Weekly Bulletin, 5/11/2014
Sunday, May 11, 2014
“Welcome to worship on Mother’s Day, as we offer thanksgiving and call on God’s name in the presence of our family of faith.”
9:30 am ~ Morning Worship Service
Worship Leader: Pastor John Byker
Gathering ~ Here I Am
Welcome & Opening Prayer
Standing On the Promises
Blessed Assurance
He Knows My Name
God’s Greeting & Our Shared Greetings
Service of Confession ~ Jake Porter
God’s Word ~ Psalm 103:17-18 ~ Laura Dykstra
MIssion Celebration ~ A Mother’s Tribute
Morning & Offertory Prayer ~ Matt Walters
God’s Tithe | HCRC Ministries & Building Fund
Offertory ~ How Deep the Father’s Love ~ Praise Team
God’s Word ~ Isaiah 49:31-21 (pg. 1139)
Message | Like a Mother
God’s Blessing
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
Sending Praise
Prayer Ministry ~ Matt Walters and Kathy Byker
6 pm – Evening Worship & Prayer Service
Worship Leader: Rev. John Byker
Scripture: Genesis 12:1-9
Meditation: Blessed to be a Blessing
Prayers for our Nation ~ Larry Meiste
Prayers for Crops & Industry ~ Berend Bergman
Prayers for Love INC / Food Pantry ~ Doug Wabeke
Prayers for God’s World ~ Jerry Prince
Prayers for Sick / Shut-in ~ Fred Mireles
Prayers for Hamilton CRC ~ Harley Elshuis
“As for me, far be it that I should sin against the Lord by failing
to pray for you.” I Sam. 12:23
Linda Prince will be having hip replacement surgery on Monday at Holland Hospital. Remember her in prayer through surgery and recovery.
Bill Fitts continues to be a patient at Spectrium Health in Grand Rapids following lung transplant surgery.
Jake Porter, our youth director, will be graduating from Western Theological Seminary on Monday night. We give thanks to God for this milestone in Jake’s life.
Morning Worship will be led by Pastor John with a message about God from Isaiah 49, “Like a Mother”.
Evening Worship at 6 pm will be a time of prayer led by our Council and a mediation, “Blessed to be a Blessing”.
Sunday School for Pre-K–8th grade meet today. On May 18 our Sunday School will lead our morning worship, with Pastor Jake leading this Youth Service, followed by a potluck in the fellowship hall.
Church Potluck will be held next Sunday, May 18 at 11:30 am in the church fellowship hall. We will be celebrating our high school and college graduates and thanking our Sunday School teachers. Bring a dish to pass (A-M cold dish; N-Z hot dish); table service, drinks and dessert will be provided.
Alpha Outreach meets Thursday, May 15, at 6 pm for a meal followed by the DVD “Does God Heal Today?”. There will be opportunity for prayers for healing. Invite someone.
Men’s Breakfast meets on Saturday, May 17 at 8 am. All men are invited to come for a great hot and hearty breakfast here. Jack Haveman of our local Moody Radio will share a testimony.
Garden Time ~ It’s that time of year again to start thinking about the Community Garden. For everyone who is interested we will have a 10-minute meeting after the morning service in the Council Room on Sunday, May 18 to get things “growin”.
Requested & Expanded Announcements
May 11, 2014
The Fellowship Team is planning a church potluck on Sunday, May 18 at 11:45. We will be honoring our high school and college graduates and the conclusion of the church school year. Those whose last names begin A-M, please bring a cold dish to share and N-Z names, bring a hot dish. Come and celebrate with your church family! Table service, beverage and dessert will be provided.
Reminder ~ If you need to borrow items from the church, please contact the church office first so that we know where the items are.
The Lion’s Club Community Chicken BBQ will be held on Wednesday, May 21 at the Hamilton Middle School cafeteria from 4:30 – 6:30 pm. Dine-in or take-out is available. Tickets in advance are available from Stan Gates. Thank you for your support of this community event.
Helpers are needed to serve breakfast at the Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast on May 26 in our church fellowship hall. If you can give a few hours that morning, sign-up in the fellowship hall.
Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast will be held in the church fellowship hall on May 26. Breakfast will be available from 7 – 9 am. Proceeds will be given to World Renew and Teen Life on Campus.
Hamilton’s 87th Memorial Day Parade will be held on May 26. The parade begins at the Hamilton Middle School and proceeds down 136th concluding at the Riverside Cemetery with a memorial service. You are invited to participant in the parade. Line-up begins at the Hamilton High School at 8 am with the parade starting at 9 am. Military Veterans are encouraged to be part of the parade. Come out and support this community parade and show your appreciation for the freedom we enjoy.
Community Vacation Bible School will be July 21-24 and we are looking for volunteers to fill positions to help lead the 200 plus children who attend every year. If you are interested in signing up for this year or next year contact Jake (pastorjake80@gmail.com) or Sue Nykamp (seding1@hamiltonschools.us)
Save Your Rolls for Love INC ~ This ministry is in need of your paper rolls (toilet paper, paper towels, gift wrap, etc.) for their LIFE Skills Children’s Ministry crafts projects. Please save your rolls and bring them to the Love INC office in Hamilton.
Volunteer Opportunity ~ Help is needed to prepare, serve and clean-up a simple meal for approximately 15 to 20 children on Thursday evenings at Haven Reformed Church for LIFE Skills clients through Love INC. On site time is approximately one hour (food prep can be done off-site). You can choose the frequency with which you provide and/or serve a meal. Contact Jean at loveincje@frontier.com or 269.751.2533.
Lakeshore Little People’s Place is excited to announce that they will be opening a new childcare site in Hamilton! The new center is located at 3362 M-40 next to The Trestle Stop restaurant. We plan to complete the licensing process in late summer and will be open for the new school year. This site will offer quality, affordable, Christian child care as well as expand Lakeshore Little People’s Place’s services and Christian outreach in the area. If you are interested in care for your child or employment opportunities, please call 616.399.9149 or email llpp.office@gmail.com.
Sambay, sambya, Ma! ~ Happy Mother’s Day in the Bambara language of Mali! As you celebrate the women in your life today, please include women like Louise Togo in Mali as they build healthy relationships and fight the spread of HIV and AIDS in poor communities around the world through World Missions.
Prayer Opportunities: Each Sunday at 9 am (Council Room), and each Wednesday at 7 am (Sanctuary). A Prayer Team is available for any prayer need after each morning service at the front of the sanctuary.
Spring Weather Policy ~ The policy of the Hamilton CRC for severe weather is that any church function is cancelled when a tornado watch or warning is still in effect for the Hamilton area (Allegan County) within one hour of the starting time for any church function. If possible cancellations will be announced on WOOD-TV8.