Weekly Bulletin 4/10/16

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Jesus, the good Shepherd, welcomes you into his flock – and so do we.  Thanks for joining us to worship and share in Christian fellowship

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service

Worship Leader:  Rev. Jacob Porter

Gathering Praise

Welcome & Call to Worship

Praise Songs ~  All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name

In Christ Alone;  Ten Thousand Reasons

God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings

Confession & Assurance ~ Dean Porter  ~ John 3:16

Children’s Message

Noisy Offering ~ Sunday School Project

Morning Prayer

God’s Word ~  John 14:1-14  (pg. 1675)

Message l  Look and See Jesus ~

The Way, The Truth and The Life

Offering Prayer  ~  Paul Nyboer

Tithes & Offerings | HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

Offertory ~ Cornerstone

God’s Blessing

Sending Song ~ Christ Arose

Sending Praise

 Prayer Ministry ~ Paul Nyboer, Esther Vander Laan


6 pm –  Evening Worship Service

Worship Leader:  Rev. Jacob Porter

Scripture:  2 Corinthians 5;  I Corinthians 3:10-15

Meditation:  Our World Belongs to God Now What?

We will be meeting in the fellowship hall for a discussion on Our World Belongs to God series

Offering:  World Renew


Charles Volkers is a patient at Holland Hospital.   Remember him in prayer as he deals with some health issues.

Deb Gries (Zena Walters’ mother) is under Hospice care due to a brain tumor.    Keep Deb, Zena and the Walters family in prayer through many health cconcerns.   Zena will begin chemo treatments on April 18.


Morning Worship ~ Pastor Jake will lead us in worship as we continue our study in the Gospel of John.  Following fellowship time you are invited to view a 20-minute video presentation of That The World May Know Ministry.

Evening Worship will be held in the fellowship hall.  We will be discussing Our World Belongs to God series.  Join us as we conclude this series.

New Officebearers were selected at the congregational meeting held last Sunday by casting of lots of an elder and deacon.  Kim Van Order was selected as elder and Mark Nyboer was selected as deacon.  The installation service will be held  April 24.  The proposal for our Articles of Incorporation and the Building project proposals were passed.

Fellowship Night will be held this Wednesday, April 13.  Supper will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm and includes Hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, vegetable tray, chips and ice cream.  Join us for this great supper and fellowship.

Hungry for Christ Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser & Open House will be held on Saturday, April 16 from 8 – 10:30 am at 4565 – 135th Avenue (CHS egg plant).  Come and enjoy a great breakfast and see the facility that they plan to move into this summer.

Hooked On Christ Cadet Sunday ~ Next Sunday morning we will honor our Cadet program.  An offering will be received for the Cadet Ministry of our church.


Today:  April 10

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Jacob Porter

Offering:  HCRC Ministries and Building Fund

6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service ~ fellowship hall

Offering:  World Renew


Tuesday, April 12

3 pm ~ GATE After School Ministry

6 pm ~ Men’s Bible Study

Wednesday, April 13

7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary

5:30 – 6:30 pm ~ Fellowship Night Supper

6:30 – 7:30 pm ~ Cadets and Youth Ministry

7 pm ~ Praise Team

Thursday, April 14

3 pm ~ GATE After School Ministry

7 pm ~ Men’s Bible Study

Sunday,  April 17 ~ Cadet Sunday

9:15 am ~ Prayer Time in the Council Room

9:30 am ~  Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Jacob Porter

Offering:  HCRC Ministries and Building Fund

                 HCRC Cadet Ministry

Sunday School for Pre-K – 4th grad

10:45 am ~ Sunday School for 5th – 12th grade

6 pm  ~   Hymn Sing ~ Mark Driesenga

Offering:  Love INC Personal Needs Pantry

Advance Notices

Monday, April 18 – 6:30 pm – Council meeting

Tuesday, April 19 – 10 am – Ladies Guild Bible Study

Tuesday, April 19 – 7 pm – Small Group Bible Study

Wedneday, April 20 – 3 pm ~ Spring Clean-up at church

Saturday, April 23 – 8 am – Community Breakfast


Requested & Expanded Announcements

April 10, 2016

 Ministry ~ If you would like to learn how the ministry of That The World May Know led by Rev. Ray Vander Laan began, please join us after the morning service today for a 20-minute video presentation.

Fellowship Night will be held this Wednesday, April 13.  A supper of hamburgers and hots dogs on the grill, baked beans, vegetable tray, chips and ice cream will be served.  Cadets and Youth Ministry will meet at 6:30 pm.  Join us for this night of fellowship.

