weekly for four weeks, once every six weeks, etc.)  Please contact Eloise at loveinceg@frontier.com or 269.751.2533, ext 112 if you can help as either a Children’s Ministry volunteer or as a mentor.



Train Show ~ The Railroad Club Benefit Train Show will take place on Friday, March 3 from 5 – 9 pm and Saturday, March 4 from 9 am – 2 pm at the Overisel Reformed Church.  Cost is $4 per person or $12 per family.  The show will feature a large operating HO Train Layout, Train Swap and Shop and Refreshments.  This fundraiser is hosted by the Overisel Reformed Student Ministry.

Sportman’s Club ~ Beast Feast – The Year of the Turkey will be held at Overisel Reformed Church on Saturday, March 11.  The evening begins at 5:30 pm with a Wild Game Potluck.  Complete details of the evening are available on the Welcome Table.

Digital Library ~Where Do I Come In?” is available free to all in the CRC through the Digital Library (crcna.org/Library).  Every part of your daily life is “mission work” – whether you’re driving children to soccer practice, preparing for a meeting, or getting to know your next-door neighbor.  Find out how to develop a missional mindset in your life with this small group study.

Pray for Inspire 2017 ~ Inspire 2017 is a conference to connect people from across the 1,000+ churches in the Christian Reformed Church for three days of worship, workshops, speakers, and conversation.  As we plan and prepare for this event, happening  August 3-5 in Detroit, Michigan, please join us in praying for the event and all who will attend.  This week, please pray for smooth food preparation and serving throughout the event and for all those who will prepare, serve and enjoy the food.

Mission Project ~ Be part of a home-building project in West Virginia!  The Holland and Zeeland Classis are working in partnership with World Renew to build a new house “foundation to finish” for a family in West Virginia who lost their home in the devastating floods of June 2016.  The project begins April 17 and will finish May 19.  We need skilled and general labor volunteers who can serve a week or more during that period.  Accommodations will be in a local church.  Building materials are provided, but donations are needed to cover travel and food expenses for those who serve.  Call Dale Compagner (616.893.5750) for more information.