Weekly Bulletin 3/13/16

Sunday, March 13, 2016

“God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…” (John 3:16) to offer eternal life for all.  God does not condemn you;  God reaches out to embrace you.  Welcome to Hamilton CRC.

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service

Worship Leader:  Rev. Jacob Porter

Gathering Praise ~

Welcome & Call to Worship

Praise Songs ~  Blessed Assurance

Mighty to Save   ~   He Lives

God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings

Confession & Assurance ~ Ephesians 2:8-9 ~

Connor Driesenga

Noisy Offering ~ Sunday School project

(children, Pre-K – 4th grade, are dismissed for Sunday School)

Morning Prayer

God’s Word ~  John 11:17-44  (pg. 1668)

Message l  Look and See Jesus ~

The Resurrection and the LIfe

Offering Prayer  ~  Dave Visser

Tithes & Offerings | HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

Offertory ~ The Wonderful Cross

God’s Blessing

Sending Song ~ Lord Have Mercy

Sending Praise

Prayer Ministry ~ Dave Visser and Esther Vander Laan


6 pm –  Your Grandkids Hymn Sing

Laura Clark & Friends

Offering:  Right to Life of Holland



Zena Walters is recovering at Spectrum Hospital following surgery this past Tuesday to remove some of the tumors.  Continue to pray for her recovery from this surgery so that she will be able to begin chemo soon.  Pray also for Zena’s mother, Deb, who was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor.

 Lisa Byker (daughter-in-law of Pastor John & Kathy) will be having an MRI tomorrow.  Pray that the brain tumor continues to shrink and for complete healing.

Thank You church family for your cards, visits and expressions of love shown to me in the death of my husband, Dale and following my shoulder surgery.  God is faithful.   Carol DeKorte~Eding

 Todd & Alison Elders and family membership papers were transferred to the Foundry Church in Zeeland.  May God bless them in their new church home.


Morning Service ~ Pastor Jake will lead us in the Lenten series on  the Gospel of John, Look and See Jesus ~ The Resurrection and the Life.  As we travel through Lent we reflect on Jesus Christ’s suffering and death for our salvation.  Why?  Was this the only way?  Did Jesus have to suffer?

Hymn Sing ~ Tonight at 6 pm Laura Clark & Friends will lead us in a hymn sing, “Your Grandkids Hymn Sing”.  Everyone of all ages is invited to come and sing the songs for all ages.

Ladies Guild Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, March 15 at 10 am in the Council Room. We will discuss lesson 1, A Letter Packed With Prayer.  If you would like to join in this study, contact Naomi Olson for a study book.

Small Group Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, March  22 at 7 pm at Royal Park Atruim.  Our lesson will be from Matthew 7, Lesson 3, Episode 2, page 41.