Ladies Guild Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, April 19 at 10 am in the Council Room.  We will study lesson        3 – Distracted From the Real Thing.

Small Group Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, April 19 at 7 pm at Royal Park.  Our lesson will be Matthew         12 and 13, pages 48-50.

Fellowship Breakfast will be held on Saturday, April 23 (date change due to Hungry for Christ breakfast on                April 16).  Join us in the fellowship hall at 8 am for a great breakfast.

Garage Sale ~ The Mission Team will be having a Garage Sale on April 28, 29 and 30 in the Cadet Building.  If you have any gently used items for this sale they would appreciate it.  These items can be placed in the east entry way.  If you have larger items or would like to have your donations picked up please contact Ron & Amber Childs to make arrangements.  Let’s help this mission team with their plans to Logan, West Virginia.

Volunteers are needed at Hungry for Christ this week to help set-up for the Community Breakfast on                Saturday, April 16.  If you can help contact Tracy at 616.218.0814.

Parking Lot Sale ~ Vendors, crafters, rummage sellers are wanted for the 6th Annual Parking Lot Sale at Hamilton Reformed Church (3554 – M-40).  Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 21 (rain date June 4) from 8 am – 1 pm.  You can rent 2 parking lot spaces for $15 and 3 spaces for $25.  For more information or to sign-up for a parking space contact Sandy Mulder at 616.566.1833 or jsmulder86@aol.com  by May 14.  All proceeds from the reservation fees and food sales will support the Hamilton Reformed summer youth mission trip to Chicago.

Love INC ~ Has God laid a burden on your heart to help people in your community?  If so, Love INC will provide the place, training and material.  You chose if your schedule allows once a month, once a 12-week session, every other week, or just when your schedule allows.  The Life Skills program is in need of people to provide the meal, lead a class, mentor, children ministry leaders and helpers, or help at the front desk greeting people.  Contact Jean Eding at 269.751.2533 or loveincje@frontier.com for more information.

Lakeshore Little People’s Place is currently enrolling for summer and fall at the Hamilton South location, next to the Trestle Stop.  Full and part-time childcare options are available for children ages infant – 5th grade.  Free preschool is available through the Great Start Readiness Program for families that qualify.  For more information, contact Stacey at llpp.hamiltonsouth@gmail.com or call 269.264.1261.

Fall Preschool for older threes and fours is available in the afternoon (M,W,F) at the Hamilton Reformed Church location.  For more information, contact Cassie at llpp.hamilton@gmail.com or call 269.751.5422, ext. 22.

Employment opportunities are available full or part-time at several Lakeshore Little People Place site locations.  Full time positions include benefits.  Must be 18 years old and a degree in child development or a related field is preferred.  Email resume with availability to llpp.office@gmail.com if interested.

Offering ~ Join World Renew in supporting subsistence farmers in impoverished communities around the World.  Through our mission offering this evening you can make a lasting impact for a farmer in need with your financial gift for World Renew.  Your gift will help farmers learn new farming techniques through agriculture programs and work toward a better future for their families.


Community Event ~ Lifeway Christian Resources is slated to simulcast Bible teacher and best-selling author Priscilla Shirer live from Reading, Pennsylvania on Saturday, April 23 at Haven Reformed Church (4691 Oak Street, Hamilton).  This event is a full day of music and worship by Anthony Evans, life-transforming sessions and prayer times led by Priscilla Shirer and opportunities for fellowship with other women.  All women high school age and up are invited!  The event will run from 8:15 am to 5 pm with a continental breakfast, lunch and door prizes.  This is a free event but free-will donations are welcome.  Sign-up is required and limited to the first 200 RSVP’s.  You can register by calling Haven’s office at 269.751.7321 or emailing lori@havenchurch.com.

Right to Life of Holland Walk for Life will be held on Saturday, April 30 at 10 am at Lawrence Street Park in Zeeland.  Pledge sheets are available on www.rtlofholland.org or by calling 616.396.1037.  Walkers and runners with pledges will be entered into the prize drawings and all walkers who raise $50+ will receive a t-shirt, all runners will receive a finisher medal and children will receive a special medal.  Come and walk / run for the unborn.

Summer Camp Volunteer ~ Rock-climbing, orienteering, rope courses, arts and crafts are some of the activities at this adventure camp high in the Staja mountain region of Romania.  Join World Missions as  North American Christian role model and volunteer camp leader, challenging youth in problem solving, facing and conquering fears, teamwork, compassion and more.  For more information go to www.crwm.org or contact volunteer@crcna.org.