Weekly Bulletin 7/02/2017
Sunday, July 2, 2017
“For freedom Christ has set us free” (Galatians 5:1).
We thank God for the freedom of salvation as well as
for the freedom of worship in this land. Welcome!
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Jacob Porter
Gathering Praise
Welcome & Call to Worship
Praise Songs ~ Take My Life and Let It Be
Agnus Dei ~ Sanctuary
God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings
Children’s Message
Morning Prayer
Offering Prayer ~ Dennis Burke
Tithe-of-Tithe ~ $1,018
Tithes & Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Offertory ~ I Will Rise
God’s Word ~ Acts 6 & 7 (pg. 1700)
Message ~ Stephen’s Imitation of Jesus
God’s Blessing
Sending Song ~ Make Me a Servant
Sending Praise
Prayer Ministry ~ Dennis Burke and Esther Vander Laan
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service
at Hamilton CRC
Worship Leader: Dr. Jeff Polet
Is There a Christian Politics?
Dear Hamilton CRC,
Thank you for your continue partnership in the Good News! “I thank my God every time I remember you” because of your prayers, encouragement and support!
A couple of weeks ago, I gave my second talk in Chinese, to a group of music leaders. I was really thankful for the opportunity and the relationships I‘m building in that area. Thanks for your part in making it happen!
Blessings ~ Ruth Lemmen
Margaret Scholten is planning to return home this week and continue her therapy. Continue to pray for her that she may gain strength each day. Prayer also for others of our church family who struggle with various needs. God knows each need – we just need to pray and trust Him.
Morning Service ~ This morning the worship service will be led by Pastor Jake. After the service join for a time of fellowship – coffee and juice are available in the fellowship hall.
Evening Worship Service will be held tonight at our church. Dr. Jeff Polet, professor of Political Science at Hope College, will lead us in worship. Dr. Polet received his Bachelor’s degree from Calvin College and Master’s and PhD from the Catholic University of America. He is the author of books and articles dealing with the American Founding, religion and politics and political theory. He is married with three children.
Newsletter ~ The July / August Observer is available in your church mailbox. Be sure to ready the newsletter from Rev.’s Gil & Joyce Suh and pray for all our missionaries throughout the summer months.
Offerings ~ General Fund offering for June 25 was $2,192.00; Building Fund offering was $20.00
Today: July 2
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service –
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Fellowship Time
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service ~ Hamilton CRC
Worship Leader: Dr. Jeff Polet
Wednesday, July 5
7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary
Sunday, July 9
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Jacob Porter
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
6 pm ~Evening Worship Service ~ Hamilton CRC
Worship Leader: Rev. Tom Dekker
Requested & Expanded Announcements
July 2, 2017
July Evening Worship Services will be held at our church. Tonight the service will be led by Dr. Rev. Jeff Polet, professor of Political Science at Hope College. He will presenting a message on the relationship of Christians and Politics. Next Sunday Rev. Tom Dekker of Hamilton Reformed will lead us in worship.
Small Group Bible Study ~ will meet on Tuesday, July 11 at Max & Jan’s home at 7 pm. Our lesson is #6, “Praying Our Salvation”.
Church Potluck will be held on Saturday, July 15 at Tri-Ponds Campground, south of Hamilton. The potluck supper will be at 5:30 pm. Bring meat for the grill, a dish to share, table service and beverage. You can come any time in the afternoon to join with the church campers.
Ask the Pastor is back. The Sunday evening worship service at Hamilton CRC on July 16 will feature “Ask
the Pastor”. This is an opportunity for you to ask the participating pastors – Rev. Jake Porter, Rev. Jon Delger of Bentheim and Rev. Tom Dekker of Hamilton Reformed – questions you have regarding theology or Scripture, church practices and procedures, faith and culture, etc. You can email your questions to Pastor Jake (pastor@hamiltoncrc.com) or in writing to the church office or placing your questions in the offering plate. On July 16 our local pastors will do their best to answer your questions.
Offerings for June ~ General Fund – $10,176.01; Fath Promise Mission – $857.00; Building Fund- $400.00; Classis Holland Ministry Share – $1,018.00
Homelessness ~ Would you like to experience what it is like to live a day in the life of someone living in poverty? Do you want to learn more about the homeless population in Allegan County and have a voice into helping this population? Allegan County CoC is hosting a Summit on Homelessness in Allegan County on Thursday, July 20 from 8:15 am – 3 pm. If you would like more information see the flyers at the Welcome Table or contact Jean at Love INC 751.2533 or loveincje@frontier.com. Seating is limited.
Volunteers Needed ~ The Love INC Heart-to-Heart Store is looking for a volunteer who enjoys the bidding and selling experience of eBay. This volunteer would be someone who can be responsible for all aspects of eBay transactions from beginning to end. Volunteer activities would include: researching prices for items, establish starting bids, reserve price for collectible items for auction on eBay, establishing an eBay account, a PayPal account, length of auction or “buy it now”, monitoring the auction, answer bidders’ questions, writing up description, posting photos, etc., boxing up, insuring and shipping, and getting the proceeds to Heart-to-Heart. We know that in some cases we could earn more for our ministry by using eBay. If this is your volunteer “niche”, please contact Tammy Leutz at 269.751.8642.
Pray for Inspire 2017 ~ Inspire 2017 is a conference to connect people from across the 1,000+ churches in the Christian Reformed Church for three days of worship, workshops, speakers and conversation. As we plan and prepare for this event, happening August 3-5 in Detroit, Michigan, please join us in praying for the event and all who will attend. This week, please pray for ideas, inspiration, and hope of those planning Inspire, preparing workshops and talks, setting up ministry displays and times of worship and prayer. Pray especially for all who come to Inspire 2017 will find inspiration for the continuing journey, ideas for ministry and worship and hope in Christ.
Tim Zimmerman and the King’s Brass will present a concert of celebratory hymn arrangements and patriotic music at Christ Memorial Church on Sunday, July 2 at 5 pm. The King’s Brass is comprised of professional musicians from across the country, who desire to use the instruments they love to lead others in praise and worship. No tickets are required, but a free-will offering will be taken.
Christian Reformed Conference Grounds (12253 Lakeshore Drive Grand Haven) is excited to welcome Timothy Noble in concert on Tuesday, July 4. We invite you to join us for this Patriotic Concert as we celebrate our freedom that we enjoy in Christ and also in our country. The doors to the Worship Center will open at 6 pm, the concert will begin at 7 pm. No tickets are needed however a free-will offering will be taken to help offset our music ministry. Be sure to come early and enjoy a delicious BBQ Ribs dinner. Your dinner will be complete with sides and beverage. And then come back on Saturday, July 8 for Down Home as they present their 30th anniversary concert! You are sure to enjoy their mix of the good old gospel songs, old time hymns and traditional harmonies. The doors will open at 6 pm and the concert will begin at 7. A delicious dinner will be served in the Sunshine Room from 5 – 6:30 pm, and you can choose from Pecan Crusted Tiapia or Beef Roast with sides.