Weekly Bulletin 2/14/6
Sunday, February 14, 2016
“O God, we seek you, indeed, we thirst for you as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. So we will bless you and call on your name (Psalm 63:1,4). Welcome to worship, where God quenches our spiritual thirst.”
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Jacob Porter
Gathering Praise
Welcome & Call to Worship
Praise Songs ~ Blessed Be Your Name
Awesome God ~ Your Name
God’s Greeting and Our Shared Greetings
Confession & Assurance ~ Psalm 147:2-3 ~ Joshua Linkous
Service of Profession of Faith and Baptism
Nicole Oetman, Judi Rice and Matt Thies
Noisy Offering ~ Sunday School project
Morning Prayer ~ Harley Elshuis
God’s Word ~ John 6:25-59 (pg. 1657)
Message l Look and See Jesus ~ The Bread of Life
Service of Communion and Food Offering
Offering Prayer ~ Dennis Burke
Tithes & Offerings | HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Faith Promise Mission Support
Offertory ~ O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
God’s Blessing
Sending Song ~ Lord, Have Mercy
Sending Praise
Prayer Ministry ~ Dennis Burke, Esther Vander Laan
6 pm – Evening Worship Service
Worship Leader: Rev. Judy Nelson
Message: Deep and Wide
Scripture: I John 2:29-3:24
Offering: Back to God International Ministry
Lent Communion Service ~ Today we begin our Lent journey to the Cross. This morning we will have the celebration of Holy Communion, everyone who confesses their sins and claim Jesus as their Lord is invited to participate. We will also have the celebration of baptism and profession of faith for Judi Rice and Matt Thies and professin of faith for Nicole Oetman.
Sunday School Classes will not meet today, but will have class next Sunday, February 21.
Evening Worship Service at 6 pm will be led by Rev. Judy Nelson who serves as a Corporate Chaplain at Tyson Foods in Zeeland and attended Western Theological Seminary with Pastor Jake. Before seminary Rev. Nelson worked in the public schools as a Speech Therapist and 5th grade teacher. Judy and her husband reside in Holland, enjoy their two grandchildren and have two more on the way. Judy enjoys preaching, teaching, being active out-of-doors, curling up with a good book and delving into relational church polity. Rev. Nelson, thank you for leading us in worship this evening.
Community Breakfast will be held on Saturday, February 20 at 8 am in the church fellowship hall. Everyone is invited for breakfast, fellowship and a time prayer.
Pinewood Derby Race ~ Join in on a great car race. The Cadets are looking for anyone to challenge them to the Pinewood Derby Race on Wednesday, February 24. Car kits are available on the Welcome Table. The Council will be serving a pizza supper from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. Race time is at 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall. Everyone is welcome.
Today: February 14 ~ Communion Service
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Jacob Porter
Offering: HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
Faith Promise Mission Support
6pm ~ Evening Worship Service ~ Rev. Judy Nelson
Offering: Back to God International Ministry
Monday, February 15
6:30 pm ~ Council meeting
Tuesday, February 16
3 – 5:30 pm ~ GATE After School Center
Wednesday, February 17
7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary
Thursday, February 18
3 – 5:30 pm ~ GATE After School Center
6:30 pm ~ Women’s Bible Study
Saturday, February 20
8 am ~ Community Breakfast in the fellowship hall
Sunday, February 21 ~ Morning Worship
9:15 am ~ Prayer Time in the Council Room
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Jacob Porter
Offering: HCRC Ministries and Building Fund
6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service ~
Offering: World Renew
Advance Notices
Tuesday, February 23 – 6 pm ~ Men’s Bible Study
Wednesday, February 24 – 8:30 am ~ Sr. Breakfast at
Hawk’s Nest Restaurant
Wednesday, February 24 – 5:30 – 7:30 pm ~ Fellowship Night
Thursday, February 25 – 7 pm ~ Men’s Bible Study
Requested & Expanded Announcements
February 14, 2016
Thank You so much for your generous offering! Your double commitment through your gifts of finances and the food pantry is making a huge impact in our community. Thank you for helping us in our ultimate goal of winning souls for Christ. Many thanks from Love INC
Men’s Bible Study will begin next week. One group will be meeting on Tuesday, February 23 at 6 pm and a second group will meet on Thursday, February 25 at 7 pm. We will be digging into the “Man Enough” by Nate Pyle. We have had such a good response to this that we are starting two groups. All men are welcome to join – contact Matt Thies for information.
Fellowship Breakfast will be starting up on Saturday, February 20 at 8 am. Everyone is invited to come for breakfast, a time of prayer and fellowship. We plan to meet each month on the third Saturday at 8 am in the church fellowship hall. Start your Saturday morning with a great breakfast and with prayer.
Fellowship Night and Pinewood Derby Race will be held on Wednesday, February 24. The Council will be serving a pizza supper from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. The race will follow at 6:30 pm. The Cadets invite everyone to be part of the race by building a car from the kits available on the Welcome Table.
Fellowship Night ~ The Youth Group has rescheduled their special dinner that was cancelled this past Wednesday to March 23.
Newsletter ~ Articles for the March church newsletter are due next Sunday, February 21 and may be placed in the newsletter box in the narthex.
Red Cross Blood Drive will be held at Hamilton Reformed Church on Thursday, February 18 from noon–5:45. For more information go to redcrossblood.org or call 1.800.RED CROSS.
Love In the Name of Christ of NW Allegan County is accepting applications for an Executive Director position. A copy of the position description is available on the website at www.loveincnwa.org. If interested in applying, please send your resume to execdirector@frontier.com by February 22, 2016. Keep the Love INC Board in your prayers as they seek to fill this position.
Love INC Pantry Needs ~ The Personal Needs Pantry at Hamilton Reformed Church is in need of paper towels, toilet paper, laundry detergent and fabric softener. Donations may be brought to the Hamilton Reformed Church, Monday – Friday, 8 am – 1 pm. The Baby Needs Pantry is in need of baby shampoo, baby lotion, formula, crib blankets and sheets. Donations may be brought to the Love INC office Monday –Friday, 9 am – 3 pm. Your donations to these pantries are greatly appreciated.
Community Concert Connections along with Lakeshore Pregnancy Center will present Get Real Women’s Conference with keynote author/speaker Jill Savage and artist/author Tammy Trent. The event will be February 19-20 at Community Reformed Church in Zeeland (corner of Felch St. 104th). Breakout sessions include various topics and local speakers. Women of all ages are welcome and will truly be blessed. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased at Iticket.com or by calling Community Reformed at 616.772.4907.
Summer Day Camp Counselors Needed ~ Do you enjoy time with kids? Applicants needed for 15 paid counselor positions to plan and lead activities at the 2016 Great Escape Summer Day Camp in Holland, serving kids 5-12 years old. Candidates should be outgoing, love children and have experience leading kids. College student studying Education or Youth Ministry, preferred. Assistant counselor positions available to high school seniors or 2016 graduates. Counselors shifts vary between 7:30 am – 6 pm, Monday through Friday starting June 13. A job description and application is available at www.neighborsplus.org. Questions can be emailed to greatescape@neighborsplus.org.
Everybody Belongs, Everybody Serves ~ This workshop will provide ways in which your church can support its work for and with person with disabilities. On February 23, 7 – 9 pm at Hope Church (77 East 11th Street Holland) attendees will be able to choose workshops on the Americans with Disabilities Act and what it means for churches, supporting persons with depression and anxiety, meeting the needs of children and youth with disabilities and meeting the needs of older persons requiring long-term care. This event is sponsored by West Michigan Disability Advocates from the RCA and CRC. There is no cost for attending this event.