Weekly Bulletin 9/17/2017
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Welcome to worship!
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Jacob Porter
Welcome & Call to Worship
Praise Songs ~
Blessed Be Your Name
In Christ Alone
Have Thine Own Way
God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings
Noisy Offering ~ CRWRC Gifts
Sunday School ~ (Pre-K – 5th grade dismissed)
Morning Prayer
Offering Prayer ~ Fred Mireles
Tithes & Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Building Fund Project
Offertory ~ At Your Name
God’s Word ~ Acts 18 (pg. 1724)
Message ~ The Kingdom of God Takes Root in Corinth
Song of Response ~ Hosanna Praise Is Rising
God’s Blessing
Sending Song ~ Love The Lord
Sending Praise
Prayer Ministry ~ Fred Mireles and Michele Dykstra
6 pm ~ No Evening Service
Hamilton Reformed Church will be installing their new pastor, Rev. Adam Van Der Stoep at a special service at 4 pm.
Hazel Geurink has moved to American House. Her address is:
American House ~ Lighthouse Room 11
11905 James Street
Holland, MI 49424
Morning Service ~ This morning, Pastor Jake will lead us in worship as we continue the series of Acts. Sunday School for Pre-K – 5th grade will be dismissed during the service.
Building Project Offering will be taken during the morning service. This offering will help with some of the building projects at church that are not part of the budget.
Evening Worship will not be held tonight. Hamilton Reformed is having the installation service of their new pastor, Rev. Adam Van Der Stoep. Next Sunday the evening service will be held at 6 pm at Hamilton Reformed with Pastor Ron Lugten leading the worship service.
Ladies Guild Bible Study will begin their season on Tuesday, September 19 at 10 am in the fellowship hall. All ladies are welcome to be part of this Bible study.
Town Hall meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 20 at 6 pm in the fellowship hall. This meeting will include an update of HCRC.
Fellowship Night will be held on Wednesday, September 27. Supper will be from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. Activities will begin at 6:30 pm. This season the adults will be viewing the DVD “Israel’s Mission” from That The World May Know series. A nursery will be provided for little ones.
Love INC Prayer Sheets are available on the Welcome Table. Remember this ministry and the clients they serve in prayer.
Today: September 17
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service – Pastor Jake
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Building Project Fund
Sunday School ~ Pre-K – 5th Grade
Story: Creation
Fellowship Time follows worship service
Monday, September 18
6:30 pm ~ Council meeting
Tuesday, September 19
10 am ~ Ladies Guild Bible Study
Wednesday, September 20
7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary
6:30 pm ~ Youth Group meeting
6:30 pm ~ Town Hall meeting – fellowship hall
Sunday, September 24
9:10 am ~ Pre-Service Prayer Time – Pastor’s office
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Jacob Porter
Offerings ~ HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Sunday School for Pre-K – 5th grade
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service ~ Hamilton Ref. Church
Worship Leader: Pastor Ron Lugten
Requested & Expanded Announcements
September 17, 2017
Noisy Offering ~ The Sunday School children have started the “noisy offering” and appreciate you giving your pocket change. For the months of September and October the children are collecting to purchase wheelchairs for Nigeria. The wheelchairs help people who are disabled by disease or war get around in their community. They also would like to purchase farm animals for various countries through the World Renew Gift Catalog. Help our Sunday School children purchase these items for others.
Pick-Up for Jesus Transportation ~ As a church we want to open our doors to children of the community to come on Sunday mornings to hear of Jesus love through Sunday School. We need willing adults to volunteer to pick-up children at their home on Sunday mornings, sit with them until dismissed for Sunday School and bring them home. If you would be willing to volunteer, please sign the sheet at the Welcome Table. We need to plant the seed of Jesus in these children.
Ladies Guild Bible Study begins this Tuesday, September 19 at 10 am in the Fellowship Hall. We will conclude last spring’s study of “Jesus, His Triumph Over Death”, lesson 5 and 6. We will begin our new study of Philippians the following Tuesday, September 26th with lesson 1. We will resume our regular schedule on Tuesday, October 17 and study lesson 2. All ladies are invited to join in this study.
Church Town Hall Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 20 at 6:30 pm. Everyone is encouraged to attend and be updated on Hamilton CRC.
Youth Group will be meeting on Wednesday, September 20 at 6:30 pm. We will be starting the Weird, Gross and True series. All youth are encouraged to attend. We meet in the youth room.
Fellowship Night will be Wednesday, September 27. A supper will be from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. Cadets and Youth Group will meet at 6:30 pm. The adults will be viewing and discussing That The World May Know DVD “Israel’s Mission” for the fellowship season. A nursery will be provided for little ones.
Small Group Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, October 3 at 7 pm at Max & Jan’s house. Our lesson is Praying Our Death, Psalm 90.
Boys’s Cadets ~ We will be meeting on Wednesday, September 27 at 6:30 pm at the clubhouse. This will be an information and get-acquainted meeting. All boys in grades 1st – 6th grade are encouraged to be part of this program where we study God’s Word, do fun projects and work on merit badges.
Youth Room Needs ~ If anyone has a way of redoing couches and chairs or knows of good used furniture please contact Zena Walters. The youth room needs an updated look before the season begins.
Love INC Heart-to-Heart Resale Store is in need of good used clothing, appliances and furniture. Donations may be brought to the store (4621 – 135th Avenue, Hamilton) Monday – Friday, 9:30 am – 5 pm and Saturday, 9:30 am – 2 pm. Your donations are very much appreciated.
World Renew Responds to Multiple Floods ~ In North America and globally, World Renew’s disaster response teams are reacting to destructive hurricanes and floods. You can help. In the United States, World Renew DRS is assisting survivors of Hurricane Irma in Florida and Hurricane Harvey in Texas. World Renew is also responding to flooding internationally in South Asia where 40 million people are affected in India, Bangladesh and Nepal. Please support those who are struggling and World Renew’s responses with your prayers. You can donate financially at worldnrew.net/floodingresponses or call 800.552.7972 to support those in urgent need.
Grant Me Hope Family FunFest Fundraiser will be held on Saturday, September 23 from 3 – 7 pm at the Holland Town Center. This event will include semi-truck show, carnival games, raffle, pig roast dinner, goody bags and admission to Historical Nelis’ Dutch Village. Through this fundraiser you can help Grant Me Hope reach their goal of $250,000 to help foster children and find adoptive families. You can find Grant Me Hope at Facebook, Youtube and at grantmehope.org.
New Hope Church ~ Last week you were asked to pray for Barb a founding member of New Hope who was dealing with cancer at the age of 55. The church of New Hope and family thank you for your prayers. Barb passed away last Sunday morning and the funeral service was held yesterday. Your prayers were very much appreciated and continue to pray for this family in the coming days.