Today:  March 13

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Jacob Porter

Offering:  HCRC Ministries and Building Fund

Sunday School for Pre-K – 4th grade

Story:  Torn Curtain

10:45 am – Sunday School for 5th – 12th grade

6 pm ~ Hymn Sing ~ Laura Clark & Friends

 Offering:  Right to Life of Holland


Monday, March 14

6:30 pm ~ Council meeting

Tuesday, March 15

10 am ~ Ladies Guild Bible Study ~ lesson 1

3 – 5:30 pm ~ GATE After School Center

6 pm ~ Men’s Bible Study

Wednesday, March 16

7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary

7 pm ~ Praise Team

Thursday, March 17

3 – 5:30 pm ~ GATE After School Center

7 pm ~ Men’s Bible Study

Saturday, March 19

8 am ~ Community Breakfast – fellowship hall

Sunday,  March 20 ~ Palm Sunday

9:15 am ~ Prayer Time in the Council Room

9:30 am ~  Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Jacob Porter

Offering:  HCRC Ministries and Building Fund

11 am ~ Town Hall meeting

6 pm  ~   Evening Worship Service

Offering:  Christian Reformed World Missions

7 pm ~ Coffee with the Pastor at the Porter’s

Advance Notices

Tuesday, March 22 – 7 pm ~ Small Group Bible Study

Wednesday, March 23 ~ Fellowship Night


Requested & Expanded Announcements

March 13, 2016

Thank You ~ The Cadets would like to thank everyone for coming out to the Pinewood Derby Races this past Wednesday night.  A special thanks to everyone who built cars and completed in this fun race and to the Council for serving up pizza and ice cream.  In the Cadet class first place went to Gavyn Walters and second place went to Brady Walters.  In the open class first place went to Bruce Eding, second place to Trey Nyboer and third place to Avery Calkins.

Evening Hymnsing will be held tonight at 6 pm.  Laura Clark & Friends will lead us in singing the songs of                “Your Grandkids Hymn Sing”.  Join us as we sing praise to God.

Ladies Guild Bible Study will begin their spring session on Tuesday, March 15 at 10 am in the Council Room. This will be a five session study on Paul’s Letter to the Colossians and will conclude on May 17.  We meet the first and third Tuesday of the month.  All ladies of all ages are invited and most welcome to join us in study and fellowship.  There is no preparation required.  If you need a study book contact Naomi Olson at 751.7174.

Community Breakfast will be held on Saturday, March 19 in the fellowship hall.  A great breakfast will be    served from 8 – 9 am.  Everyone is invited to join for a great breakfast and fellowship.

Town Hall meeting will be held on Sunday, March 20 following the morning service.  The Council will be                bringing the congregation up-to-date on a few items of the church.

Flowers for Easter ~ If you would like to place a flower in church on Easter in memory or honor of a loved one, or from your family please sign the sheet in the fellowship hall with your information by Wednesday, March 23.  Plants should be brought to church by Saturday noon, March 26.

Youth Fellowship Night ~ The youth will be hosting a Spring Fellowship Supper on Wednesday, March 23 from 5:30 – 6:30 pm.  Following the supper the youth will be having a silent auction and entertainment.  The proceeds from this night will be for their mission trip to New York in 2017.

Spartan Labels ~ Continue to save your UPC labels from Spartan products and place them in the containers   in the fellowship hall.  At this time Spartan is reviewing the “cash for labels” program.

CRC Digital Library ~ Our church is being given access to a digital library of hundreds of Faith Alive products (including Bible studies, curriculum, devotionals and more) as part of a new pilot program for the CRC.  Everyone who attends our church can sign-up to get direct access to the library at no cost.  Details and sign-up are at crcna.org./Library.

Photos ~  Do you enjoy taking picture and have an eye for a great photo?  Each Friday, the denominational office posts a photo with a Bible text on the CRCNA Facebook page.  They would love to feature your photos!  Landscapes and nature close-ups are especially welcome.  They can only use photos that you took, or to which you own the rights, and you need to have the permission of anyone who appears in the photo.  Send photos, along with your name and church name, to communcations@crcna.org.

Internet ~ On Monday, March 14, Holland Christian Middle School will be hosting an Internet Safety talk at the Holland Christian High School auditorium starting at 7 pm.  This event will feature Mr. Dan Landstra from Unity Christian High School, who has become a local expert and speaker on the Internet, its pitfalls, as well as safety and hope for families.  Children who are in grades 6-12 are also invited, as this will ensure hearing a common message, and provide a wonderful opportunity to digest and discuss the message during the car ride home.  Given the mature nature of the material discussed, students younger than sixth grade are discouraged from attending, but all parents are welcome.

Thank You ~ For nearly three years, Jeanne was without a home.  Her belongings were destroyed during Super-storm Sandy in 2012.  After connecting with World Renew DRS, Jeanne’s life began to change for the better.  Thank you for your gifts to World Renew.  Your support helps DRS volunteers respond to the physical and spiritual needs of disaster survivors.  Like Jeanne, many others are still recovering from disaster.  Thank you for your generosity and prayers, they can return home.