Weekly Bulletin 4/30/17

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Welcome friends, as we worship in the name of God the Father, Jesus our Good Shepherd and the Holy Spirit, our guide through life.  Amen

 9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service

Worship Leader:  Rev. Jacob Porter

Gathering Praise ~ Jesus Paid It All

Welcome & Call to Worship

Praise Songs ~ Desert Song

Lord I Need You   ~  Jesus, Name Above All Names

God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings

Confession and Assurance

Noisy Offering ~ Hand2Hand Ministry

(Pre-K – 5th grade are dismissed for Sunday School)

Words of Thanks ~ Mark Driesenga

Morning Prayer

God’s Word ~  Luke 20 (pg. 1632)

Message ~ Who Is Really In Charge?

Tithes & Offerings l HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

Offertory ~ The Old Rugged Cross

Offering Prayer  ~ Berend Bergman

Installation of Officebearers

God’s Blessing

Sending Song ~ Build Your Kingdom Here

Sending Praise

 Prayer Ministry ~ Berend Bergman and Michele Dykstra


6 pm – Evening Worship Service

at Hamilton CRC

Worship Leader:  Rev. Barry Lucas


 Thank you to those who were part of the Community Cantata last Sunday morning.  Through the songs that were sung we know Jesus lives for each of us!

Remember our home-bound church family in your prayers, thoughts, visits and cards – Hazel Geurink (Royal Park Atrium); Harriet Meiste (Lakeside Vista – Holland); Julia Menken (Providence Care Center – Zeeland); Wilma Schierbeek (home); Charles Volkers (Rest Haven Care Center – 40th Street Holland).



 Today ~ This morning we will have the installation of our newly selected officebearers.  Jon Barnum and Ron Childs will be installed as deacons; Kurt Dykstra and Doug Wabeke will be installed as elders.  We also want to thank Dennis Burke, Matt Vander Bok,  Berend Bergman and Harlan Elshuis for their years of service on Council.

 Sunday School Classes for Pre-K – 5th grade will be dismissed during the morning worship.  Next Sunday we will have our Jewish Feast which will also end the Sunday School season.

Evening Service will be held at 6 pm at our church.  Rev. Barry Lucas, executive director of Love INC, will lead us in worship.


Church Roofing Project ~ Volunteers are needed to help on Tuesday, May 2 anytime from 12 noon – 8:30 pm to help with shingling part of the church roof.  Supper will be provided to all volunteers.  Come when you can.  Any questions can be directed to Garry Nyboer, Building Project chairperson.

Ladies Guild Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, May 2.   We will study lesson 4, Tried and Condemned.

Newsletter ~ The May Observer is available in your church mailbox.  Be sure to read the updates from our missionaries.


Today:  April 30

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service

      Offerings HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

                     Noisy Offering – Hand2Hand Ministry

         Sunday School, Pre-K – 5th Grade

                            Story:  Sea of Galilee

 6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service at HCRC

Worship Leader:  Rev. Barry Lucas

Monday, May 1

6:30 pm ~ Executive Team meeting

7:15 pm ~ Elders meeting

Tuesday, May 2

10 am  ~ Ladies Guild Bible Study – Lesson 4

12 noon – 8:30 pm ~ Church Roofing Project

Wednesday,  May 3

7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary


Thursday, May 4 ~ National Day of Prayer

12 noon ~ Heath Township Office (3440 M-40)

Sunday,  May 7 – Cadet Sunday

9:30 am ~  Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Jacob Porter

Offerings HCRC Ministries & Building Fund

                                    Cadet Ministry

                              Noisy Offering – Hand2Hand Ministry

                      Sunday School Pre-K – 5th grade

11 am ~ Fellowship Team meeting

6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service  ~ Hamilton Reformed


Requested & Expanded Announcements

April 30, 2017

Cadet Sunday will be observed next Sunday, May 7 at the morning service.  A special offering will be  received for the Cadet Ministry of our church.

Ladies Guild Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, May 2 at 10 am in the church fellowship hall.  We will study lesson 4, Tried and Condemned.  All ladies are welcome; no lesson preparation needed.

Roofing ~ Volunteers are needed on Tuesday, May 2 from noon – 8:30 pm to help with the roofing project on the church.  If you are able and willing to help come any time during this time.  Supper will be provide.  Any questions, contact Garry Nyboer.

Small Group Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, May 9 at 7 pm at Garry & Marian’s home.  We will discuss  lesson 3 in our book of the Psalms.

Offering ~ We will be having a special offering at the morning service of May 14 for Pastor Jake & Kris’ trip to Israel with Rev. Ray Vander Laan.  Our goal is $6,000 and we are at $3,613.  Please consider your gift to this cause.

Graduation Potluck will be held on Sunday, May 21 at 12 noon in the church fellowship all.  You are asked to bring a hot and cold dish, (cake and tableware will be provided).  Join us to honor our high school and college graduates.

Reminder ~ If you need to borrow items from church, please contact the church office before taking the items so we know where the items are.  Also if you need to reserve the fellowship hall for a gathering please contact the church office to make your reservation.

National Day of Prayer ~ Jesus invites us to pray.  God promises His children great things happen when they Scripture even teaches that some things are only possible once prayers are spoken. This Thursday, May 4 is National Day of Prayer.  The community is invited to join together at 12 noon at the Heath Township Offices (3440 M-40) for 45 minutes of prayer to lift up our world, nation, community, schools, churches and families in prayer.

Open Position ~ The Love INC Heart–to-Heart Resale Store in Hamilton has a part-time opening for a store staff position.  A complete job description is available on the Love INC website of:  www.loveincnwa.org.  Please send a resume to Barry Lucas at:  loveincbl@frontier.com or mail to Love INC, 4621 – 135th Avenue Hamilton, Michigan  49419 – Attn:  Barry Lucas.  Application deadline is May 12.  For questions, contact Tammy Leutz at tammyleutz@gmail.com.

Love INC Ministry Needs ~ Love INC has clients who are in need of mattresses and box springs – any size in good condition, but especially twin size.  Also propane stoves and refrigerators, must be in working order, dink and dents are okay.  These items can be dropped off at the Hamilton Love Office (warehouse in back) 4621 – 135th Avenue.  Hour are Monday – Friday, 9 am – 3 pm.

Heart-to-Heart Store ~ If you are spring cleaning and have good quality items to donate, the Love INC Heart-to-Heart Store can use them.  They need items of clothing, toys, home décor, furniture and miscellaneous items.  Donations can be brought to the Heart-to-Heart Store, Monday – Friday, 9:30 am – 5 pm; Saturday, 9:30 am – 2 pm.  Think Love INC with your donations.

The Holland Deacons’ Conference and Classis Holland of the Christian Reformed Church are hosting an Open House and Dedication for their new shared ministry center on Sunday, May 7 from 1 – 3 pm.  A brief dedication service will begin at 1:30 pm and will be held outside, weather permitting.  The new ministry center is located at 224 West 30th Street Holland.  Please consider joining us for a time of fellowship, thanksgiving and blessing.

Thank You Hamilton Christian Reformed Church for your support of Love INC in so many ways.  Your food pantry serves many people throughout the year and provides an essential need for clients and their families.  We appreciate so much your donations of goods to the pantry and for all who give of their time to volunteer pantry hours. Thank you Paul & Teresa Nyboer for serving as our pantry coordinators, Fred Mireles for all your trips to Pullman, Berend Bergman for donation deliveries, for Heart to Heart Store, L.I.F.E. Skills and office volunteers.  Your support is awesome and we couldn’t do this without all of you!                                                                                                                                                                        ~With Love In the Name of Christ