Weekly Bulletin 4/23/17

Sunday, April 23, 2017

As we gather, we pray:  “Holy God, receive our worship, offered to the glory of your name.  Amen”

9:30 am ~ Community Morning Worship Celebration

at Hamilton Reformed Church

“Jesus Messiah” Cantata


 6 pm – Evening Worship Service at Hamilton CRC

 Worship Leader:  Rev. Tom Dekker


Thank you to those who came out to support the Love INC fundraiser at Crazy Horse Restaurant on April 11.  It was a great night, a lot of fun and the food was great too!  We thank each person who came to enjoy a meal as well as the employees at Crazy Horse, Love INC volunteers, staff and Board members who helped greet folks and bus tables.  Total amount raised was $2,442 as a result of people having a heart to reach others in need.  From the bottom of our hearts – thank you!

~ Love In the Name of Christ of NW Allegan County


Today ~ This morning we will worship with our brothers and sisters at Hamilton Reformed Church.

Sunday School Classes for Pre-K – 5th grade will meet next Sunday, April 30 and May 7.

Evening Service will be held at 6 pm at our church.  Rev. Tom Dekker of Hamilton Reformed Church will lead us in worship.

Next Sunday morning, April 30, we will have the installation service of our newly selected elders – Kurt Dykstra and Doug Wabeke and deacons – Jon Barnum and Ron Childs.

Small Group Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, April 25 at 7 pm at Berend & Nancy’s home.  We will be discussing lesson 2 on the Psalms.

Fellowship Night will be held Wednesday, April 26.  Supper will be served from 5:30 – 6:30 pm.

Newsletter Articles for the May Observer are due today and may be placed in the newsletter box in the narthex.

General Fund offering for April 2 was $5,425.00, the Building Fund offering was $175.00


Today:  April 23

9:30 am ~ Cantata at Hamilton Reformed Church

6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service at HCRC

Worship Leader:  Rev. Tom Dekker

Tuesday, April 25

7 pm ~ Small Group Bible Study

Wednesday,  April 26

7 am ~ Prayer Time in the sanctuary

8:30 am ~ Sr. Breakfast ~ Hawk’s Nest Restaurant

5:30 pm ~ Fellowship Night Supper


Friday, April 28

5 pm ~ Cadet Camp-Out – Cadet Building

Sunday,  April 30

9:30 am ~  Morning Worship Service ~ Rev. Jacob Porter

Installation Service of Elders and Deacons

6 pm ~ Evening Worship Service  ~ Hamilton CRC

                    Worship Leader:  Rev. Barry Lucas

Requested & Expanded Announcements

April 23, 2017

Newsletter ~ Articles and information for the May church newsletter are due April 23 and may be placed in the newsletter box in the narthex.

Association for a More Just Society invites you to a Celebration of Justice Dinner on Thursday, April 27 at 6:30 pm at the Frederik Meijer Gardens at 6:30 pm.  For more information see the flyer at the Welcome Table.  Building Hope, Growing Justice.  If you would like to be part of a table of 10 for this evening contact Doug Wabeke at (269.650.5117).

Cadets ~ Our spring camp-out will be on April 28-29.  We will meet at the clubhouse at 5 pm on Friday night, April 28.  Also we will be having Cadet Sunday at the morning service on May 7.

Ladies Guild Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, May 2 at 10 am in the church fellowship hall.  We will study lesson 4, Tried and Condemned.  All ladies are welcome; no lesson preparation needed.

Graduates ~ If you are graduating from high school or college for the 2016-2017 school year, please let the church office know so you can be added to the list of graduates.  If you have already been contacted by the church office your name is already on the list.  A graduation potluck will be held on May 21 at noon in the church fellowship hall to honor our graduates.

Open Position ~ The Love INC Heart–to-Heart Resale Store in Hamilton has a part-time opening for a store staff position.  A complete job description is available on the Love INC website of:  www.loveincnwa.org.  Please send a resume to Barry Lucas at:  loveincbl@frontier.com or mail to Love INC, 4621 – 135th Avenue Hamilton, Michigan  49419 – Attn:  Barry Lucas.  Application deadline is May 12.  For questions, contact Tammy Leutz at tammyleutz@gmail.com.

Lakeshore Little People’s Place is now enrolling for the Great Start Readiness Preschool (GSRP) for the 2017-2018 school year.  Your child must be 4 (but not five by September 1, 2017) and the family must meet the following income qualifications for free preschool (family of 2 under $40,600; family of 3 under $51,050; family of 4 under $61,500).  GSRP Preschool operates Monday thru Thursday from 8:45 am – 3:45 pm at the Hamilton South Side location (3362 M-40).  Wrap-around childcare is also available.  Contact Evette Stezowski at 269.264.1261 or llpp.hamiltonsouth@gmail.com.

Bible League Spring Luncheon will be held on Thursday, May 4 at 12 noon at Harderwyk CRC.  Lunch will be catered by James Street Inn and is $8 per person.  The speaker will be Jody Jacobsen who has worked several years with abused women and children in Capetown, South Africa.  For reservations contact Jan Van Dyke at 616.399.4549 by Monday, May 1.

Are You Going? The excitement is building as CRC members from all corners of the continent prepare to coverage in Detroit for Inspire 2017, August 3-5.  Come to worship, connect, learn and partner with others – like you – who are inspired to serve God in their local community.  Team up with others from your congregation and enjoy a group discount.  Visit crcna.org/Inspire2017 to register and see what you can expect.

Digital Library ~Earthwise:  A Guide to Hopeful Creation Care” is available free to all in the CRC through the Digital Library (crcna.org/Library).  In this book, creation care scientist Calvin B. DeWitt shows how we can regain a joyful, positive attitude about working together for good and living in harmony with creation.

Pray for Inspire 2017 ~ Inspire 2017 is a conference to connect people from across the 1,000+ churches in the Christian Reformed Church for three days of worship, workshops, speakers, and conversation.  As we plan and prepare for this event, happening August 3-5 in Detroit, Michigan, please join us in praying for the event and all who will attend.  This week, pray for the technical aspects of the event.  Pray that as the tech team plans and prepares, all will go smoothly, and that sound systems, presentations, communications tools, lights, instruments and all other tech related elements will work well during the whole event, allowing the focus to be on the messages shared through these systems.