Weekly Bulletin 9/03/2017
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Welcome to worship on this Labor Day weekend, as we celebrate all work – paid and unpaid – that’s done for the glory of God and the service of others.
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Jacob Porter
Gathering Praise
Welcome & Call to Worship
Praise Songs ~
Mighty to Save
Above All
Be Unto Your Name
God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings
Children’s Message
Morning Prayer
Offering Prayer ~ Wes Lemmen
Tithe-of-Tithe ~ $1,119.00
Tithes & Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Offertory ~ Amazing Grace – My Chains Are Gone
God’s Word ~ Acts 16 (pg. 1720)
Message ~ Women, Slaves, Half-Breeds and Jailers
Song of Response ~ Good, Good Father
God’s Blessing
Sending Song ~ Love The Lord
Sending Praise
Prayer Ministry ~ Wes Lemmen, Michele Dykstra
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service
at Diamond Springs Wesleyan
Music Ministry by the Van Houten’s
Pray for those in Texas and other areas who are dealing with the destruction of Hurricane Harvey.
Morning Service ~ This morning, Pastor Jake will lead us in worship as we continue the series of Acts. A time of fellowship will follow the service; join us for refreshments in the fellowship hall.
Evening Worship service tonight will be held at 6 pm at Diamond Springs Wesleyan Church. The service will be a music ministry by the Van Houten’s.
Sunday School for Pre-K – 5th grade will begin next Sunday, September 10. The children will be dismissed during the morning worship service
September Evening Worship Services beginning September 10 will be held at Hamilton Reformed Church at 6 pm. Next Sunday Rev. Tom Dekker will lead the worship service.
Small Group Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, September 12 at 7 pm at Phyl Nyboer’s home. Our lesson is from Psalm 73, “Praying Our Doubt”, lesson 10.
Church Fall Fellowship Kick-Off will be held on Wednesday, September 13 at the Heath Township Park. Supper will be from 5:30 – 6:30 pm and at 6:30 pm Council vs. the Youth Group in kickball. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided; please bring a dish to share, table service and beverage.
Building Project Offering will be taken during the morning service of September 17. There are some special projects that the Building Team would like to do at church, but funding is needed. Please consider your gift to these projects.
Offerings ~ General Fund offering for August 27 was $1,834.31; Building Fund offering was $35.00; Faith Promise Mission Support – $20.00
Today: Septembe 3
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service – Pastor Jake
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Fellowship Time follows worship service
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service ~ Diamond Springs
Music Ministry: The Van Houten’s
Wednesday, September 6
7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary
Sunday, September 10
9:10 am ~ Pre-Service Prayer Time – Pastor’s office
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Jacob Porter
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Sunday School for Pre-K – 5th grade
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service ~ Hamilton Ref. Church
Worship Leader: Rev. Tom Dekker
Requested & Expanded Announcements
September 3, 2017
September Newsletter is available in your church mailbox. Be sure to read the updates from our missionaries in Texas, Maine and Michigan.
Prayer Partners ~ We would like to cover each of our children and youth with prayer throughout the school year. If you would like to be a prayer partner please sign the sheet at the Welcome Table. You will be assigned a child / youth by September 17.
Small Group Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, September 12 at 7 pm at Phyl Nyboer’s home. Our lesson is from Psalm 73, “Praying Our Doubt”, lesson 10.
Church Fall Fellowship Kick-Off will be held on Wednesday, September 13 at the Hamilton Township Park (by the fire station). Hamburgers and hot dogs will be available. Everyone is asked to bring a dish to share, table service, beverage and lawn chair. The supper will be from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. At 6:30 pm the Council will take on the Youth Group in a game of kick-ball. Come out and support this great night and cheer on your favorite team!
Ladies Guild Bible Study will begin their Autumn Session on Tuesday, September 19 at 10 am in the Fellowship Hall. This will be a 6 lesson study of Paul’s Letter to the Philippians. Guild members will find their autumn calendar in their mailbox September 10. Thinking of trying a Bible study? All ladies of all ages are invited and most welcome to join us in fellowship and learning or just come visit. We meet the first and third Tuesday of the month at 10 am. Any changes in schedule will be given in advance. There is no preparation required. If you need a study book, contact Lori at the church office.
Offerings for August:
General Fund – $11,184.04 Building Fund – $365.00
Big Band of Praise – $152.00 Love Gift – $400.00
Faith Promise Mission – $1,396.00
Holland Classis Ministry Shares – $1,119.00
Fair + Kids = Fun ~ Allegan County Fair + Kids = New Life. Many children in Allegan County have not heard about the love that Jesus has for them from a caring adult. We are looking for individuals who would like to tell the Wordless Book story (color book about salvation) in the child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) tent at the Allegan County Fair. The shifts are either 2 or 3 hours. Background checks required. A Wordless Book training will be held on Tuesday, September 5 at 7 pm at First Baptist Church in Allegan. Contact Bobbie Vote at 269.673.6899 or allegancef@yahoo.com for more information.
Christian Reformed Conference Grounds (12253 Lakeshore Drive Grand Haven) has two great opportunities for this week! First we hope you will join us on Monday, September 4 for our Labor Day Travelogue. We will be showing “National Treasures – Texas and Big Bend, New England & Acadia National Parks” by John Dykstra photography. The travelogue will begin at 7 pm. We will be serving a traditional Roast Beef dinner in the Sunshine Room from 5-6:30 pm. And then we are excited to welcome Voices of Freedom, to close out our summer concert season on Saturday, September 9. We hope you will come on out and enjoy this a-cappella vocal ensemble. The doors to the Worship Center will open at 6 pm; the concert will begin at 7 pm. No tickets are needed, a free-will offering will be taken to help offset the music ministry. Be sure and come early and enjoy a delicious Homestyle dinner complete with sides and beverage served in the Sunshine Room from 5 – 6:30 pm.
Missions ~ Are you looking for ways to help end poverty, restore creation and reconcile relationships? World Renew’s Global Volunteer Program is in need of volunteers in teaching English, health, agriculture, engineering and more. For more information on this volunteer opportunity contact Andrew at globalvolunteer@worldrenew.net. Pray that God may send workers into the harvest fields.
Hurricane Harvey Urgent Need For Recovery ~ After a week of unrelenting rain, World Renew Disaster Response Services is preparing to respond to catastrophic flooding in Texas from Hurricane Harvey. You can help homeowners who are struggling to return home, now and in the weeks and years to come, with your financial donation for World Renew DRS Hurricane Harvey response. Your donations can be made online at worldrenew.net/donate, call 800.552.7972 or mail your check, designated Hurricane Harvey 2017 to World Renew, 1700 – 28th Street, SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508.