Weekly Bulletin 7/09/2017

Sunday, July 9, 2017

“All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your saints shall bless you!” (Psalm 145:10, ESV). Indeed, we gather to praise and bless the Lord. Welcome!

9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Jacob Porter

Gathering Praise
Welcome & Call to Worship
Praise Songs ~
Amazing Grace ~ My Chains Are Gone
Lord I Give You My Heart ~ Awesome God
God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings
Children’s Message
Morning Prayer
Offering Prayer ~ Garry Nyboer
Tithes & Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Offertory ~ My Redeemer Lives
God’s Word ~ Acts 8 (pg. 1704)
Message ~ The Mission of Jesus Spreads to Samaria
Song ~ My Savior Lives
God’s Blessing
Sending Song ~ Lord I Need You
Sending Praise

Prayer Ministry ~ Dennis Burke and Esther Vander Laan

6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service
at Hamilton CRC
Worship Leader: Rev. Jon Delger
What Is True Religion?

Remember those of our church family who are in need of prayer. Also give a prayer of thanks and protection for our police force, fire personnel, emergency personnel and those serving our country.


Morning Service ~ This morning the worship service will be led by Pastor Jake. After the service join for a time of fellowship – coffee and juice are available in the fellowship hall.

Evening Worship Service will be held tonight at our church. Rev. Jon Delger of Bentheim Reformed will lead us in worship.

Nursery Attendants ~ If you are unable to serve in the church nursery on your scheduled Sunday morning, please find someone to fill-in for you.

Small Group Bible Study ~ will meet on Tuesday, July 11 at Max & Jan’s home at 7 pm. Our lesson is 6, “Praying Our Salvation”.

Church Potluck will be held on Saturday, July 15 at Tri-Ponds Campground. The supper will be at 5:30 pm. Bring meat for the grill, a dish to share, table service and beverage. You are welcome to come any time in the afternoon to join the church campers for a fun time.

Ask The Pastor ~ Do you have a question that you would like answered by a group of pastors? Next Sunday evening, July 16 at 6 pm our community pastors, Pastor Jake Porter, Pastor Tom Dekker and Pastor Jon Delger will answer those questions. Your question can be emailed to Pastor Jake or write out your question and leave it in the church office. Our pastor’s will do their best to answer and discuss these questions.

Offerings ~ General Fund offering for July 2 was $2,596.00; Building Fund offering was $80.00.


Today: July 9
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service – Pastor Jake
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Fellowship Time
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service ~ Hamilton CRC
Worship Leader: Rev. Jon Delger

Monday, July 10
6:30 pm ~ Executive Team meeting
7:15 pm ~ Elders meeting

Tuesday, July 11
7 pm ~ Small Group Bible Study – Lesson 6

Wednesday, July 12
7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary
6:30 pm ~ Church Movie Night – fellowship hall

Saturday, July 15
5:30 pm ~ Church Camp-Out Potluck
Tri-Ponds Campgrounds

Sunday, July 16
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Jacob Porter
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service ~ Hamilton CRC
‘Ask The Pastors’
Requested & Expanded Announcements
July 9, 2017
Church Potluck will be held on Saturday, July 15 at Tri-Ponds Campground, south of Hamilton. The potluck
supper will be at 5:30 pm. Bring meat for the grill, a dish to share, table service and beverage. You can come any time in the afternoon to join with the church campers.

Ask the Pastor is back. The Sunday evening worship service at Hamilton CRC on July 16 will feature “Ask
the Pastor”. This is an opportunity for you to ask the participating pastors – Rev. Jake Porter, Rev. Jon Delger of Bentheim and Rev. Tom Dekker of Hamilton Reformed – questions you have regarding theology or Scripture, church practices and procedures, faith and culture, etc. You can email your questions to Pastor Jake (pastor@hamiltoncrc.com) or in writing to the church office or placing your questions in the offering plate. On July 16 our local pastors will do their best to answer your questions.

Nursery Attendants ~ If you are unable to serve in the church nursery on your scheduled Sunday morning,
please fine someone to fill-in for you. Also if you would like to have your name added to the church nursery helper list, please contact the church office.

Right to Life of Holland 3rd Annual Car Show will be held on Saturday, July 15, 1 – 4 pm at Engedi Church,
710 Chicago Drive. Pre-register your car for $20 (can register the day of the event). Join for free food, games for kids and check out the awesome cars. We will also be taking a collection of baby items to donate to Bethany Christian Services. Call 616.396.1037 for more information.

Quest Ministry ~ Help send Sydney Wassink and SSG Sean Mather on an “Experience of a Life Time!” through Lakeshore Quest Ministries. To help send these two on a whitetail hunt Quest Ministry is hosting a supper and auction on Wednesday, July 26 at The Hall in Overisel. A meal of sloppy joes, hot dogs and sides will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. An auction will be held starting at 7 pm. If you have items to donate to the auction (craft items, baked goods, gift cards, etc.) contact Jim Mentzer at 616.218.6528. Quest Ministry sends Purple Heart Vets and special needs children to an all-paid whitetail hunt at 2Hats Game Ranch in Big Rapids. This fun-filled evening helps raise funds to make this happen. Your support is appreciated.

Homelessness ~ Would you like to experience what it is like to live a day in the life of someone living in poverty? Do you want to learn more about the homeless population in Allegan County and have a voice into helping this population? Allegan County CoC is hosting a Summit on Homelessness in Allegan County on Thursday, July 20 from 8:15 am – 3 pm. If you would like more information see the flyers at the Welcome Table or contact Jean at Love INC 751.2533 or loveincje@frontier.com. Seating is limited.

Volunteers Needed ~ The Love INC Heart-to-Heart Store is looking for a volunteer who enjoys the bidding and selling experience of eBay. This volunteer would be someone who can be responsible for all aspects of eBay transactions from beginning to end. Volunteer activities would include: researching prices for items, establish starting bids, reserve price for collectible items for auction on eBay, establishing an eBay account, a PayPal account, length of auction or “buy it now”, monitoring the auction, answer bidders’ questions, writing up description, posting photos, etc., boxing up, insuring and shipping, and getting the proceeds to Heart-to-Heart. We know that in some cases we could earn more for our ministry by using eBay. If this is your volunteer “niche”, please contact Tammy Leutz at 269.751.8642.

Pray for Inspire 2017 ~ Inspire 2017 is a conference to connect people from across the 1,000+ churches in the Christian Reformed Church for three days of worship, workshops, speakers and conversation. As we plan and prepare for this event, happening August 3-5 in Detroit, Michigan, please join us in praying for the event and all who will attend. This week, please pray for breakout speakers in sessions about outreach, youth ministry and justice. Pray that these leaders and speakers will find creative, engaging ways to share messages of hope and renewal in areas of ministry that can be challenging. Pray for their hearts and for those of the people they will reach in their workshops and sessions.

Christian Reformed Conference Grounds (12253 Lakeshore Drive Grand Haven) is excited to welcome The Ball Brothers in concert on Saturday, July 15. All ages will enjoy their musical balance of the old and the new as they spread the message of the gospel and encourage believers, using their God-given voices and unique harmonies. The doors to the Worship Center will open at 6 pm, the concert will begin at 7 pm. No tickets are needed for any of the summer concerts, however a free-will offering will be taken to help offset our music ministry. Be sure and come early and enjoy a delicious Baked Chicken dinner.